
234 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use v5.15;
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
use Cwd qw(abs_path);
use List::Util qw(none any first);
use File::Basename;
use Getopt::Std;
my $dir = dirname(abs_path($0));
sub build {
my $options = pop @_;
my (@specified) = @_;
my @images = ();
if (!$options->{only}) {
@images = (@specified, get_dependencies(@specified, $options));
else {
@images = @specified;
my $graph = create_graph(@images, $options);
my @queue = keys %{$graph->{top}};
my %running = ();
while (scalar(@queue) > 0 or scalar(keys(%running)) > 0) {
if (scalar(keys(%running)) >= $options->{jobs} or (scalar(@queue) == 0 and scalar(keys(%running)) > 0)) {
my $pid = wait;
if (!$running{$pid}) {
if ($? != 0) {
print 'ERROR: Failed running build for '.$running{$pid}." with exit code ".($? >> 8)."\n";
} else {
print "INFO: Finished build for $running{$pid}\n";
if (defined($graph->{dict}{$running{$pid}})) {
my @add_queue = @{$graph->{dict}{$running{$pid}}};
@queue = (@queue, @add_queue);
delete $running{$pid};
if (my $job = shift @queue) {
print "INFO: Starting build for $job\n";
my $pid = fork;
if ($pid) {
$running{$pid} = $job;
else {
build_dockerfile("$dir/$job", $options->{repo} . "/${job}");
exit 1;
print "INFO: Done building!\n";
sub build_dockerfile {
my ($path, $tag) = @_;
exec "docker build -t $tag $path >/dev/null 2>/dev/null" or exit 1;
sub get_dependencies {
my $options = pop @_;
my (@specified) = @_;
my %dependencies = ();
while (my $image = shift @specified) {
my $parent = get_from($image) or next;
my ($repo, $name) = split '/', $parent, 2;
if ($options->{repo} ne $repo) {
if ($options->{exclude}{$name}) {
if (!-f "$dir/$name/Dockerfile") {
if (!$dependencies{$name}) {
$dependencies{$name} = 1;
push @specified, $name;
return keys %dependencies;
sub get_from {
state %cache = ();
my ($image) = @_;
if (!exists $cache{$image}) {
my $dockerfile = "$dir/$image/Dockerfile";
if (!-f $dockerfile) {return undef;}
open(my $df, '<', $dockerfile) or return undef;
$cache{$image} = first {$_} map {
} <$df>;
return $cache{$image}
sub create_graph {
my $options = pop @_;
my (@images) = @_;
my %top = ();
my %dict = ();
for my $image (@images) {
my $parent = get_from($image);
my ($repo, $name) = split('/', $parent, 2) if $parent;
if (!$parent or $repo ne $options->{repo} or $options->{exclude}{$name} or !-f "$dir/$name/Dockerfile") {
$top{$image} = 1;
else {
if (!$dict{$name}) {
$dict{$name} = ();
push @{$dict{$name}}, ($image);
return {top => {%top}, dict => {%dict}};
sub usage() {
print <<'HELP'
flavor [-h] [-r <repo>] [-x <images>] [-o] [-j <jobs>] [-p] [all|images...]
Build Docker images with dependency graphing
-x Comma separated list of images not to rebuild in chain
-o Only build given images, don't build parents
-r Which repo or prefix to use, default: d.xr.to
-p Push image after building
-j How many builds should run at the same time, default: 4
-h Show this help
sub MAIN() {
my $repo = 'd.xr.to';
my $push = 0;
my $jobs = 4;
my $only = 0;
my %exclude = ();
my @images = ();
my %opts;
getopts('hr:x:opj:', \%opts);
if (scalar(@ARGV) < 1 || $opts{'h'}) {
if ($opts{'p'}) {
$push = 1;
if ($opts{'r'}) {
$repo = $opts{'r'};
if ($opts{'j'}) {
$jobs = $opts{'j'};
if ($opts{'x'}) {
for (split(',', $opts{'x'})) {
$exclude{$_} = 1;
if ($opts{'o'}) {
$only = 1;
if (grep {$_ eq 'all'} @ARGV) {
if (scalar(@ARGV) > 1) {
print "ERROR: all and specific images given, either give all or a list of specific images\n";
exit 1;
if ($only) {
print "ERROR: -o and all are mutually exclusive\n";
exit 1;
@images = map {
} <$dir/*/Dockerfile>;
@images = grep {not $exclude{$_}} @images;
else {
@images = (@ARGV);
if (any {$exclude{$_}} @images) {
print "ERROR: Asked to exclude an image that's also specified to build\n";
exit 1;
print "INFO: building: " . join(', ', @images) . "\n";
build @images, { only => $only, exclude => { %exclude }, repo => $repo, jobs => $jobs };