First try at handling target magic

This commit is contained in:
scrawl 2013-11-28 17:31:17 +01:00
parent e7ad503e30
commit 076cc9230b
5 changed files with 111 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ namespace MWBase
virtual void castSpell (const MWWorld::Ptr& actor) = 0;
virtual void launchProjectile (const std::string& id, const ESM::EffectList& effects,
virtual void launchProjectile (const std::string& id, bool stack, const ESM::EffectList& effects,
const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, const std::string& sourceName) = 0;

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@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ namespace MWMechanics
inflict(mTarget, mCaster, enchantment->mEffects, ESM::RT_Touch);
MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->launchProjectile(mId, enchantment->mEffects, mCaster, mSourceName);
MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->launchProjectile(mId, false, enchantment->mEffects, mCaster, mSourceName);
return true;
@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ namespace MWMechanics
MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->launchProjectile(mId, spell->mEffects, mCaster, mSourceName);
MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->launchProjectile(mId, false, spell->mEffects, mCaster, mSourceName);
return true;

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@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ namespace MWMechanics
MWWorld::Ptr mCaster;
MWWorld::Ptr mTarget;
bool mStack;
std::string mId; // ID of spell, potion, item etc
std::string mSourceName; // Display name for spell, potion, etc

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@ -804,6 +804,8 @@ namespace MWWorld
return MWWorld::Ptr ();
MWWorld::Ptr object = searchPtrViaHandle (result.second);
if (object.isEmpty())
return object;
float ActivationDistance;
if (MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->isConsoleMode())
@ -895,15 +897,16 @@ namespace MWWorld
copyObjectToCell(ptr, newCell, pos);
else if (!mWorldScene->isCellActive(newCell))
.copyToCell(ptr, newCell)
removeContainerScripts (ptr);
haveToMove = false;
MWWorld::Ptr newPtr = MWWorld::Class::get(ptr)
.copyToCell(ptr, newCell);
objectLeftActiveCell(ptr, newPtr);
@ -1292,7 +1295,8 @@ namespace MWWorld
mWorldScene->update (duration, paused);
doPhysics (duration);
if (!paused)
doPhysics (duration);
performUpdateSceneQueries ();
@ -2066,11 +2070,12 @@ namespace MWWorld
void World::launchProjectile (const std::string& id, const ESM::EffectList& effects,
void World::launchProjectile (const std::string& id, bool stack, const ESM::EffectList& effects,
const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, const std::string& sourceName)
std::string projectileModel;
std::string sound;
float speed = 0;
for (std::vector<ESM::ENAMstruct>::const_iterator iter (effects.mList.begin());
iter!=effects.mList.end(); ++iter)
@ -2091,18 +2096,20 @@ namespace MWWorld
sound = schools[magicEffect->mData.mSchool] + " bolt";
speed = magicEffect->mData.mSpeed;
if (projectileModel.empty())
// Spawn at 0.75 * ActorHeight
float height = mPhysEngine->getCharacter(actor.getRefData().getHandle())->getHalfExtents().z * 2 * 0.75;
MWWorld::ManualRef ref(getStore(), projectileModel);
ESM::Position pos;
pos.pos[0] = actor.getRefData().getPosition().pos[0];
pos.pos[1] = actor.getRefData().getPosition().pos[1];
pos.pos[2] = actor.getRefData().getPosition().pos[2];
pos.pos[2] = actor.getRefData().getPosition().pos[2] + height;
pos.rot[0] = actor.getRefData().getPosition().rot[0];
pos.rot[1] = actor.getRefData().getPosition().rot[1];
pos.rot[2] = actor.getRefData().getPosition().rot[2];
@ -2113,6 +2120,9 @@ namespace MWWorld
state.mSourceName = sourceName;
state.mId = id;
state.mActorHandle = actor.getRefData().getHandle();
state.mSpeed = speed;
state.mEffects = effects;
state.mStack = stack;
MWBase::SoundManager *sndMgr = MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager();
sndMgr->playSound3D(ptr, sound, 1.0f, 1.0f);
@ -2122,6 +2132,7 @@ namespace MWWorld
void World::moveProjectiles(float duration)
std::map<std::string, ProjectileState> moved;
for (std::map<MWWorld::Ptr, ProjectileState>::iterator it = mProjectiles.begin(); it != mProjectiles.end();)
if (!mWorldScene->isCellActive(*it->first.getCell()))
@ -2129,9 +2140,83 @@ namespace MWWorld
// TODO: Move
//moveObject(it->first, newPos.x, newPos.y, newPos.z);
MWWorld::Ptr ptr = it->first;
Ogre::Vector3 rot(ptr.getRefData().getPosition().rot);
// TODO: Why -rot.z, but not -rot.x?
Ogre::Quaternion orient = Ogre::Quaternion(Ogre::Radian(-rot.z), Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Z);
orient = orient * Ogre::Quaternion(Ogre::Radian(rot.x), Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_X);
// This is just a guess, probably wrong
static float fProjectileMinSpeed = getStore().get<ESM::GameSetting>().find("fProjectileMinSpeed")->getFloat();
static float fProjectileMaxSpeed = getStore().get<ESM::GameSetting>().find("fProjectileMaxSpeed")->getFloat();
float speed = fProjectileMinSpeed + (fProjectileMaxSpeed - fProjectileMinSpeed) * it->second.mSpeed;
Ogre::Vector3 direction = orient.yAxis();
Ogre::Vector3 pos(ptr.getRefData().getPosition().pos);
Ogre::Vector3 newPos = pos + direction * duration * speed;
// Check for impact
btVector3 from(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
btVector3 to(newPos.x, newPos.y, newPos.z);
std::vector<std::pair<float, std::string> > collisions = mPhysEngine->rayTest2(from, to);
for (std::vector<std::pair<float, std::string> >::iterator cIt = collisions.begin(); cIt != collisions.end(); ++cIt)
MWWorld::Ptr obstacle = searchPtrViaHandle(cIt->second);
if (obstacle.isEmpty())
// Terrain. TODO: Explode
if (obstacle == ptr)
MWWorld::Ptr caster = searchPtrViaHandle(it->second.mActorHandle);
if (caster.isEmpty())
caster = obstacle;
MWMechanics::CastSpell cast(caster, obstacle);
cast.mStack = it->second.mStack;
cast.mId = it->second.mId;
cast.mSourceName = it->second.mSourceName;
cast.inflict(obstacle, caster, it->second.mEffects, ESM::RT_Target, false);
std::string handle = ptr.getRefData().getHandle();
moveObject(ptr, newPos.x, newPos.y, newPos.z);
// HACK: Re-fetch Ptrs if necessary, since the cell might have changed
if (!ptr.getRefData().getCount())
moved[handle] = it->second;
// HACK: Re-fetch Ptrs if necessary, since the cell might have changed
for (std::map<std::string, ProjectileState>::iterator it = moved.begin(); it != moved.end(); ++it)
MWWorld::Ptr newPtr = searchPtrViaHandle(it->first);
if (newPtr.isEmpty()) // The projectile went into an inactive cell and was deleted
mProjectiles[getPtrViaHandle(it->first)] = it->second;
void World::objectLeftActiveCell(Ptr object, Ptr movedPtr)
// For now, projectiles moved to an inactive cell are just deleted, because there's no reliable way to hold on to the meta information
if (mProjectiles.find(object) != mProjectiles.end())

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@ -97,6 +97,12 @@ namespace MWWorld
// Name of item to display as effect source in magic menu (in case we casted an enchantment)
std::string mSourceName;
ESM::EffectList mEffects;
float mSpeed;
bool mStack;
std::map<MWWorld::Ptr, ProjectileState> mProjectiles;
@ -147,6 +153,9 @@ namespace MWWorld
bool mTeleportEnabled;
bool mLevitationEnabled;
/// Called when \a object is moved to an inactive cell
void objectLeftActiveCell (MWWorld::Ptr object, MWWorld::Ptr movedPtr);
World (OEngine::Render::OgreRenderer& renderer,
@ -493,7 +502,7 @@ namespace MWWorld
virtual void castSpell (const MWWorld::Ptr& actor);
virtual void launchProjectile (const std::string& id, const ESM::EffectList& effects,
virtual void launchProjectile (const std::string& id, bool stack, const ESM::EffectList& effects,
const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, const std::string& sourceName);