# COpenSSL [![Build Status](https://drone.cijber.net/api/badges/cijber/copenssl/status.svg)](https://drone.cijber.net/cijber/copenssl) An effort to make OpenSSL more accessible in PHP via FFI bindings. **⚠ WARNING:** If you just need a solution to encrypt and sign stuff please look at `libsodium`, COpenSSL is only meant to be used for in-depth crypto routines. --- ## Install ```bash composer install cijber/copenssl ``` ## Details Currently this library is implemented as needed. on the current roadmap is PKCS#7 support. BIO is almost fully implemented ## Headers `resources` contain the headers used for FFI, these are all concatenated into one string and then loaded in `Cijber\OpenSSL\Instance`. `resources/gen` contains `template.h` and `full.h`, `full.h` is a fully pre-processed header generated from `template.h` by running `gcc -E template.h > full.h`, this file helps with creating the headers needed for FFI