@ -54,15 +54,25 @@ namespace Terrain
void Storage::fixNormal (Ogre::Vector3& normal, int cellX, int cellY, int col, int row)
if (col == ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE-1)
while (col >= ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE-1)
col = 0;
col -= ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE-1;
if (row == ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE-1)
while (row >= ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE-1)
row = 0;
row -= ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE-1;
while (col < 0)
col += ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE-1;
while (row < 0)
row += ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE-1;
ESM::Land* land = getLand(cellX, cellY);
if (land && land->mHasData)
@ -70,7 +80,49 @@ namespace Terrain
normal.x = land->mLandData->mNormals[col*ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE*3+row*3];
normal.y = land->mLandData->mNormals[col*ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE*3+row*3+1];
normal.z = land->mLandData->mNormals[col*ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE*3+row*3+2];
normal = Ogre::Vector3(0,0,1);
void Storage::averageNormal(Ogre::Vector3 &normal, int cellX, int cellY, int col, int row)
Ogre::Vector3 n1,n2,n3,n4;
fixNormal(n1, cellX, cellY, col+1, row);
fixNormal(n2, cellX, cellY, col-1, row);
fixNormal(n3, cellX, cellY, col, row+1);
fixNormal(n4, cellX, cellY, col, row-1);
normal = (n1+n2+n3+n4);
void Storage::fixColour (Ogre::ColourValue& color, int cellX, int cellY, int col, int row)
if (col == ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE-1)
col = 0;
if (row == ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE-1)
row = 0;
ESM::Land* land = getLand(cellX, cellY);
if (land && land->mLandData->mUsingColours)
color.r = land->mLandData->mColours[col*ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE*3+row*3] / 255.f;
color.g = land->mLandData->mColours[col*ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE*3+row*3+1] / 255.f;
color.b = land->mLandData->mColours[col*ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE*3+row*3+2] / 255.f;
color.r = 1;
color.g = 1;
color.b = 1;
void Storage::fillVertexBuffers (int lodLevel, float size, const Ogre::Vector2& center,
@ -141,17 +193,21 @@ namespace Terrain
normal.x = land->mLandData->mNormals[col*ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE*3+row*3];
normal.y = land->mLandData->mNormals[col*ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE*3+row*3+1];
normal.z = land->mLandData->mNormals[col*ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE*3+row*3+2];
// Normals don't connect seamlessly between cells - wtf?
if (col == ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE-1 || row == ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE-1)
fixNormal(normal, cellX, cellY, col, row);
// z < 0 should never happen, but it does - I hate this data set...
if (normal.z < 0)
normal *= -1;
normal = Ogre::Vector3(0,0,1);
// Normals apparently don't connect seamlessly between cells
if (col == ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE-1 || row == ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE-1)
fixNormal(normal, cellX, cellY, col, row);
// some corner normals appear to be complete garbage (z < 0)
if ((row == 0 || row == ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE-1) && (col == 0 || col == ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE-1))
averageNormal(normal, cellX, cellY, col, row);
assert(normal.z > 0);
normals[vertX*numVerts*3 + vertY*3] = normal.x;
normals[vertX*numVerts*3 + vertY*3 + 1] = normal.y;
normals[vertX*numVerts*3 + vertY*3 + 2] = normal.z;
@ -168,6 +224,11 @@ namespace Terrain
color.g = 1;
color.b = 1;
// Unlike normals, colors mostly connect seamlessly between cells, but not always...
if (col == ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE-1 || row == ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE-1)
fixColour(color, cellX, cellY, col, row);
color.a = 1;
Ogre::uint32 rsColor;
Ogre::Root::getSingleton().getRenderSystem()->convertColourValue(color, &rsColor);
@ -193,18 +254,20 @@ namespace Terrain
Storage::UniqueTextureId Storage::getVtexIndexAt(int cellX, int cellY,
int x, int y)
// If we're at the last row (or last column), we need to get the texture from the neighbour cell
// to get consistent blending at the border
if (x >= ESM::Land::LAND_TEXTURE_SIZE)
// For the first/last row/column, we need to get the texture from the neighbour cell
// to get consistent blending at the borders
if (x < 0)
if (y >= ESM::Land::LAND_TEXTURE_SIZE)
if (y >= ESM::Land::LAND_TEXTURE_SIZE) // Y appears to be wrapped from the other side because why the hell not?
@ -226,7 +289,7 @@ namespace Terrain
std::string Storage::getTextureName(UniqueTextureId id)
if (id.first == 0)
return "_land_default.dds"; // Not sure if the default texture really is hardcoded?
return "_land_default.dds"; // Not sure if the default texture floatly is hardcoded?
// NB: All vtex ids are +1 compared to the ltex ids
const ESM::LandTexture* ltex = getLandTexture(id.first-1, id.second);
@ -241,6 +304,10 @@ namespace Terrain
void Storage::getBlendmaps(float chunkSize, const Ogre::Vector2 &chunkCenter,
bool pack, std::vector<Ogre::TexturePtr> &blendmaps, std::vector<std::string> &layerList)
// TODO - blending isn't completely right yet; the blending radius appears to be
// different at a cell transition (2 vertices, not 4), so we may need to create a larger blendmap
// and interpolate the rest of the cell by hand? :/
Ogre::Vector2 origin = chunkCenter - Ogre::Vector2(chunkSize/2.f, chunkSize/2.f);
int cellX = origin.x;
int cellY = origin.y;
@ -253,7 +320,7 @@ namespace Terrain
// To get a consistent look, we need to make sure to use the same base layer in all cells.
// So we're always adding _land_default.dds as the base layer here, even if it's not referenced in this cell.
// NB +1 to get the last index from neighbour cell (see getVtexIndexAt)
for (int y=0; y<ESM::Land::LAND_TEXTURE_SIZE+1; ++y)
for (int x=0; x<ESM::Land::LAND_TEXTURE_SIZE+1; ++x)
@ -314,5 +381,90 @@ namespace Terrain
float Storage::getHeightAt(const Ogre::Vector3 &worldPos)
int cellX = std::floor(worldPos.x / 8192.f);
int cellY = std::floor(worldPos.y / 8192.f);
ESM::Land* land = getLand(cellX, cellY);
if (!land)
return -2048;
// Mostly lifted from Ogre::Terrain::getHeightAtTerrainPosition
// Normalized position in the cell
float nX = (worldPos.x - (cellX * 8192))/8192.f;
float nY = (worldPos.y - (cellY * 8192))/8192.f;
// get left / bottom points (rounded down)
float factor = ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE - 1.0f;
float invFactor = 1.0f / factor;
int startX = static_cast<int>(nX * factor);
int startY = static_cast<int>(nY * factor);
int endX = startX + 1;
int endY = startY + 1;
assert(endX < ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE);
assert(endY < ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE);
// now get points in terrain space (effectively rounding them to boundaries)
float startXTS = startX * invFactor;
float startYTS = startY * invFactor;
float endXTS = endX * invFactor;
float endYTS = endY * invFactor;
// get parametric from start coord to next point
float xParam = (nX - startXTS) * factor;
float yParam = (nY - startYTS) * factor;
/* For even / odd tri strip rows, triangles are this shape:
even odd
3---2 3---2
| / | | \ |
0---1 0---1
// Build all 4 positions in terrain space, using point-sampled height
Ogre::Vector3 v0 (startXTS, startYTS, getVertexHeight(land, startX, startY) / 8192.f);
Ogre::Vector3 v1 (endXTS, startYTS, getVertexHeight(land, endX, startY) / 8192.f);
Ogre::Vector3 v2 (endXTS, endYTS, getVertexHeight(land, endX, endY) / 8192.f);
Ogre::Vector3 v3 (startXTS, endYTS, getVertexHeight(land, startX, endY) / 8192.f);
// define this plane in terrain space
Ogre::Plane plane;
// (At the moment, all rows have the same triangle alignment)
if (true)
// odd row
bool secondTri = ((1.0 - yParam) > xParam);
if (secondTri)
plane.redefine(v0, v1, v3);
plane.redefine(v1, v2, v3);
// even row
bool secondTri = (yParam > xParam);
if (secondTri)
plane.redefine(v0, v2, v3);
plane.redefine(v0, v1, v2);
// Solve plane equation for z
return (-plane.normal.x * nX
-plane.normal.y * nY
- plane.d) / plane.normal.z * 8192;
float Storage::getVertexHeight(const ESM::Land *land, int x, int y)
assert(x < ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE);
assert(y < ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE);
return land->mLandData->mHeights[y * ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE + x];