plugins { id 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.multiplatform' version '1.3.50' } repositories { mavenCentral() } group 'net.cijber' version '0.0.1' apply plugin: 'maven-publish' kotlin { jvm() js { browser { } nodejs { } } // For ARM, should be changed to iosArm32 or iosArm64 // For Linux, should be changed to e.g. linuxX64 // For MacOS, should be changed to e.g. macosX64 // For Windows, should be changed to e.g. mingwX64 linuxX64("linux") sourceSets { commonMain { dependencies { implementation kotlin('stdlib-common') } } commonTest { dependencies { implementation kotlin('test-common') implementation kotlin('test-annotations-common') } } jvmMain { dependencies { implementation kotlin('stdlib-jdk8') } } jvmTest { dependencies { implementation kotlin('test') implementation kotlin('test-junit') } } linuxMain { } linuxTest { } } }