use crate::utils::get_uid_by_username; use anyhow::{Context, Error}; use config::{Config, File, FileFormat, Value}; use serde::de::Visitor; use serde::{de, Deserialize, Deserializer, Serialize, Serializer}; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::fmt::{Debug, Display, Formatter}; use std::str::FromStr; #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Clone, Debug)] pub struct InstanceConfig { pub name: String, pub arch: String, pub chipset: String, pub kvm: bool, pub auto_start: bool, pub memory: u64, pub cpu: CpuConfig, pub disks: Vec, pub uefi: UefiConfig, pub vfio: Vec, pub looking_glass: LookingGlassConfig, pub scream: ScreamConfig, pub pulse: PulseConfig, pub spice: SpiceConfig, } impl InstanceConfig { pub fn from_toml(toml: &str) -> Result { let toml = Config::new().with_merged(File::from_str(toml, FileFormat::Toml))?; Self::from_config(toml) } pub fn from_config(config: Config) -> Result { let mut instance_config = InstanceConfig::default(); if let Ok(name) = config.get_str("") { = name } if let Ok(kvm) = config.get::("machine.kvm") { instance_config.kvm = kvm.into_bool().context("machine.kvm should be a boolean")?; } if let Ok(mem) = config.get::("machine.memory") { let mem = mem .into_str() .context("machine.memory should be a string or number")?; instance_config.memory = parse_size(&mem)?; } if let Ok(auto_start) = config.get_bool("") { instance_config.auto_start = auto_start; } if let Ok(cpu) = config.get_table("cpu") { instance_config.cpu.apply_table(cpu)? } if let Ok(disks) = config.get::("disk") { let arr = disks.into_array().context("disk should be an array")?; for (i, disk) in arr.into_iter().enumerate() { let table = disk .into_table() .with_context(|| format!("disk[{}] should be a table", i))?; instance_config.disks.push(DiskConfig::from_table(table)?); } } if let Ok(uefi) = config.get_table("uefi") { instance_config.uefi.apply_table(uefi)?; } if let Ok(vfio) = config.get::("vfio") { let arr = vfio.into_array().context("vfio should be an array")?; for (i, disk) in arr.into_iter().enumerate() { let table = disk .into_table() .with_context(|| format!("vfio[{}] should be a table", i))?; instance_config.vfio.push(VfioConfig::from_table(table)?); } } instance_config.looking_glass = LookingGlassConfig::from_table(config.get_table("looking-glass").unwrap_or_default())?; instance_config.scream = ScreamConfig::from_table(config.get_table("scream").unwrap_or_default())?; instance_config.spice = SpiceConfig::from_table(config.get_table("spice").unwrap_or_default())?; instance_config.pulse = PulseConfig::from_table(config.get_table("pulse").unwrap_or_default())?; if let Ok(features) = config.get::>("machine.features") { for feature in features { match feature.as_str() { "looking-glass" => instance_config.looking_glass.enabled = true, "spice" => instance_config.spice.enabled = true, "scream" => instance_config.scream.enabled = true, "uefi" => instance_config.uefi.enabled = true, "pulse" => instance_config.pulse.enabled = true, _ => {} } } } Ok(instance_config) } } impl Default for InstanceConfig { fn default() -> Self { InstanceConfig { name: "vore".to_string(), arch: std::env::consts::ARCH.to_string(), chipset: "q35".to_string(), kvm: true, auto_start: false, // 2 GB memory: 2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024, cpu: Default::default(), disks: vec![], uefi: Default::default(), vfio: vec![], looking_glass: Default::default(), scream: Default::default(), pulse: Default::default(), spice: Default::default(), } } } #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Clone, Debug)] pub struct CpuConfig { pub amount: u64, pub cores: u64, pub threads: u64, pub dies: u64, pub sockets: u64, } impl Default for CpuConfig { fn default() -> Self { CpuConfig { amount: 4, cores: 2, threads: 2, dies: 1, sockets: 1, } } } fn get_positive_number_from_table( table: &HashMap, key: &str, prefix: &str, ) -> Result, Error> { table .get(key) .cloned() .map(|x| { x.into_int() .with_context(|| format!("Failed to parse {}.{} as number", prefix, key)) .and_then(|x| { Some(x) .filter(|x| !x.is_negative()) .map(|x| x as u64) .ok_or_else(|| { anyhow::Error::msg(format!("{}.{} can't be negative", prefix, key)) }) }) }) .transpose() } impl CpuConfig { fn apply_table(&mut self, table: HashMap) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> { if let Some(amount) = get_positive_number_from_table(&table, "amount", "cpu")? { self.amount = amount; } if let Some(cores) = get_positive_number_from_table(&table, "cores", "cpu")? { self.cores = cores; } if let Some(threads) = get_positive_number_from_table(&table, "threads", "cpu")? { self.threads = threads; } if let Some(dies) = get_positive_number_from_table(&table, "dies", "cpu")? { self.dies = dies; } if let Some(sockets) = get_positive_number_from_table(&table, "sockets", "cpu")? { self.sockets = sockets; } if !table.contains_key("amount") { self.amount = self.sockets * self.dies * self.cores * self.threads; } else if table .keys() .any(|x| ["cores", "sockets", "dies", "threads"].contains(&x.as_str())) { let calc_amount = self.sockets * self.dies * self.cores * self.threads; if self.amount != calc_amount { return Err(anyhow::Error::msg(format!("Amount of cpu's ({}) from sockets ({}), dies ({}), cores ({}) and threads ({}) differs from specified ({}) cpu's", calc_amount, self.sockets, self.dies, self.cores, self.threads, self.amount))); } } else if (self.amount % 2) == 0 { self.cores = self.amount / 2; } else { self.threads = 1; self.cores = self.amount; } Ok(()) } } fn parse_size(orig_input: &str) -> Result { let input = orig_input.to_string().to_lowercase().replace(" ", ""); let mut input = input.strip_suffix("b").unwrap_or(&input); let mut modifier: u64 = 1; if input.chars().last().unwrap_or('_').is_alphabetic() { modifier = match input.chars().last().unwrap() { 'k' => { return Err(anyhow::Error::msg( "size can only be specified in megabytes or larger", )); } 'm' => 1, 'g' => 1024, 't' => 1024 * 1024, _ => { return Err(anyhow::Error::msg(format!( "'{}' is not a valid size", orig_input ))); } }; input = &input[..input.len() - 1]; } if input.is_empty() { return Err(anyhow::Error::msg(format!( "'{}' is not a valid size", orig_input ))); } u64::from_str(input) .context(format!("'{}' is not a valid size", orig_input)) .map(|x| x * modifier) } #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Clone, Debug)] pub struct UefiConfig { pub enabled: bool, } impl Default for UefiConfig { fn default() -> Self { UefiConfig { enabled: false } } } impl UefiConfig { fn apply_table(&mut self, table: HashMap) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> { if let Some(enabled) = table .get("enabled") .cloned() .map(|x| x.into_bool().context("eufi.enabled should be a boolean")) .transpose()? { self.enabled = enabled } Ok(()) } } #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Clone, Debug)] pub struct ScreamConfig { pub enabled: bool, pub mem_path: String, pub buffer_size: u64, } impl ScreamConfig { pub fn from_table(table: HashMap) -> Result { let mut cfg = ScreamConfig::default(); if let Some(enabled) = table.get("enabled").cloned() { cfg.enabled = enabled.into_bool()?; } if let Some(mem_path) = table.get("mem-path").cloned() { cfg.mem_path = mem_path.into_str()?; } if let Some(buffer_size) = table.get("buffer-size").cloned() { cfg.buffer_size = buffer_size.into_int()? as u64; } Ok(cfg) } } impl Default for ScreamConfig { fn default() -> Self { ScreamConfig { enabled: false, mem_path: "".to_string(), buffer_size: 2097152, } } } #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Clone, Debug)] pub struct LookingGlassConfig { pub enabled: bool, pub mem_path: String, pub buffer_size: u64, pub width: u64, pub height: u64, pub bit_depth: u64, } impl Default for LookingGlassConfig { fn default() -> Self { LookingGlassConfig { enabled: false, mem_path: "".to_string(), buffer_size: 0, width: 1920, height: 1080, bit_depth: 8, } } } impl LookingGlassConfig { pub fn calc_buffer_size_from_screen(&mut self) { // // // required memory size is // // height * width * 4 * 2 + 2mb // // And shared memory size needs to be a power off 2 // let mut minimum_needed = self.width * self.height * (((self.bit_depth * 4) as f64 / 8f64).ceil() as u64); // 2 frames minimum_needed *= 2; // Add additional 2mb minimum_needed += 2 * 1024 * 1024; self.set_buffer_size(minimum_needed); } pub fn set_buffer_size(&mut self, wanted: u64) { let mut i = 1; let mut buffer_size = 1; while buffer_size <= wanted { i += 1; buffer_size = 2u64.pow(i); } self.buffer_size = buffer_size; } pub fn from_table(table: HashMap) -> Result { let mut cfg = LookingGlassConfig::default(); if let Some(enabled) = table.get("enabled").cloned() { cfg.enabled = enabled.into_bool()?; } if let Some(mem_path) = table.get("mem-path").cloned() { cfg.mem_path = mem_path.into_str()?; } match (table.get("buffer-size").cloned(), table.get("width").cloned(), table.get("height").cloned()) { (Some(buffer_size), None, None) => { cfg.set_buffer_size(buffer_size.into_int()? as u64); } (None, Some(width), Some(height)) => { let width = width.into_int()? as u64; let height = height.into_int()? as u64; let bit_depth = table.get("bit-depth").cloned().map_or(Ok(cfg.bit_depth), |x| x.into_int().map(|x| x as u64))?; cfg.bit_depth = bit_depth; cfg.width = width; cfg.height = height; cfg.calc_buffer_size_from_screen(); } (None, None, None) => { cfg.calc_buffer_size_from_screen() } _ => anyhow::bail!("for looking-glass either width and height need to be set or buffer-size should be set") } Ok(cfg) } } #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Clone, Debug)] pub struct DiskConfig { pub disk_type: String, pub preset: String, pub path: String, pub read_only: bool, } impl DiskConfig { pub fn from_table(table: HashMap) -> Result { let path = table .get("path") .cloned() .ok_or_else(|| anyhow::Error::msg("Disk needs a path"))? .into_str() .context("Disk path must be a string")?; let disk_type = if let Some(disk_type) = table.get("type").cloned() { disk_type.into_str()? } else { (kiam::when! { path.starts_with("/dev") | path.ends_with(".iso") => "raw", path.ends_with(".qcow2") => "qcow2", _ => return Err(anyhow::Error::msg("Can't figure out from path what type of disk driver should be used")) }).to_string() }; let preset = table .get("preset") .cloned() .context("Every disk should have a preset set")? .into_str()?; let read_only = table .get("read-only") .cloned() .map(|x| x.into_bool()) .transpose() .context("Failed to read read-only as boolean from config")? .unwrap_or(false); let disk = DiskConfig { disk_type, preset, path, read_only, }; Ok(disk) } } #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Clone, Debug)] pub struct VfioConfig { pub address: PciAddress, pub vendor: Option, pub device: Option, pub index: u32, pub graphics: bool, pub multifunction: bool, pub reserve: bool, } pub fn read_pci_ids(addr: &PciAddress) -> Result<(u32, u32), anyhow::Error> { let device = std::fs::read_to_string(format!("/sys/bus/pci/devices/{:#}/device", addr)) .with_context(|| { format!( "Failed to read the device id of PCI device at {:#} ({})", addr, format!("/sys/bus/pci/devices/{:#}/device", addr) ) })?; let found_device = u32::from_str_radix(device.trim_start_matches("0x").trim_end(), 16)?; let vendor = std::fs::read_to_string(format!("/sys/bus/pci/devices/{:#}/vendor", addr)) .with_context(|| { format!( "Failed to read the vendor id of PCI device at {:#} ({})", addr, format!("/sys/bus/pci/devices/{:#}/vendor", addr) ) })?; let found_vendor = u32::from_str_radix(vendor.trim_start_matches("0x").trim_end(), 16)?; Ok((found_vendor, found_device)) } impl VfioConfig { pub fn from_table(table: HashMap) -> Result { let mut address = table .get("addr") .or_else(|| table.get("address")) .cloned() .map(|x| PciAddress::from_str(&x.into_str()?)) .transpose()?; let vendor = table .get("vendor") .cloned() .map(|x| x.into_int().map(|x| x as u32)) .transpose()?; let device = table .get("device") .cloned() .map(|x| x.into_int().map(|x| x as u32)) .transpose()?; let index = table .get("index") .cloned() .map(|x| x.into_int().map(|x| x as u32)) .transpose()? .unwrap_or(0); let address = match (address, vendor, device) { (Some(addr), vendor, device) => { let (found_vendor, found_device) = read_pci_ids(&addr)?; if let Some(device) = device { if device != found_device { anyhow::bail!( "VFIO expects a PCI device on address {} with the device id {:#04x} but found the id {:#04x} instead", addr, device, found_device ) } } if let Some(vendor) = vendor { if vendor != found_vendor { anyhow::bail!( "VFIO expects a PCI device on address {} with the vendor id {:#04x} but found the id {:#04x} instead", addr, vendor, found_vendor ) } } addr } (None, Some(vendor), Some(device)) => { let mut counter = index; let mut items: Vec<(PciAddress, u32, u32)> = vec![]; for entry in std::fs::read_dir("/sys/bus/pci/devices")? { let entry = entry?; let file_name = entry.file_name(); let addr_name = file_name .to_str() .ok_or_else(|| anyhow::anyhow!("Failed to parse PCI device name"))?; let addr = PciAddress::from_str(addr_name)?; let (found_vendor, found_device) = read_pci_ids(&addr)?; items.push((addr, found_vendor, found_device)); } items.sort_by_key(|&(addr, _, _)| addr); for (addr, found_vendor, found_device) in items { if found_vendor == vendor && found_device == device { if counter == 0 { address = Some(addr); break; } counter -= 1; } } if let Some(address) = address { address } else { anyhow::bail!( "Can't find {}th PCI device with vendor id {:#04x} and device id {:#04x}", index + 1, vendor, device ) } } _ => anyhow::bail!("VFIO element needs either vendor and device or address to be set"), }; let mut cfg = VfioConfig { address, vendor: None, device: None, index: 0, graphics: false, multifunction: false, reserve: false, }; if let Some(graphics) = table.get("graphics").cloned() { = graphics.into_bool()?; } if let Some(multifunction) = table.get("multifunction").cloned() { cfg.multifunction = multifunction.into_bool()?; } if let Some(reserve) = table.get("reserve").cloned() { cfg.reserve = reserve.into_bool()?; } Ok(cfg) } } #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Clone, Debug, Default)] pub struct PulseConfig { pub enabled: bool, pub socket_path: String, pub user: String, pub user_uid: u32, } impl PulseConfig { pub fn from_table(table: HashMap) -> Result { let mut cfg = PulseConfig { enabled: false, socket_path: "".to_string(), user: "#1000".to_string(), user_uid: 1000, }; if let Some(enabled) = table.get("enabled").cloned() { cfg.enabled = enabled.into_bool()?; } if let Some(socket_path) = table.get("socket-path").cloned() { cfg.socket_path = socket_path.into_str()?; } if let Some(user) = table.get("user").cloned() { cfg.user = user.into_str()?; } if cfg.socket_path.is_empty() { if let Some(number) = cfg.user.strip_prefix('#') { cfg.user_uid = u32::from_str(number).with_context(|| { format!("Couldn't parse {} as number (for pulse.user)", number) })?; } else { cfg.user_uid = get_uid_by_username(&cfg.user)?; } } Ok(cfg) } } #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Clone, Debug, Default)] pub struct SpiceConfig { pub enabled: bool, pub socket_path: String, } impl SpiceConfig { pub fn from_table(table: HashMap) -> Result { let mut cfg = SpiceConfig { enabled: false, socket_path: "".to_string(), }; if let Some(enabled) = table.get("enabled").cloned() { cfg.enabled = enabled.into_bool()?; } if let Some(socket_path) = table.get("socket-path").cloned() { cfg.socket_path = socket_path.into_str()?; } Ok(cfg) } } #[derive(Default, Copy, Clone, Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct PciAddress { domain: u32, bus: u8, slot: u8, func: u8, } impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for PciAddress { fn deserialize(deserializer: D) -> Result>::Error> where D: Deserializer<'de>, { struct X; impl Visitor<'_> for X { type Value = String; fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { formatter.write_str("Expecting a string") } fn visit_str(self, v: &str) -> Result where E: de::Error, { Ok(v.to_string()) } fn visit_string(self, v: String) -> Result { Ok(v) } } let x = deserializer.deserialize_string(X)?; PciAddress::from_str(&x).map_err(de::Error::custom) } } impl Serialize for PciAddress { fn serialize(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<::Ok, ::Error> where S: Serializer, { serializer.serialize_str(&self.to_pci_string()) } } impl PciAddress { fn to_pci_string(&self) -> String { format!( "{:04x}:{:02x}:{:02x}.{:x}", self.domain, self.bus, self.slot, self.func ) } } impl Debug for PciAddress { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { f.write_str("PCIAddress(")?; if f.alternate() && self.domain == 0 { f.write_str(&format!("{:04x}:", self.domain))?; } f.write_str(&format!( "{:02x}:{:02x}.{:x}", self.bus, self.slot, self.func ))?; f.write_str(")") } } impl Display for PciAddress { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { if f.alternate() && self.domain == 0 { f.write_str(&format!("{:04x}:", self.domain))?; } f.write_str(&format!( "{:02x}:{:02x}.{:x}", self.bus, self.slot, self.func )) } } impl FromStr for PciAddress { type Err = anyhow::Error; fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result { let mut rev = s.rsplit(':'); let mut addr = PciAddress::default(); if let Some(slot_and_func) = { let mut splitter = slot_and_func.split('.'); if let Some(slot) = { addr.slot = u8::from_str_radix(slot, 16)?; } if let Some(func) = { addr.func = u8::from_str_radix(func, 16)?; } } if let Some(bus) = { addr.bus = u8::from_str_radix(bus, 16)?; } if let Some(domain) = { addr.domain = u32::from_str_radix(domain, 16)?; } Ok(addr) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use crate::PciAddress; use std::str::FromStr; #[test] fn test_input_and_output_are_same() { assert_eq!( PciAddress::from_str("0000:00:00.1") .expect("Failed to parse correct string") .to_string(), "0000:00:00.1" ); assert_eq!( PciAddress::from_str("0000:00:01.0") .expect("Failed to parse correct string") .to_string(), "0000:00:01.0" ); } }