Merge pull request #213 from OpenMW/master

Add OpenMW commits up to 8 May 2017
David Cernat 8 years ago committed by GitHub
commit 26087a182d

@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ namespace MWSound
float basevol = volumeFromType(Play_TypeVoice);
sound.reset(new Stream(1.0f, basevol, 1.0f, Play_Normal|Play_TypeVoice|Play_2D));
sound.reset(new Stream(1.0f, basevol, 1.0f, Play_NoEnv|Play_TypeVoice|Play_2D));
mOutput->streamSound(decoder, sound);

@ -960,7 +960,6 @@ void MWWorld::InventoryStore::purgeEffect(short effectId, const std::string &sou
mMagicEffects.add (*effectIt, -magnitude);
params[i].mMultiplier = 0;

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ if (GTEST_FOUND)
source_group(apps\\openmw_test_suite FILES openmw_test_suite.cpp ${UNITTEST_SRC_FILES})

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "components/misc/stringops.hpp"
struct PartialBinarySearchTest : public ::testing::Test
std::vector<std::string> mDataVec;
virtual void SetUp()
const char* data[] = { "Head", "Chest", "Tri Head", "Tri Chest", "Bip01" };
mDataVec = std::vector<std::string>(data, data+sizeof(data)/sizeof(data[0]));
std::sort(mDataVec.begin(), mDataVec.end(), Misc::StringUtils::ciLess);
virtual void TearDown()
bool matches(const std::string& keyword)
return Misc::StringUtils::partialBinarySearch(mDataVec.begin(), mDataVec.end(), keyword) != mDataVec.end();
TEST_F(PartialBinarySearchTest, partial_binary_search_test)
EXPECT_TRUE( matches("Head 01") );
EXPECT_TRUE( matches("Head") );
EXPECT_TRUE( matches("Tri Head 01") );
EXPECT_TRUE( matches("Tri Head") );
EXPECT_TRUE( matches("tri head") );
EXPECT_FALSE( matches("Hea") );
EXPECT_FALSE( matches(" Head") );
EXPECT_FALSE( matches("Tri Head") );
TEST_F (PartialBinarySearchTest, ci_test)
EXPECT_TRUE (Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase("ASD") == "asd");
// test to make sure system locale is not used
std::string unicode1 = "\u04151 \u0418"; // CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER IE CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER I
EXPECT_TRUE( Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase(unicode1) == unicode1 );

@ -114,6 +114,30 @@ public:
return ciLess(left, right);
/// Performs a binary search on a sorted container for a string that 'key' starts with
template<typename Iterator, typename T>
static Iterator partialBinarySearch(Iterator begin, Iterator end, const T& key)
const Iterator notFound = end;
while(begin < end)
const Iterator middle = begin + (std::distance(begin, end) / 2);
int comp = Misc::StringUtils::ciCompareLen((*middle), key, (*middle).size());
if(comp == 0)
return middle;
else if(comp > 0)
end = middle;
begin = middle + 1;
return notFound;

@ -383,18 +383,25 @@ namespace Resource
bool isReservedName(const std::string& name) const
static std::set<std::string, Misc::StringUtils::CiComp> reservedNames;
if (name.empty())
return false;
static std::vector<std::string> reservedNames;
if (reservedNames.empty())
const char* reserved[] = {"Head", "Neck", "Chest", "Groin", "Right Hand", "Left Hand", "Right Wrist", "Left Wrist", "Shield Bone", "Right Forearm", "Left Forearm", "Right Upper Arm", "Left Upper Arm", "Right Foot", "Left Foot", "Right Ankle", "Left Ankle", "Right Knee", "Left Knee", "Right Upper Leg", "Left Upper Leg", "Right Clavicle", "Left Clavicle", "Weapon Bone", "Tail",
"Bip01 L Hand", "Bip01 R Hand", "Bip01 Head", "Bip01 Spine1", "Bip01 Spine2", "Bip01 L Clavicle", "Bip01 R Clavicle", "bip01", "Root Bone", "Bip01 Neck",
"BoneOffset", "AttachLight", "ArrowBone", "Camera"};
reservedNames = std::set<std::string, Misc::StringUtils::CiComp>(reserved, reserved + sizeof(reserved)/sizeof(reserved[0]));
reservedNames = std::vector<std::string>(reserved, reserved + sizeof(reserved)/sizeof(reserved[0]));
for (unsigned int i=0; i<sizeof(reserved)/sizeof(reserved[0]); ++i)
reservedNames.insert(std::string("Tri ") + reserved[i]);
reservedNames.push_back(std::string("Tri ") + reserved[i]);
std::sort(reservedNames.begin(), reservedNames.end(), Misc::StringUtils::ciLess);
return reservedNames.find(name) != reservedNames.end();
std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = Misc::StringUtils::partialBinarySearch(reservedNames.begin(), reservedNames.end(), name);
return it != reservedNames.end();
virtual bool isOperationPermissibleForObjectImplementation(const SceneUtil::Optimizer* optimizer, const osg::Drawable* node,unsigned int option) const
