Fixed default value not being set for spinbox. Changed the default value of max subviews to 256. Simplified the call signature to get settings & set an initial value. Fixed missing settings for num_lights.

This commit is contained in:
cc9cii 2014-09-28 10:17:54 +10:00
parent 8e71f092c5
commit a25cffc242
6 changed files with 36 additions and 41 deletions

View file

@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ std::auto_ptr<sh::Factory> CS::Editor::setupGraphics()
"OpenGL Rendering Subsystem";
std::string renderSystem = mUserSettings.setting("Video/render system", QStringList() << renderer.c_str()).toStdString();
std::string renderSystem = mUserSettings.setting("Video/render system", renderer.c_str()).toStdString();
@ -331,27 +331,27 @@ std::auto_ptr<sh::Factory> CS::Editor::setupGraphics()
bool shaders = mUserSettings.setting("Objects/shaders", (QStringList() << QString("true"))) == "true" ? true : false;
bool shaders = mUserSettings.setting("Objects/shaders", QString("true")) == "true" ? true : false;
sh::Factory::getInstance ().setShadersEnabled (shaders);
std::string fog = mUserSettings.setting("Shader/fog", (QStringList() << QString("true"))).toStdString();
std::string fog = mUserSettings.setting("Shader/fog", QString("true")).toStdString();
sh::Factory::getInstance().setGlobalSetting ("fog", fog);
std::string shadows = mUserSettings.setting("Shader/shadows", (QStringList() << QString("false"))).toStdString();
std::string shadows = mUserSettings.setting("Shader/shadows", QString("false")).toStdString();
sh::Factory::getInstance().setGlobalSetting ("shadows", shadows);
std::string shadows_pssm = mUserSettings.setting("Shader/shadows_pssm", (QStringList() << QString("false"))).toStdString();
std::string shadows_pssm = mUserSettings.setting("Shader/shadows_pssm", QString("false")).toStdString();
sh::Factory::getInstance().setGlobalSetting ("shadows_pssm", shadows_pssm);
std::string render_refraction = mUserSettings.setting("Shader/render_refraction", (QStringList() << QString("false"))).toStdString();
std::string render_refraction = mUserSettings.setting("Shader/render_refraction", QString("false")).toStdString();
sh::Factory::getInstance ().setGlobalSetting ("render_refraction", render_refraction);
// internal setting - may be switched on or off by the use of shader configurations
sh::Factory::getInstance ().setGlobalSetting ("viewproj_fix", "false");
sh::Factory::getInstance ().setGlobalSetting ("num_lights",
std::string num_lights = mUserSettings.setting("Objects/num_lights", QString("8")).toStdString();
sh::Factory::getInstance ().setGlobalSetting ("num_lights", num_lights);
/// \todo add more configurable shiny settings

View file

@ -50,11 +50,11 @@ void CSMSettings::UserSettings::buildSettingModelDefaults()
section = "Objects";
Setting *numLights = createSetting (Type_SpinBox, section, "num lights");
Setting *numLights = createSetting (Type_SpinBox, section, "num_lights");
numLights->setColumnSpan (1);
numLights->setMinimum (0);
numLights->setMinimum (2);
numLights->setMaximum (100); // FIXME: not sure what the max value should be
numLights->setWidgetWidth (10);
numLights->setViewLocation(1, 2);
@ -74,19 +74,16 @@ void CSMSettings::UserSettings::buildSettingModelDefaults()
Setting *fastFactor = createSetting (Type_SpinBox, section, "fast factor");
fastFactor->setColumnSpan (1);
// FIXME: setMinimum or setSpecialValueText appears to be broken, possibly due
// to there being an empty string default for special value text.
//fastFactor->setMinimum (1);
fastFactor->setSpecialValueText("1"); // workaround for above
fastFactor->setMinimum (1);
fastFactor->setMaximum (100); // FIXME: not sure what the max value should be
fastFactor->setWidgetWidth (10);
fastFactor->setViewLocation(1, 2);
Setting *farClipDist = createSetting (Type_SpinBox, section, "far clip distance");
farClipDist->setColumnSpan (1);
farClipDist->setMinimum (0);
farClipDist->setMaximum (1000000); // FIXME: not sure what the max value should be
@ -95,7 +92,7 @@ void CSMSettings::UserSettings::buildSettingModelDefaults()
Setting *timerStart = createSetting (Type_SpinBox, section, "timer start");
timerStart->setColumnSpan (1);
timerStart->setMinimum (0);
timerStart->setMaximum (100); // FIXME: not sure what the max value should be
@ -106,12 +103,11 @@ void CSMSettings::UserSettings::buildSettingModelDefaults()
section = "SubView";
Setting *maxSubView = createSetting (Type_SpinBox, section, "max subviews");
maxSubView->setColumnSpan (1);
//maxSubView->setMinimum (1);
maxSubView->setSpecialValueText("1"); // workaround for setMinimum
maxSubView->setMaximum (100); // FIXME: not sure what the max value should be
maxSubView->setMinimum (1);
maxSubView->setMaximum (256); // FIXME: not sure what the max value should be
maxSubView->setWidgetWidth (10);
maxSubView->setViewLocation(1, 2);
@ -119,8 +115,7 @@ void CSMSettings::UserSettings::buildSettingModelDefaults()
minWidth->setColumnSpan (1);
//minWidth->setMinimum (50);
minWidth->setSpecialValueText("50"); // workaround for setMinimum
minWidth->setMinimum (50);
minWidth->setMaximum (10000); // FIXME: not sure what the max value should be
minWidth->setWidgetWidth (10);
minWidth->setViewLocation(2, 2);
@ -128,7 +123,7 @@ void CSMSettings::UserSettings::buildSettingModelDefaults()
Setting *reuse = createSetting (Type_CheckBox, section, "reuse");
reuse->setDeclaredValues(QStringList() << "true" << "false");
reuse->setSpecialValueText("Reuse SubView");
reuse->setColumnSpan (3);
@ -147,8 +142,8 @@ void CSMSettings::UserSettings::buildSettingModelDefaults()
width->setDefaultValues (QStringList() << "1024");
height->setDefaultValues (QStringList() << "768");
width->setEditorSetting (true);
height->setEditorSetting (true);
width->setEditorSetting (false);
height->setEditorSetting (false);
height->setViewLocation (2,2);
width->setViewLocation (2,1);
@ -191,8 +186,8 @@ void CSMSettings::UserSettings::buildSettingModelDefaults()
rsd->setDeclaredValues (values);
ritd->setDeclaredValues (values);
rsd->setEditorSetting (true);
ritd->setEditorSetting (true);
rsd->setEditorSetting (false);
ritd->setEditorSetting (false);
section = "Proxy Selection Test";
@ -407,14 +402,14 @@ void CSMSettings::UserSettings::loadSettings (const QString &fileName)
// if the key is not found create one with a defaut value
QString CSMSettings::UserSettings::setting(const QString &viewKey, const QStringList &list)
QString CSMSettings::UserSettings::setting(const QString &viewKey, const QString &value)
return settingValue(viewKey);
else if(!list.empty())
else if(value != QString())
mSettingDefinitions->setValue (viewKey, list);
mSettingDefinitions->setValue (viewKey, QStringList() << value);
return value;
return QString();

View file

@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ namespace CSMSettings {
///Save any unsaved changes in the QSettings object
void saveDefinitions() const;
QString setting(const QString &viewKey, const QStringList &list = QStringList());
QString setting(const QString &viewKey, const QString &value = QString());

View file

@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ void CSVDoc::View::addSubView (const CSMWorld::UniversalId& id, const std::strin
// User setting to reuse sub views (on a per top level view basis)
bool reuse =
userSettings.setting("SubView/reuse", (QStringList() << QString("true"))) == "true" ? true : false;
userSettings.setting("SubView/reuse", QString("true")) == "true" ? true : false;
foreach(SubView *sb, mSubViews)
@ -475,8 +475,7 @@ void CSVDoc::View::addSubView (const CSMWorld::UniversalId& id, const std::strin
// If the sub view limit setting is one, the sub view title bar is hidden and the
// text in the main title bar is adjusted accordingly
int maxSubView =
userSettings.setting("SubView/max subviews", (QStringList() << QString("3"))).toInt();
int maxSubView = userSettings.setting("SubView/max subviews", QString("256")).toInt();
if(mSubViews.size() >= maxSubView) // create a new top level view
mViewManager.addView(mDocument, id, hint);
@ -499,8 +498,7 @@ void CSVDoc::View::addSubView (const CSMWorld::UniversalId& id, const std::strin
if (!hint.empty())
view->useHint (hint);
int minWidth =
userSettings.setting("SubView/minimum width", (QStringList() << QString("325"))).toInt();
int minWidth = userSettings.setting("SubView/minimum width", QString("325")).toInt();
view->setStatusBar (mShowStatusBar->isChecked());

View file

@ -48,10 +48,10 @@ namespace CSVRender
CSMSettings::UserSettings &userSettings = CSMSettings::UserSettings::instance();
int farClipDist = userSettings.setting("Scene/far clip distance", (QStringList() << QString("300000"))).toInt();
int farClipDist = userSettings.setting("Scene/far clip distance", QString("300000")).toInt();
mCamera->setFarClipDistance (farClipDist);
mFastFactor = userSettings.setting("Scene/fast factor", (QStringList() << QString("4"))).toInt();
mFastFactor = userSettings.setting("Scene/fast factor", QString("4")).toInt();
mCamera->roll (Ogre::Degree (90));
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ namespace CSVRender
connect (timer, SIGNAL (timeout()), this, SLOT (update()));
int timerStart = userSettings.setting("Scene/timer start", (QStringList() << QString("20"))).toInt();
int timerStart = userSettings.setting("Scene/timer start", QString("20")).toInt();
timer->start (timerStart);
/// \todo make shortcut configurable

View file

@ -129,6 +129,8 @@ void CSVSettings::RangeView::buildSpinBox (CSMSettings::Setting *setting)
mRangeWidget->setProperty ("wrapping", setting->wrapping());
dynamic_cast<QAbstractSpinBox *> (mRangeWidget)->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter);
if(setting->type() == CSMSettings::Type_SpinBox)
dynamic_cast<QSpinBox *> (mRangeWidget)->setValue (setting->defaultValues().at(0).toInt()); // FIXME: can there be more than one?
void CSVSettings::RangeView::slotUpdateView (int value)