@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ sub build {
my @queue = keys %{$graph->{top}};
my @done = ();
my %running = ();
my %running_by_name = ();
while (scalar(@queue) > 0 or scalar(keys(%running)) > 0) {
if (scalar(keys(%running)) >= $options->{jobs} or (scalar(@queue) == 0 and scalar(keys(%running)) > 0)) {
@ -37,24 +38,29 @@ sub build {
if (!$running{$pid}) {
my $curr = $running{$pid};
if ($? != 0) {
print 'ERROR: Failed running build for '.$running{$pid}." with exit code ".($? >> 8)."\n";
} else {
print "INFO: Finished build for $running{$pid}\n";
my $curr = $running{$pid};
push @done, ($curr);
if (defined($graph->{parents}{$curr})) {
for my $dependee (@{$graph->{parents}{$curr}}) {
my $inp = 0;
if (all {$inp=$_; any {$inp eq $_} @done} @{$graph->{dict}{$dependee}}) {
@queue = (@queue, ($dependee));
my $inp = 0;
if (defined($running_by_name{$dependee}) || any {$_ eq $dependee} (@done, @queue)) {
} else {
if (all {$inp=$_; any {$inp eq $_} @done} @{$graph->{dict}{$dependee}}) {
@queue = (@queue, ($dependee));
delete $running{$pid};
delete $running_by_name{$curr};
@ -63,6 +69,7 @@ sub build {
my $pid = fork;
if ($pid) {
$running_by_name{$job} = $pid;
$running{$pid} = $job;
else {
@ -81,6 +88,7 @@ sub build {
sub build_dockerfile {
my ($path, $tag, $job) = @_;
$job =~ s/\//./g;
exec "$builder build -t $tag $path > logs/$job.log 2>&1" or exit 1;
@ -143,10 +151,13 @@ sub create_graph {
while (my $image = shift @images) {
my @curr_parents = get_from($image);
print "DEBUG: $image depends on: " . join(" ", @curr_parents). "\n";
my $is_top = 1;
for my $parent (@curr_parents) {
print "DEBUG: $image depends on: " . join(" ", @curr_parents). "\n";
my $is_top = 1;
for my $parent (@curr_parents) {
my ($repo, $name) = split('/', $parent, 2) if $parent;
if (defined($parents{$name}) || any {$name} @images) {
if (!$parent or $repo ne $options->{repo} or $options->{exclude}{$name} or !-f "$dir/$name/Dockerfile") {
@ -252,10 +263,10 @@ sub MAIN() {
exit 1;
@images = map {
} <$dir/*"/Dockerfile">;
@images = map {
substr($1, length($dir))
} (<"$dir/*/Dockerfile">, <"$dir/*/*/Dockerfile">);
@images = grep {not $exclude{$_}} @images;