@ -29,27 +29,38 @@
namespace Nif
typedef Node Effect;
// Used for NiAmbientLight and NiDirectionalLight. Might also work for
// NiPointLight and NiSpotLight?
struct NiLight : Effect
struct NiDynamicEffect : public Node
struct SLight
void read(NIFStream *nif)
float dimmer;
osg::Vec3f ambient;
osg::Vec3f diffuse;
osg::Vec3f specular;
unsigned int numAffectedNodes = nif->getUInt();
for (unsigned int i=0; i<numAffectedNodes; ++i)
nif->getUInt(); // ref to another Node
// Used as base for NiAmbientLight, NiDirectionalLight, NiPointLight and NiSpotLight.
struct NiLight : NiDynamicEffect
float dimmer;
osg::Vec3f ambient;
osg::Vec3f diffuse;
osg::Vec3f specular;
void read(NIFStream *nif);
SLight light;
void read(NIFStream *nif);
struct NiPointLight : public NiLight
float constantAttenuation;
float linearAttenuation;
float quadraticAttenuation;
void read(NIFStream *nif);
struct NiTextureEffect : Effect
struct NiTextureEffect : NiDynamicEffect
NiSourceTexturePtr texture;