You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package me.eater.threedom.utils
import me.eater.threedom.dom.IDocument
import me.eater.threedom.dom.INode
import me.eater.threedom.utils.joml.Vector3d
import me.eater.threedom.utils.joml.compareTo
import me.eater.threedom.utils.joml.getTranslation
import org.joml.Vector3dc
class KDTree(private val document: IDocument, private var root: Node = Node(Vector3d(0, 0, 0))) {
private val nodeLocMap = mutableMapOf<Long, Vector3dc>()
class Node(
val vertex: Vector3dc = Vector3d(0, 0, 0),
val nodeIds: MutableSet<Long> = mutableSetOf(),
val depth: Long = 0,
val branches: Array<Node?> = Array(3) { null }
) {
val axis: Int
get() = (depth % 3).toInt()
val median: Double
get() = vertex[axis]
val left: Node?
get() = branches[0]
val middle: Node?
get() = branches[1]
val right: Node?
get() = branches[2]
fun add(translation: Vector3dc, nodeId: Long) {
var current = this
while (true) {
if (translation == current.vertex) {
val branch = 1 + translation[current.axis].compareTo(current.vertex[current.axis])
if (current.branches[branch] == null) {
current.branches[branch] = Node(translation, mutableSetOf(nodeId), current.depth + 1)
} else {
current = current.branches[branch]!!
fun remove(translation: Vector3dc, nodeId: Long) {
fun findInRegion(pointA: Vector3dc, pointB: Vector3dc) = sequence<Long> {
var current: Node? = this@Node
val selection = mutableListOf<Node>()
while (current != null) {
if (pointA <= current.vertex && current.vertex <= pointB) {
if (pointA[current.axis] < current.median) {
if (pointA[current.axis] <= current.median && current.median <= pointB[current.axis]) {
if (pointB[current.axis] > current.median) {
current = selection.firstOrNull()?.apply { selection.removeAt(0) }
fun find(translation: Vector3dc): Node? {
var current: Node? = this
while (current != null) {
if (translation == current.vertex) {
return current
current = current.branches[1 + translation[current.axis].compareTo(current.vertex[current.axis])]
return null
companion object {
fun create(nodes: Collection<INode<*>>, depth: Long = 0): Node =
create(nodes.groupBy({ it.absolute.getTranslation() }) { it.nodeId } as Map<Vector3dc, Collection<Long>>,
fun create(nodes: Map<Vector3dc, Collection<Long>>, depth: Long = 0): Node {
if (nodes.isEmpty()) {
return Node()
if (nodes.size == 1) {
val (loc, onlyNodes) = nodes.entries.first()
return Node(loc, onlyNodes.toMutableSet())
val axis: Int = (depth % 3).toInt()
val sorted = nodes.keys.sortedBy { it[axis] }.toMutableList()
val median = sorted.size / 2
val selected = sorted[median]
val branches: Array<MutableMap<Vector3dc, Collection<Long>>> =
arrayOf(mutableMapOf(), mutableMapOf(), mutableMapOf())
for (item in sorted) {
nodes[item]?.let { branches[1 + item[axis].compareTo(selected[axis])][item] = it }
return Node(
nodes[selected]?.toMutableSet() ?: mutableSetOf(),
depth, { Node.create(it, depth + 1) }.toTypedArray()
constructor(document: IDocument, nodes: Collection<INode<*>>) : this(document, Node.create(nodes))
fun add(node: INode<*>) {
val vec = node.absolute.getTranslation()
nodeLocMap[node.nodeId] = vec
root.add(vec, node.nodeId)
fun remove(node: INode<*>) {
root.remove(node.absolute.getTranslation(), node.nodeId)
fun find(vertex: Vector3dc) = root.find(vertex)?.nodeIds?.mapNotNull(document::getNodeByNodeId) ?: emptyList()
fun findInRegion(pointA: Vector3dc, pointB: Vector3dc) =
root.findInRegion(pointA, pointB).mapNotNull(document::getNodeByNodeId)
fun update(node: INode<*>) {
nodeLocMap[node.nodeId]?.let { root.remove(it, node.nodeId) }
fun rebalance() {
root = Node.create(nodeLocMap.entries.groupBy({ it.value }) { it.key })