@ -5,27 +5,60 @@ This is the base image for the d.xr.to repo.
This image is a slimmed down version of the [`voidlinux/voidlinux-musl`](https://hub.docker.com/r/voidlinux/voidlinux-musl) image, from 66MB (or if you build an up-to-date image, 128MB), to no more than 20MB
# Packages
# Docker
The packages included are `toybox`, `xbps` and `bash`, also is `ncurses-base` included for the terminfo files.
# For the base install with toybox
docker pull d.xr.to/base
docker pull d.xr.to/base:toybox
# With the busybox toolbox
docker pull d.xr.to/base:busybox
# With the default toolbox
docker pull d.xr.to/base:default
# No toolbox
docker pull d.xr.to/base:none
# Toolboxes
There are 4 variants of the base image, all with different or no toolboxes, when none is provided `toybox` is used, when an empty string is provided `none` is used.
the `TOOLBOX` variable is used to specify which toolbox should be used
## `toybox`
Uses toybox for core utils, more info about toybox can be found here: https://landley.net/toybox/about.html
## `busybox`
Uses busybox for core utils, more info about busybox can be found here: https://www.busybox.net/
## `default`
Uses the default core utils, installed with a normal install of VoidLinux, the packages used are: `findutils`, `coreutils`, `diffutils`, `gawk`, `which`, `sed`, `gzip`, `file`, and `grep`
## `none`
This should create a non-hostile but light weight base environment
No core utils are installed at all.
# Variables
# Email address of maintainer
# Name of image
IMAGE ?= d.xr.to/base
# Arch to be used
ARCH ?= x86_64-musl
# Repo root url to be used (/musl will be appended in case of musl based arch)