@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
# include "tooltips.hpp"
# include "window_manager.hpp"
# include "window_manager.hpp"
# include "widgets.hpp"
# include "../mwworld/class.hpp"
# include "../mwworld/world.hpp"
# include "../mwbase/environment.hpp"
# include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
@ -177,6 +180,21 @@ IntSize ToolTips::createToolTip(const ToolTipInfo& info)
if ( text . size ( ) > 0 & & text [ 0 ] = = ' \n ' )
text . erase ( 0 , 1 ) ;
const ESM : : Enchantment * enchant ;
const ESMS : : ESMStore & store = MWBase : : Environment : : get ( ) . getWorld ( ) - > getStore ( ) ;
if ( info . enchant ! = " " )
enchant = store . enchants . search ( info . enchant ) ;
if ( enchant - > data . type = = ESM : : Enchantment : : CastOnce )
text + = " \n " + store . gameSettings . search ( " sItemCastOnce " ) - > str ;
else if ( enchant - > data . type = = ESM : : Enchantment : : WhenStrikes )
text + = " \n " + store . gameSettings . search ( " sItemCastWhenStrikes " ) - > str ;
else if ( enchant - > data . type = = ESM : : Enchantment : : WhenUsed )
text + = " \n " + store . gameSettings . search ( " sItemCastWhenUsed " ) - > str ;
else if ( enchant - > data . type = = ESM : : Enchantment : : ConstantEffect )
text + = " \n " + store . gameSettings . search ( " sItemCastConstant " ) - > str ;
// this the maximum width of the tooltip before it starts word-wrapping
setCoord ( 0 , 0 , 300 , 300 ) ;
@ -207,13 +225,55 @@ IntSize ToolTips::createToolTip(const ToolTipInfo& info)
IntSize totalSize = IntSize ( std : : max ( textSize . width , captionSize . width + ( ( image ! = " " ) ? imageCaptionHPadding : 0 ) ) ,
( ( text ! = " " ) ? textSize . height + imageCaptionVPadding : 0 ) + captionHeight ) ;
if ( i mage ! = " " )
if ( i nfo. enchant ! = " " )
ImageBox * imageWidget = mDynamicToolTipBox - > createWidget < ImageBox > ( " ImageBox " ,
IntCoord ( ( totalSize . width - captionSize . width - imageCaptionHPadding ) / 2 , 0 , imageSize , imageSize ) ,
Align : : Left | Align : : Top , " ToolTipImage " ) ;
imageWidget - > setImageTexture ( realImage ) ;
imageWidget - > setPosition ( imageWidget - > getPosition ( ) + padding ) ;
Widget * enchantArea = mDynamicToolTipBox - > createWidget < Widget > ( " " ,
IntCoord ( 0 , totalSize . height , 300 , 300 - totalSize . height ) ,
Align : : Stretch , " ToolTipEnchantArea " ) ;
IntCoord coord ( 0 , 6 , totalSize . width , 24 ) ;
Widgets : : MWEnchantmentPtr enchantWidget = enchantArea - > createWidget < Widgets : : MWEnchantment >
( " MW_StatName " , coord , Align : : Default , " ToolTipEnchantWidget " ) ;
enchantWidget - > setWindowManager ( mWindowManager ) ;
enchantWidget - > setEnchantmentId ( info . enchant ) ;
std : : vector < MyGUI : : WidgetPtr > enchantEffectItems ;
enchantWidget - > createEffectWidgets ( enchantEffectItems , enchantArea , coord , true , ( enchant - > data . type = = ESM : : Enchantment : : ConstantEffect ) ) ;
totalSize . height + = coord . top - 6 ;
totalSize . width = std : : max ( totalSize . width , coord . width ) ;
if ( enchant - > data . type = = ESM : : Enchantment : : WhenStrikes
| | enchant - > data . type = = ESM : : Enchantment : : WhenUsed )
/// \todo store the current enchantment charge somewhere
int charge = enchant - > data . charge ;
const int chargeWidth = 204 ;
TextBox * chargeText = enchantArea - > createWidget < TextBox > ( " SandText " , IntCoord ( 0 , 0 , 10 , 18 ) , Align : : Default , " ToolTipEnchantChargeText " ) ;
chargeText - > setCaption ( store . gameSettings . search ( " sCharges " ) - > str ) ;
chargeText - > setProperty ( " Static " , " true " ) ;
const int chargeTextWidth = chargeText - > getTextSize ( ) . width + 5 ;
const int chargeAndTextWidth = chargeWidth + chargeTextWidth ;
chargeText - > setCoord ( ( totalSize . width - chargeAndTextWidth ) / 2 , coord . top + 6 , chargeTextWidth , 18 ) ;
IntCoord chargeCoord ;
if ( totalSize . width < chargeWidth )
totalSize . width = chargeWidth ;
chargeCoord = IntCoord ( 0 , coord . top + 6 , chargeWidth , 18 ) ;
chargeCoord = IntCoord ( ( totalSize . width - chargeAndTextWidth ) / 2 + chargeTextWidth , coord . top + 6 , chargeWidth , 18 ) ;
Widgets : : MWDynamicStatPtr chargeWidget = enchantArea - > createWidget < Widgets : : MWDynamicStat >
( " MW_ChargeBar " , chargeCoord , Align : : Default , " ToolTipEnchantCharge " ) ;
chargeWidget - > setValue ( charge , charge ) ;
totalSize . height + = 24 ;
captionWidget - > setCoord ( ( totalSize . width - captionSize . width ) / 2 + imageSize ,
@ -224,6 +284,15 @@ IntSize ToolTips::createToolTip(const ToolTipInfo& info)
captionWidget - > setPosition ( captionWidget - > getPosition ( ) + padding ) ;
textWidget - > setPosition ( textWidget - > getPosition ( ) + IntPoint ( 0 , padding . top ) ) ; // only apply vertical padding, the horizontal works automatically due to Align::HCenter
if ( image ! = " " )
ImageBox * imageWidget = mDynamicToolTipBox - > createWidget < ImageBox > ( " ImageBox " ,
IntCoord ( ( totalSize . width - captionSize . width - imageCaptionHPadding ) / 2 , 0 , imageSize , imageSize ) ,
Align : : Left | Align : : Top , " ToolTipImage " ) ;
imageWidget - > setImageTexture ( realImage ) ;
imageWidget - > setPosition ( imageWidget - > getPosition ( ) + padding ) ;
totalSize + = IntSize ( padding . left * 2 , padding . top * 2 ) ;
return totalSize ;