forked from teamnwah/openmw-tes3coop
Removed CSVSettings::SamplePage class files
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 0 additions and 187 deletions
@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
#include "samplepage.hpp"
#include <QList>
#include <QListView>
#include <QGroupBox>
#include <QRadioButton>
#include <QDockWidget>
#include <QVBoxLayout>
#include <QGridLayout>
#include <QStyle>
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
#include <QPlastiqueStyle>
#include "../../model/settings/usersettings.hpp"
#include "groupblock.hpp"
#include "toggleblock.hpp"
CSVSettings::SamplePage::SamplePage(QWidget *parent):
AbstractPage("Editor", parent)
// Hacks to get the stylesheet look properly
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
QPlastiqueStyle *style = new QPlastiqueStyle;
void CSVSettings::SamplePage::setupUi()
GroupBlockDef *undoStack = new GroupBlockDef(QString("Undo Stack Size"));
GroupBlockDef *topLevelWindowCount = new GroupBlockDef(QString("Maximum Top-Level Window Count"));
GroupBlockDef *reuseSubwindow = new GroupBlockDef(QString("Reuse Subwindows"));
GroupBlockDef *customWindowSize = new GroupBlockDef(QString ("Custom Window Size"));
GroupBlockDef *definedWindowSize = new GroupBlockDef(QString ("Pre-Defined Window Size"));
GroupBlockDef *windowSizeToggle = new GroupBlockDef(QString ("Window Size"));
CustomBlockDef *windowSize = new CustomBlockDef(QString ("Window Size"));
//undo stack size property
SettingsItemDef *undoStackItem = new SettingsItemDef (undoStack->title, "32");
undoStack->settingItems << undoStackItem;
undoStackItem->minMax.left = "0";
undoStackItem->minMax.right = "64";
WidgetDef stackWidget (Widget_SpinBox);
stackWidget.minMax = &(undoStackItem->minMax);
stackWidget.widgetWidth = 50;
undoStackItem->widget = stackWidget;
//number of top level windows property
SettingsItemDef *topLevelItem = new SettingsItemDef (topLevelWindowCount->title, "100");
topLevelWindowCount->settingItems << topLevelItem;
topLevelItem->minMax.left = "1";
topLevelItem->minMax.right = "256";
WidgetDef topLvlWinWidget (Widget_SpinBox);
topLvlWinWidget.minMax = &(topLevelItem->minMax);
topLvlWinWidget.widgetWidth = 50;
topLevelItem->widget = topLvlWinWidget;
//reuse subwindows property
SettingsItemDef *reuseSubItem = new SettingsItemDef (reuseSubwindow->title, "Reuse Subwindows");
*(reuseSubItem->valueList) << "None" << "Top-Level" << "Document-Level";
WidgetDef reuseSubWidget (Widget_RadioButton);
reuseSubWidget.valueList = (reuseSubItem->valueList);
reuseSubWidget.widgetAlignment = Align_Left;
reuseSubwindow->settingItems << reuseSubItem;
reuseSubItem->widget = reuseSubWidget;
//custom window size properties
//custom width
SettingsItemDef *widthItem = new SettingsItemDef ("Window Width", "640");
widthItem->widget = WidgetDef (Widget_LineEdit);
widthItem->widget.widgetWidth = 45;
//custom height
SettingsItemDef *heightItem = new SettingsItemDef ("Window Height", "480");
heightItem->widget = WidgetDef (Widget_LineEdit);
heightItem->widget.widgetWidth = 45;
heightItem->widget.caption = "x";
customWindowSize->settingItems << widthItem << heightItem;
customWindowSize->widgetOrientation = Orient_Horizontal;
customWindowSize->isVisible = false;
SettingsItemDef *widthByHeightItem = new SettingsItemDef ("Window Size", "640x480");
WidgetDef widthByHeightWidget = WidgetDef (Widget_ComboBox);
widthByHeightWidget.widgetWidth = 90;
*(widthByHeightItem->valueList) << "640x480" << "800x600" << "1024x768";
QStringList *widthProxy = new QStringList;
QStringList *heightProxy = new QStringList;
(*widthProxy) << "Window Width" << "640" << "800" << "1024";
(*heightProxy) << "Window Height" << "480" << "600" << "768";
*(widthByHeightItem->proxyList) << widthProxy << heightProxy;
widthByHeightItem->widget = widthByHeightWidget;
definedWindowSize->settingItems << widthByHeightItem;
definedWindowSize->isProxy = true;
definedWindowSize->isVisible = false;
// window size toggle
windowSizeToggle->captions << "Pre-Defined" << "Custom";
windowSizeToggle->widgetOrientation = Orient_Vertical;
windowSizeToggle->isVisible = false;
//define a widget for each group in the toggle
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
windowSizeToggle->widgets << new WidgetDef (Widget_RadioButton);
windowSizeToggle->>isDefault = false;
windowSize->blockDefList << windowSizeToggle << definedWindowSize << customWindowSize;
windowSize->defaultValue = "Custom";
mAbstractBlocks << buildBlock<GroupBlock> (topLevelWindowCount)
<< buildBlock<GroupBlock> (reuseSubwindow)
<< buildBlock<ToggleBlock> (windowSize)
<< buildBlock<GroupBlock> (undoStack);
foreach (AbstractBlock *block, mAbstractBlocks)
connect (block, SIGNAL (signalUpdateSetting (const QString &, const QString &)),
this, SIGNAL (signalUpdateEditorSetting (const QString &, const QString &)) );
void CSVSettings::SamplePage::initializeWidgets (const CSMSettings::SettingMap &settings)
//iterate each item in each blocks in this section
//validate the corresponding setting against the defined valuelist if any.
for (AbstractBlockList::Iterator it_block = mAbstractBlocks.begin();
it_block != mAbstractBlocks.end(); ++it_block)
(*it_block)->updateSettings (settings);
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
#include "abstractpage.hpp"
class QGroupBox;
namespace CSVSettings {
class UserSettings;
class AbstractBlock;
class SamplePage : public AbstractPage
explicit SamplePage(QWidget *parent = 0);
void setupUi();
void initializeWidgets (const CSMSettings::SettingMap &settings);
void signalUpdateEditorSetting (const QString &settingName, const QString &settingValue);
Reference in a new issue