@ -12,8 +12,7 @@ namespace SceneUtil
/// DYNAMIC data variance but that would undo all the benefits of the threading model - having the cull and draw
/// traversals run in parallel can yield up to 200% framerates.
/// @par Race conditions are prevented using a "double buffering" scheme - we have two StateSets that take turns,
/// the first StateSet is the one we can write to, the second is the one currently in use by the draw traversal of the last frame.
/// After a frame is completed the places are swapped.
/// one StateSet we can write to, the second one is currently in use by the draw traversal of the last frame.
/// @par Must be set as UpdateCallback on a Node.
/// @note Do not add the same StateSetUpdater to multiple nodes.
/// @note Do not add multiple StateSetControllers on the same Node as they will conflict - instead use the CompositeStateSetUpdater.