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namespace CubiStore\Web\Utils;
class RouteCompiler
private $target;
private $root;
private $keys;
public function __construct($target = __DIR__ . '/../../var/cache/routes.php')
$this->target = $target;
$this->root = Route::root();
$this->keys = [];
public function addRoutes(array $routes, ?Route $target = null)
if ($target === null) {
$target = $this->root;
foreach ($routes as $route => $details) {
if (is_array($details)) {
$route = Route::group($target, $route);
$this->addRoutes($details, $route);
if (!is_string($details)) {
$parts = explode(':', $details, 2);
$this->keys[$parts[0]] = true;
if ($route[0] !== '/') {
Route::call($target, $route, '', $details);
Route::call($target, 'GET', $route, $details);
public function writeCache()
file_put_contents($this->target, $this->compile());
public function compile()
$keys = array_map(function ($item) {
return json_encode($item, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);
}, array_keys($this->keys));
$head = "<?php
namespace CubiStore\\Web\\Cache;
use CubiStore\\Web\\Utils\\ICompiledRoutes;
use Slim\\App;
use Slim\\Routing\\RouteCollectorProxy;
class CompiledRoutes implements ICompiledRoutes {
function configure(App \$app) {\n";
$tail = "
function getKeys(): array {
return [
" . implode(",\n" . str_repeat(' ', 12), $keys) . "
$configure = $this->root->compileRoute("\$app", 8);
return $head . $configure . $tail;