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namespace Cijber\OpenSSL;
use Cijber\OpenSSL;
use Cijber\OpenSSL\C\Memory;
use FFI;
class PKCS7 extends OpenSSL\C\CBackedObjectWithOwner
* NID_pkcs7
const NID = 20;
const NID_DATA = 21;
const NID_SIGNED = 22;
const NID_ENVELOPED = 23;
const NID_DIGEST = 25;
const NID_ENCRYPTED = 26;
* Verify with NID_ consts defined in Cijber\OpenSSL\PKCS7
* @return int
public function getType(): int
return $this->ffi->OBJ_obj2nid($this->cObj->type);
public function verify(string $plain): bool
$type = $this->getType();
if (!in_array($type, [PKCS7::NID_DIGEST, self::NID_SIGNED, self::NID_SIGNED_AND_ENVELOPED])) {
throw new \RuntimeException("Can only verify signed or digested data");
public function toDER(): string
$buf = $this->ffi->new("uint8_t*");
$ptr = FFI::addr($buf);
$len = $this->ffi->i2d_PKCS7($this->cObj, $ptr);
if ($len < 0) {
throw new \RuntimeException("Failed to create DER from PKCS7 object");
$val = FFI::string($buf, $len);
return $val;
public function freeObject()
public static function new(): PKCS7
$ffi = OpenSSL::getFFI();
$cObj = $ffi->PKCS7_new();
return new PKCS7($ffi, $cObj);
public static function loadFromDER(string $der): PKCS7
$ffi = OpenSSL::getFFI();
$derLen = strlen($der);
$mem = Memory::buffer($der);
$res = $ffi->d2i_PKCS7(null, $mem->pointer(), $derLen);
if ($res === null) {
throw new \RuntimeException("Failed loading DER");
return new static($ffi, $res);