Fix very slow movement on some creatures, e.g. rats (Bug #1136)

Neither fAthleticsRunBonus, fBaseRunMultiplier or the creature's athletics skill (i.e. Combat stat) have any effect on the run speed (tested by setting those to absurd values). The new formula is just a guess and doesn't seem to be completely accurate.
This commit is contained in:
scrawl 2014-06-19 02:33:44 +02:00
parent 6760f4c897
commit cc3c6ae7b8

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@ -537,8 +537,8 @@ namespace MWClass
bool running = ptr.getClass().getCreatureStats(ptr).getStance(MWMechanics::CreatureStats::Stance_Run);
float runSpeed = walkSpeed*(0.01f * getSkill(ptr, ESM::Skill::Athletics) *
gmst.fAthleticsRunBonus->getFloat() + gmst.fBaseRunMultiplier->getFloat());
float runSpeed = walkSpeed*6;
runSpeed = std::min(gmst.fMaxWalkSpeedCreature->getFloat(), runSpeed); // flame atronach runs way too fast without this
float moveSpeed;
if(normalizedEncumbrance >= 1.0f)