Added a generic infobox dialog which displays some text and a set of buttons (vertical only for now), this is used for the Class Choice dialogs and the dialogs which shows various questions the player must choose from. The questions are currently hardcoded.
Added more gui states to handle the extra class dialogs (Generate, Pick or Create).
{"On a clear day you chance upon a strange animal, its legs trapped in a hunter's clawsnare. Judging from the bleeding, it will not survive long.",
{"Use herbs from your pack to put it to sleep?",
"Do not interfere in the natural evolution of events, but rather take the opportunity to learn more about a strange animal that you have never seen before?",
"Draw your dagger, mercifully endings its life with a single thrust?"}
{"Your mother sends you to the market with a list of goods to buy. After you finish you find that by mistake a shopkeeper has given you too much money back in exchange for one of the items.",
{"Return to the store and give the shopkeeper his hard-earned money, explaining to him the mistake?",
"Pocket the extra money, knowing that shopkeepers in general tend to overcharge customers anyway?",
"Decide to put the extra money to good use and purchase items that would help your family?"}