@ -5,11 +5,6 @@ use std::future::Future;
use crate ::io ::{ self , Write } ;
use crate ::task ::{ spawn_blocking , Context , JoinHandle , Poll } ;
cfg_unstable ! {
use once_cell ::sync ::Lazy ;
use std ::io ::Write as _ ;
/// Constructs a new handle to the standard error of the current process.
/// This function is an async version of [`std::io::stderr`].
@ -58,22 +53,6 @@ pub fn stderr() -> Stderr {
#[ derive(Debug) ]
pub struct Stderr ( Mutex < State > ) ;
/// A locked reference to the Stderr handle.
/// This handle implements the [`Write`] traits, and is constructed via the [`Stderr::lock`]
/// method.
/// [`Write`]: trait.Read.html
/// [`Stderr::lock`]: struct.Stderr.html#method.lock
#[ cfg(feature = " unstable " ) ]
#[ cfg_attr(feature = " docs " , doc(cfg(unstable))) ]
#[ derive(Debug) ]
pub struct StderrLock < ' a > ( std ::io ::StderrLock < ' a > ) ;
#[ cfg(feature = " unstable " ) ]
#[ cfg_attr(feature = " docs " , doc(cfg(unstable))) ]
unsafe impl Send for StderrLock < ' _ > { }
/// The state of the asynchronous stderr.
/// The stderr can be either idle or busy performing an asynchronous operation.
@ -108,35 +87,6 @@ enum Operation {
Flush ( io ::Result < ( ) > ) ,
impl Stderr {
/// Locks this handle to the standard error stream, returning a writable guard.
/// The lock is released when the returned lock goes out of scope. The returned guard also implements the Write trait for writing data.
/// # Examples
/// ```no_run
/// # fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { async_std::task::block_on(async {
/// #
/// use async_std::io;
/// use async_std::prelude::*;
/// let stderr = io::stderr();
/// let mut handle = stderr.lock().await;
/// handle.write_all(b"hello world").await?;
/// #
/// # Ok(()) }) }
/// ```
#[ cfg_attr(feature = " docs " , doc(cfg(unstable))) ]
#[ cfg(any(feature = " unstable " , feature = " docs " )) ]
pub async fn lock ( & self ) -> StderrLock < ' static > {
static STDERR : Lazy < std ::io ::Stderr > = Lazy ::new ( std ::io ::stderr ) ;
spawn_blocking ( move | | StderrLock ( STDERR . lock ( ) ) ) . await
impl Write for Stderr {
fn poll_write (
mut self : Pin < & mut Self > ,
@ -239,23 +189,3 @@ cfg_windows! {
#[ cfg(feature = " unstable " ) ]
#[ cfg_attr(feature = " docs " , doc(cfg(unstable))) ]
impl io ::Write for StderrLock < ' _ > {
fn poll_write (
mut self : Pin < & mut Self > ,
_cx : & mut Context < ' _ > ,
buf : & [ u8 ] ,
) -> Poll < io ::Result < usize > > {
Poll ::Ready ( self . 0. write ( buf ) )
fn poll_flush ( mut self : Pin < & mut Self > , _cx : & mut Context < ' _ > ) -> Poll < io ::Result < ( ) > > {
Poll ::Ready ( self . 0. flush ( ) )
fn poll_close ( self : Pin < & mut Self > , cx : & mut Context < ' _ > ) -> Poll < io ::Result < ( ) > > {
self . poll_flush ( cx )