0 && $path[0] !== '/') { throw new \RuntimeException("path should start with /"); } if ($parent->type !== self::TYPE_GROUP && $parent->type !== self::TYPE_ROOT) { throw new \RuntimeException("Can only add child routes to a group or root route"); } $route = new Route(); $parent->add($route); $route->path = $path; $route->fullPath = $parent->fullPath . $path; $route->type = $type; return $route; } static function group(Route $parent, string $path): Route { $route = static::new($parent, $path, self::TYPE_GROUP); $route->children = []; return $route; } /** * @param Route $parent * @param string $method * @param string $path * @param string $call * @return Route */ static function call(Route $parent, string $method, string $path, string $call): Route { $route = static::new($parent, $path, self::TYPE_CALL); $route->method = $method; $route->call = $call; return $route; } static function root(): Route { $route = new Route(); $route->type = self::TYPE_ROOT; $route->fullPath = $route->path = '/'; $route->children = []; return $route; } public function add(Route $child): void { if ($this->type !== self::TYPE_GROUP && $this->type !== self::TYPE_ROOT) { throw new \RuntimeException("Only a group route can have child routes"); } $this->children[] = $child; } private function json($value) { return json_encode($value, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); } public function compileRoute($var, $indent = 4): string { if ($this->type === self::TYPE_CALL) { return str_repeat(' ', $indent) . "${var}->map([" . $this->json($this->method) . "], " . $this->json($this->path) . ", " . $this->json($this->call) . ");"; } if ($this->type === self::TYPE_GROUP) { $name = "\$group" . strlen($this->fullPath); $code = str_repeat(' ', $indent) . "${var}->group(" . $this->json($this->path) . ", function (RouteCollectorProxy $name) {\n"; foreach ($this->children as $child) { $code .= $child->compileRoute($name, $indent + 4) . "\n"; } return $code . str_repeat(' ', $indent) . "});"; } if ($this->type === self::TYPE_ROOT) { $code = ''; foreach ($this->children as $child) { $code .= $child->compileRoute($var, $indent) . "\n"; } return $code; } throw new \RuntimeException("invalid type for route"); } }