You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

40 lines
1.1 KiB

val items = listOf("xyzw", "rgba", "stpq").map { it.toCharArray() }
val map = mutableMapOf<Int, MutableSet<List<Int>>>()
for (firstChar in 0..3) {
for (secondChar in 0..3) {
val char2 = listOf(firstChar, secondChar)
map.getOrPut(char2.max()!!, ::mutableSetOf).add(char2)
for (thirdChar in 0..3) {
val char3 = listOf(firstChar, secondChar, thirdChar)
map.getOrPut(char3.max()!!, ::mutableSetOf)
for (fourth in 0..3) {
val char4 = listOf(firstChar, secondChar, thirdChar, fourth)
map.getOrPut(char4.max()!!, ::mutableSetOf)
for ((dim, nrs) in map) {
if (dim != 1) {
println("Vec${maxOf(dim + 1, 2)} ->")
for (item in nrs) {
for (set in items) {
" val ${"")}\n get() = KVec${item.size}(${[0]::get)