@ -728,6 +728,28 @@ impl Path {
pub fn with_extension<S: AsRef<OsStr>>(&self, extension: S) -> PathBuf {
/// Creates an owned [`PathBuf`] like `self` but with the given file name.
/// See [`PathBuf::set_file_name`] for more details.
/// [`PathBuf`]: struct.PathBuf.html
/// [`PathBuf::set_file_name`]: struct.PathBuf.html#method.set_file_name
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use async_std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
/// let path = Path::new("/tmp/foo.txt");
/// assert_eq!(path.with_file_name("bar.txt"), PathBuf::from("/tmp/bar.txt"));
/// let path = Path::new("/tmp");
/// assert_eq!(path.with_file_name("var"), PathBuf::from("/var"));
/// ```
pub fn with_file_name<S: AsRef<OsStr>>(&self, file_name: S) -> PathBuf {
impl<'a> From<&'a std::path::Path> for &'a Path {