@ -330,11 +330,11 @@ namespace MWBase
virtual void pinWindow (MWGui::GuiWindow window) = 0;
/// Fade the screen in, over \a time seconds
virtual void fadeScreenIn(const float time) = 0;
virtual void fadeScreenIn(const float time, bool clearQueue=true) = 0;
/// Fade the screen out to black, over \a time seconds
virtual void fadeScreenOut(const float time) = 0;
virtual void fadeScreenOut(const float time, bool clearQueue=true) = 0;
/// Fade the screen to a specified percentage of black, over \a time seconds
virtual void fadeScreenTo(const int percent, const float time) = 0;
virtual void fadeScreenTo(const int percent, const float time, bool clearQueue=true) = 0;
/// Darken the screen to a specified percentage
virtual void setBlindness(const int percent) = 0;