forked from teamnwah/openmw-tes3coop
Merge branch 'master' of
Conflicts: apps/openmw/mwmechanics/aicombat.cpp
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 341 additions and 123 deletions
@ -928,7 +928,7 @@ namespace MWMechanics
if (timerUpdateAITargets == 0 && iter->first.getTypeName() == typeid(ESM::Creature).name() && !listGuards.empty())
sBasePoint = Ogre::Vector3(iter->first.getRefData().getPosition().pos);
listGuards.sort(comparePtrDist); // try to engage combat starting from the nearest creature
listGuards.sort(comparePtrDist); // try to engage combat starting from the nearest guard
for (std::list<MWWorld::Ptr>::iterator it = listGuards.begin(); it != listGuards.end(); ++it)
@ -970,6 +970,9 @@ namespace MWMechanics
// Kill dead actors, update some variables
int hostilesCount = 0; // need to know this to play Battle music
for(PtrControllerMap::iterator iter(mActors.begin()); iter != mActors.end(); ++iter)
const MWWorld::Class &cls = iter->first.getClass();
@ -988,6 +991,8 @@ namespace MWMechanics
if (stats.isHostile()) hostilesCount++;
// Actor has been resurrected. Notify the CharacterController and re-enable collision.
@ -1045,6 +1050,20 @@ namespace MWMechanics
// check if we still have any player enemies to switch music
static bool isBattleMusic = false;
if (isBattleMusic && hostilesCount == 0)
isBattleMusic = false;
else if (!isBattleMusic && hostilesCount > 0)
isBattleMusic = true;
// if player is in sneak state see if anyone detects him
if (player.getClass().getCreatureStats(player).getMovementFlag(MWMechanics::CreatureStats::Flag_Sneak))
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
#include "aicombat.hpp"
#include <OgreMath.h>
#include <OgreVector3.h>
#include <components/esm/aisequence.hpp>
@ -15,6 +14,8 @@
#include "../mwbase/mechanicsmanager.hpp"
#include "../mwbase/dialoguemanager.hpp"
#include "../mwrender/animation.hpp"
#include "creaturestats.hpp"
#include "steering.hpp"
@ -31,7 +32,12 @@ namespace
//chooses an attack depending on probability to avoid uniformity
void chooseBestAttack(const ESM::Weapon* weapon, MWMechanics::Movement &movement);
ESM::Weapon::AttackType chooseBestAttack(const ESM::Weapon* weapon, MWMechanics::Movement &movement);
void getMinMaxAttackDuration(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, float (*fMinMaxDurations)[2]);
Ogre::Vector3 AimDirToMovingTarget(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, const MWWorld::Ptr& target, const Ogre::Vector3& vLastTargetPos,
float duration, int weapType, float strength);
float getZAngleToDir(const Ogre::Vector3& dir, float dirLen = 0.0f)
@ -77,7 +83,6 @@ namespace
namespace MWMechanics
static const float MAX_ATTACK_DURATION = 0.35f;
static const float DOOR_CHECK_INTERVAL = 1.5f; // same as AiWander
// NOTE: MIN_DIST_TO_DOOR_SQUARED is defined in obstacle.hpp
@ -85,6 +90,8 @@ namespace MWMechanics
mLastTargetPos = Ogre::Vector3(actor.getRefData().getPosition().pos);
void AiCombat::init()
@ -97,7 +104,9 @@ namespace MWMechanics
mAttack = false;
mCombatMove = false;
mForceNoShortcut = false;
mStrength = 0;
mCell = NULL;
mLastTargetPos = Ogre::Vector3(0,0,0);
@ -158,17 +167,20 @@ namespace MWMechanics
return true;
const MWWorld::Class& actorClass = actor.getClass();
MWBase::World& world = *MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld();
MWBase::World* world = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld();
if ((!actorClass.isNpc() && target == world.getPlayerPtr() &&
actorClass.canSwim(actor) && !actorClass.canWalk(actor) // pure water creature
&& !world.isSwimming(target)) // Player moved out of water
|| (!actorClass.canSwim(actor) && world.isSwimming(target))) // creature can't swim to Player
if (!actorClass.isNpc() &&
// 1. pure water creature and Player moved out of water
((target == world->getPlayerPtr() &&
actorClass.canSwim(actor) && !actor.getClass().canWalk(actor) && !world->isSwimming(target))
// 2. creature can't swim to target
|| (!actorClass.canSwim(actor) && world->isSwimming(target))))
if (target == world->getPlayerPtr())
return true;
//Update every frame
@ -182,9 +194,9 @@ namespace MWMechanics
actor.getClass().getMovementSettings(actor) = mMovement;
actor.getClass().getMovementSettings(actor).mRotation[0] = 0;
actor.getClass().getMovementSettings(actor).mRotation[2] = 0;
actorClass.getMovementSettings(actor) = mMovement;
actorClass.getMovementSettings(actor).mRotation[0] = 0;
actorClass.getMovementSettings(actor).mRotation[2] = 0;
if(mMovement.mRotation[2] != 0)
@ -197,7 +209,28 @@ namespace MWMechanics
mTimerAttack -= duration;
//TODO: Some skills affect period of strikes.For berserk-like style period ~ 0.25f
float attacksPeriod = 1.0f;
ESM::Weapon::AttackType attackType;
if (mMinMaxAttackDuration[0][0] == 0)
getMinMaxAttackDuration(actor, mMinMaxAttackDuration);
if (mTimerAttack <= 0) mAttack = false;
mTimerAttack = -attacksPeriod;
mAttack = false;
float tReaction = 0.25f;
if(mTimerReact < tReaction)
@ -216,73 +249,37 @@ namespace MWMechanics
mCell = actor.getCell();
//actual attacking logic
//TODO: Some skills affect period of strikes.For berserk-like style period ~ 0.25f
float attacksPeriod = 1.0f;
if(mTimerAttack <= -attacksPeriod)
//TODO: should depend on time between 'start' to 'min attack'
//for better controlling of NPCs' attack strength.
//Also it seems that this time is different for slash/thrust/chop
mTimerAttack = MAX_ATTACK_DURATION * static_cast<float>(rand())/RAND_MAX;
mAttack = true;
//say a provoking combat phrase
if (actor.getClass().isNpc())
const MWWorld::ESMStore &store = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore();
int chance = store.get<ESM::GameSetting>().find("iVoiceAttackOdds")->getInt();
int roll = std::rand()/ (static_cast<double> (RAND_MAX) + 1) * 100; // [0, 99]
if (roll < chance)
MWBase::Environment::get().getDialogueManager()->say(actor, "attack");
else if (mTimerAttack <= 0)
mAttack = false;
mTimerAttack = -attacksPeriod;
mAttack = false;
const MWWorld::Class &actorCls = actor.getClass();
const ESM::Weapon *weapon = NULL;
MWMechanics::WeaponType weaptype;
float weapRange, weapSpeed = 1.0f;
float weapRange;
actorCls.getCreatureStats(actor).setMovementFlag(CreatureStats::Flag_Run, true);
actorClass.getCreatureStats(actor).setMovementFlag(CreatureStats::Flag_Run, true);
// Get weapon characteristics
if (actorCls.hasInventoryStore(actor))
if (actorClass.hasInventoryStore(actor))
MWMechanics::DrawState_ state = actorCls.getCreatureStats(actor).getDrawState();
MWMechanics::DrawState_ state = actorClass.getCreatureStats(actor).getDrawState();
if (state == MWMechanics::DrawState_Spell || state == MWMechanics::DrawState_Nothing)
// TODO: Check equipped weapon and equip a different one if we can't attack with it
// (e.g. no ammunition, or wrong type of ammunition equipped, etc. autoEquip is not very smart in this regard))
//Get weapon speed and range
MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator weaponSlot =
MWMechanics::getActiveWeapon(actorCls.getCreatureStats(actor), actorCls.getInventoryStore(actor), &weaptype);
MWMechanics::getActiveWeapon(actorClass.getCreatureStats(actor), actorClass.getInventoryStore(actor), &weaptype);
if (weaptype == WeapType_HandToHand)
const MWWorld::Store<ESM::GameSetting> &gmst =
weapRange = gmst.find("fHandToHandReach")->getFloat();
static float fHandToHandReach =
weapRange = fHandToHandReach;
else if (weaptype != WeapType_PickProbe && weaptype != WeapType_Spell)
// All other WeapTypes are actually weapons, so get<ESM::Weapon> is safe.
weapon = weaponSlot->get<ESM::Weapon>()->mBase;
weapRange = weapon->mData.mReach;
weapSpeed = weapon->mData.mSpeed;
weapRange *= 100.0f;
@ -292,6 +289,49 @@ namespace MWMechanics
weapRange = 150; //TODO: use true attack range (the same problem in Creature::hit)
float rangeAttack;
float rangeFollow;
bool distantCombat = false;
if (weaptype == WeapType_BowAndArrow || weaptype == WeapType_Crossbow || weaptype == WeapType_Thrown)
rangeAttack = 1000; // TODO: should depend on archer skill
rangeFollow = 0; // not needed in ranged combat
distantCombat = true;
rangeAttack = weapRange;
rangeFollow = 300;
// start new attack
if(mTimerAttack <= -attacksPeriod)
mAttack = true; // attack starts just now
if (!distantCombat) attackType = chooseBestAttack(weapon, mMovement);
else attackType = ESM::Weapon::AT_Chop; // cause it's =0
mStrength = static_cast<float>(rand()) / RAND_MAX;
mTimerAttack = mMinMaxAttackDuration[attackType][0] +
(mMinMaxAttackDuration[attackType][1] - mMinMaxAttackDuration[attackType][0]) * mStrength;
//say a provoking combat phrase
if (actor.getClass().isNpc())
const MWWorld::ESMStore &store = world->getStore();
int chance = store.get<ESM::GameSetting>().find("iVoiceAttackOdds")->getInt();
int roll = std::rand()/ (static_cast<double> (RAND_MAX) + 1) * 100; // [0, 99]
if (roll < chance)
MWBase::Environment::get().getDialogueManager()->say(actor, "attack");
* Some notes on meanings of variables:
@ -322,21 +362,6 @@ namespace MWMechanics
* target even if LOS is not achieved)
float rangeAttack;
float rangeFollow;
bool distantCombat = false;
if (weaptype == WeapType_BowAndArrow || weaptype == WeapType_Crossbow || weaptype == WeapType_Thrown)
rangeAttack = 1000; // TODO: should depend on archer skill
rangeFollow = 0; // not needed in ranged combat
distantCombat = true;
rangeAttack = weapRange;
rangeFollow = 300;
ESM::Position pos = actor.getRefData().getPosition();
Ogre::Vector3 vActorPos(pos.pos);
Ogre::Vector3 vTargetPos(target.getRefData().getPosition().pos);
@ -345,48 +370,52 @@ namespace MWMechanics
bool isStuck = false;
float speed = 0.0f;
if(mMovement.mPosition[1] && (Ogre::Vector3(mLastPos.pos) - vActorPos).length() < (speed = actorCls.getSpeed(actor)) * tReaction / 2)
if(mMovement.mPosition[1] && (mLastActorPos - vActorPos).length() < (speed = actorClass.getSpeed(actor)) * tReaction / 2)
isStuck = true;
mLastPos = pos;
mLastActorPos = vActorPos;
// check if actor can move along z-axis
bool canMoveByZ = (actorCls.canSwim(actor) && MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->isSwimming(actor))
|| MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->isFlying(actor);
bool canMoveByZ = (actorClass.canSwim(actor) && world->isSwimming(actor))
|| world->isFlying(actor);
// determine vertical angle to target
// if actor can move along z-axis it will control movement dir
// if can't - it will control correct aiming
mMovement.mRotation[0] = getXAngleToDir(vDirToTarget, distToTarget);
// (within strike dist) || (not quite strike dist while following)
// (within attack dist) || (not quite attack dist while following)
if(distToTarget < rangeAttack || (distToTarget <= rangeFollow && mFollowTarget && !isStuck) )
//Melee and Close-up combat
// getXAngleToDir determines vertical angle to target:
// if actor can move along z-axis it will control movement dir
// if can't - it will control correct aiming.
// note: in getZAngleToDir if we preserve dir.z then horizontal angle can be inaccurate
if (distantCombat)
Ogre::Vector3 vAimDir = AimDirToMovingTarget(actor, target, mLastTargetPos, tReaction, weaptype, mStrength);
mLastTargetPos = vTargetPos;
mMovement.mRotation[0] = getXAngleToDir(vAimDir);
mMovement.mRotation[2] = getZAngleToDir(Ogre::Vector3(vAimDir.x, vAimDir.y, 0));
mMovement.mRotation[0] = getXAngleToDir(vDirToTarget, distToTarget);
mMovement.mRotation[2] = getZAngleToDir(Ogre::Vector3(vDirToTarget.x, vDirToTarget.y, 0));
// if we preserve dir.z then horizontal angle can be inaccurate
mMovement.mRotation[2] = getZAngleToDir(Ogre::Vector3(vDirToTarget.x, vDirToTarget.y, 0));
// (not quite strike dist while following)
// (not quite attack dist while following)
if (mFollowTarget && distToTarget > rangeAttack)
//Close-up combat: just run up on target
mMovement.mPosition[1] = 1;
else // (within strike dist)
else // (within attack dist)
mMovement.mPosition[1] = 0;
// set slash/thrust/chop attack
if (mAttack && !distantCombat) chooseBestAttack(weapon, mMovement);
if(mMovement.mPosition[0] || mMovement.mPosition[1])
mTimerCombatMove = 0.1f + 0.1f * static_cast<float>(rand())/RAND_MAX;
mCombatMove = true;
// only NPCs are smart enough to use dodge movements
else if(actorCls.isNpc() && (!distantCombat || (distantCombat && distToTarget < rangeAttack/2)))
else if(actorClass.isNpc() && (!distantCombat || (distantCombat && distToTarget < rangeAttack/2)))
//apply sideway movement (kind of dodging) with some probability
if(static_cast<float>(rand())/RAND_MAX < 0.25)
@ -410,13 +439,13 @@ namespace MWMechanics
else // remote pathfinding
bool preferShortcut = false;
bool inLOS = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getLOS(actor, target);
bool inLOS = world->getLOS(actor, target);
// check if shortcut is available
if(inLOS && (!isStuck || mReadyToAttack)
&& (!mForceNoShortcut || (Ogre::Vector3(mShortcutFailPos.pos) - vActorPos).length() >= PATHFIND_SHORTCUT_RETRY_DIST))
if(speed == 0.0f) speed = actorCls.getSpeed(actor);
if(speed == 0.0f) speed = actorClass.getSpeed(actor);
// maximum dist before pit/obstacle for actor to avoid them depending on his speed
float maxAvoidDist = tReaction * speed + speed / MAX_VEL_ANGULAR.valueRadians() * 2; // *2 - for reliability
preferShortcut = checkWayIsClear(vActorPos, vTargetPos, Ogre::Vector3(vDirToTarget.x, vDirToTarget.y, 0).length() > maxAvoidDist*1.5? maxAvoidDist : maxAvoidDist/2);
@ -474,18 +503,24 @@ namespace MWMechanics
mMovement.mPosition[1] = 1;
if (mReadyToAttack)
// to stop possible sideway moving after target moved out of attack range
mCombatMove = true;
mTimerCombatMove = 0;
mReadyToAttack = false;
if(!isStuck && distToTarget > rangeAttack && !distantCombat)
//special run attack; it shouldn't affect melee combat tactics
if(actorCls.getMovementSettings(actor).mPosition[1] == 1)
if(actorClass.getMovementSettings(actor).mPosition[1] == 1)
//check if actor can overcome the distance = distToTarget - attackerWeapRange
//less than in time of playing weapon anim from 'start' to 'hit' tags (t_swing)
//then start attacking
float speed1 = actorCls.getSpeed(actor);
/* check if actor can overcome the distance = distToTarget - attackerWeapRange
less than in time of swinging with weapon (t_swing), then start attacking
float speed1 = actorClass.getSpeed(actor);
float speed2 = target.getClass().getSpeed(target);
if(target.getClass().getMovementSettings(target).mPosition[0] == 0
&& target.getClass().getMovementSettings(target).mPosition[1] == 0)
@ -494,13 +529,16 @@ namespace MWMechanics
float s1 = distToTarget - weapRange;
float t = s1/speed1;
float s2 = speed2 * t;
float t_swing = (MAX_ATTACK_DURATION/2) / weapSpeed;//instead of 0.17 should be the time of playing weapon anim from 'start' to 'hit' tags
float t_swing =
mMinMaxAttackDuration[ESM::Weapon::AT_Thrust][0] +
(mMinMaxAttackDuration[ESM::Weapon::AT_Thrust][1] - mMinMaxAttackDuration[ESM::Weapon::AT_Thrust][0]) * static_cast<float>(rand()) / RAND_MAX;
if (t + s2/speed1 <= t_swing)
mReadyToAttack = true;
if(mTimerAttack <= -attacksPeriod)
mTimerAttack = MAX_ATTACK_DURATION * static_cast<float>(rand())/RAND_MAX;
mTimerAttack = t_swing;
mAttack = true;
@ -603,6 +641,7 @@ namespace MWMechanics
AiCombat::AiCombat(const ESM::AiSequence::AiCombat *combat)
mTargetActorId = combat->mTargetActorId;
@ -622,8 +661,10 @@ namespace MWMechanics
void chooseBestAttack(const ESM::Weapon* weapon, MWMechanics::Movement &movement)
ESM::Weapon::AttackType chooseBestAttack(const ESM::Weapon* weapon, MWMechanics::Movement &movement)
ESM::Weapon::AttackType attackType;
if (weapon == NULL)
//hand-to-hand deal equal damage for each type
@ -632,34 +673,167 @@ void chooseBestAttack(const ESM::Weapon* weapon, MWMechanics::Movement &movement
movement.mPosition[0] = (static_cast<float>(rand())/RAND_MAX < 0.5f)? 1: -1;
movement.mPosition[1] = 0;
attackType = ESM::Weapon::AT_Slash;
else if(roll <= 0.666f) //forward punch
movement.mPosition[1] = 1;
attackType = ESM::Weapon::AT_Thrust;
movement.mPosition[1] = movement.mPosition[0] = 0;
attackType = ESM::Weapon::AT_Chop;
//the more damage attackType deals the more probability it has
int slash = (weapon->mData.mSlash[0] + weapon->mData.mSlash[1])/2;
int chop = (weapon->mData.mChop[0] + weapon->mData.mChop[1])/2;
int thrust = (weapon->mData.mThrust[0] + weapon->mData.mThrust[1])/2;
float total = slash + chop + thrust;
float roll = static_cast<float>(rand())/RAND_MAX;
if(roll <= static_cast<float>(slash)/total)
movement.mPosition[0] = (static_cast<float>(rand())/RAND_MAX < 0.5f)? 1: -1;
movement.mPosition[1] = 0;
attackType = ESM::Weapon::AT_Slash;
else if(roll <= (static_cast<float>(slash) + static_cast<float>(thrust))/total)
movement.mPosition[1] = 1;
attackType = ESM::Weapon::AT_Thrust;
movement.mPosition[1] = movement.mPosition[0] = 0;
attackType = ESM::Weapon::AT_Chop;
return attackType;
void getMinMaxAttackDuration(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, float (*fMinMaxDurations)[2])
if (!actor.getClass().hasInventoryStore(actor)) // creatures
fMinMaxDurations[0][0] = fMinMaxDurations[0][1] = 0.1f;
fMinMaxDurations[1][0] = fMinMaxDurations[1][1] = 0.1f;
fMinMaxDurations[2][0] = fMinMaxDurations[2][1] = 0.1f;
//the more damage attackType deals the more probability it has
int slash = (weapon->mData.mSlash[0] + weapon->mData.mSlash[1])/2;
int chop = (weapon->mData.mChop[0] + weapon->mData.mChop[1])/2;
int thrust = (weapon->mData.mThrust[0] + weapon->mData.mThrust[1])/2;
// get weapon information: type and speed
const ESM::Weapon *weapon = NULL;
MWMechanics::WeaponType weaptype;
float total = slash + chop + thrust;
MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator weaponSlot =
MWMechanics::getActiveWeapon(actor.getClass().getCreatureStats(actor), actor.getClass().getInventoryStore(actor), &weaptype);
float roll = static_cast<float>(rand())/RAND_MAX;
if(roll <= static_cast<float>(slash)/total)
float weapSpeed;
if (weaptype != MWMechanics::WeapType_HandToHand)
movement.mPosition[0] = (static_cast<float>(rand())/RAND_MAX < 0.5f)? 1: -1;
movement.mPosition[1] = 0;
weapon = weaponSlot->get<ESM::Weapon>()->mBase;
weapSpeed = weapon->mData.mSpeed;
else weapSpeed = 1.0f;
MWRender::Animation *anim = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getAnimation(actor);
std::string weapGroup;
MWMechanics::getWeaponGroup(weaptype, weapGroup);
weapGroup = weapGroup + ": ";
bool bRangedWeap = (weaptype >= MWMechanics::WeapType_BowAndArrow && weaptype <= MWMechanics::WeapType_Thrown);
const char *attackType[] = {"chop ", "slash ", "thrust ", "shoot "};
std::string textKey = "start";
std::string textKey2;
// get durations for each attack type
for (int i = 0; i < (bRangedWeap ? 1 : 3); i++)
float start1 = anim->getTextKeyTime(weapGroup + (bRangedWeap ? attackType[3] : attackType[i]) + textKey);
if (start1 < 0)
fMinMaxDurations[i][0] = fMinMaxDurations[i][1] = 0.1f;
textKey2 = "min attack";
float start2 = anim->getTextKeyTime(weapGroup + (bRangedWeap ? attackType[3] : attackType[i]) + textKey2);
fMinMaxDurations[i][0] = (start2 - start1) / weapSpeed;
textKey2 = "max attack";
start1 = anim->getTextKeyTime(weapGroup + (bRangedWeap ? attackType[3] : attackType[i]) + textKey2);
fMinMaxDurations[i][1] = fMinMaxDurations[i][0] + (start1 - start2) / weapSpeed;
Ogre::Vector3 AimDirToMovingTarget(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, const MWWorld::Ptr& target, const Ogre::Vector3& vLastTargetPos,
float duration, int weapType, float strength)
float projSpeed;
// get projectile speed (depending on weapon type)
if (weapType == ESM::Weapon::MarksmanThrown)
static float fThrownWeaponMinSpeed =
static float fThrownWeaponMaxSpeed =
projSpeed =
fThrownWeaponMinSpeed + (fThrownWeaponMaxSpeed - fThrownWeaponMinSpeed) * strength;
else if(roll <= (static_cast<float>(slash) + static_cast<float>(thrust))/total)
movement.mPosition[1] = 1;
movement.mPosition[1] = movement.mPosition[0] = 0;
static float fProjectileMinSpeed =
static float fProjectileMaxSpeed =
projSpeed =
fProjectileMinSpeed + (fProjectileMaxSpeed - fProjectileMinSpeed) * strength;
// idea: perpendicular to dir to target speed components of target move vector and projectile vector should be the same
Ogre::Vector3 vActorPos = Ogre::Vector3(actor.getRefData().getPosition().pos);
Ogre::Vector3 vTargetPos = Ogre::Vector3(target.getRefData().getPosition().pos);
Ogre::Vector3 vDirToTarget = vTargetPos - vActorPos;
float distToTarget = vDirToTarget.length();
Ogre::Vector3 vTargetMoveDir = vTargetPos - vLastTargetPos;
vTargetMoveDir /= duration; // |vTargetMoveDir| is target real speed in units/sec now
Ogre::Vector3 vPerpToDir = vDirToTarget.crossProduct(Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Z);
float velPerp = vTargetMoveDir.dotProduct(vPerpToDir.normalisedCopy());
float velDir = vTargetMoveDir.dotProduct(vDirToTarget.normalisedCopy());
// time to collision between target and projectile
float t_collision;
float projVelDirSquared = projSpeed * projSpeed - velPerp * velPerp;
float projDistDiff = vDirToTarget.dotProduct(vTargetMoveDir.normalisedCopy());
projDistDiff = sqrt(distToTarget * distToTarget - projDistDiff * projDistDiff);
if (projVelDirSquared > 0)
t_collision = projDistDiff / (sqrt(projVelDirSquared) - velDir);
else t_collision = 0; // speed of projectile is not enough to reach moving target
return vTargetPos + vTargetMoveDir * t_collision - vActorPos;
@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
#include "movement.hpp"
#include "obstacle.hpp"
#include <OgreVector3.h>
#include "../mwworld/cellstore.hpp" // for Doors
#include "../mwbase/world.hpp"
@ -61,12 +63,17 @@ namespace MWMechanics
bool mFollowTarget;
bool mCombatMove;
float mStrength; // this is actually make sense only in ranged combat
float mMinMaxAttackDuration[3][2]; // slash, thrust, chop has different durations
bool mForceNoShortcut;
ESM::Position mShortcutFailPos;
ESM::Position mLastPos;
Ogre::Vector3 mLastActorPos;
MWMechanics::Movement mMovement;
int mTargetActorId;
Ogre::Vector3 mLastTargetPos;
const MWWorld::CellStore* mCell;
ObstacleCheck mObstacleCheck;
@ -977,8 +977,7 @@ bool CharacterController::updateWeaponState()
//if playing combat animation and lowerbody is not busy switch to whole body animation
if((weaptype != WeapType_None || mUpperBodyState == UpperCharState_UnEquipingWeap
|| mUpperBodyState == UpperCharState_EquipingWeap) && animPlaying)
if((weaptype != WeapType_None || mUpperBodyState == UpperCharState_UnEquipingWeap) && animPlaying)
if( mMovementState != CharState_None ||
mJumpState != JumpState_None ||
@ -917,10 +917,10 @@ bool Animation::getInfo(const std::string &groupname, float *complete, float *sp
float Animation::getStartTime(const std::string &groupname) const
AnimSourceList::const_iterator iter(mAnimSources.begin());
for(;iter != mAnimSources.end();iter++)
for(AnimSourceList::const_iterator iter(mAnimSources.begin()); iter != mAnimSources.end(); ++iter)
const NifOgre::TextKeyMap &keys = (*iter)->mTextKeys;
NifOgre::TextKeyMap::const_iterator found = findGroupStart(keys, groupname);
if(found != keys.end())
return found->first;
@ -928,6 +928,22 @@ float Animation::getStartTime(const std::string &groupname) const
return -1.f;
float Animation::getTextKeyTime(const std::string &textKey) const
for(AnimSourceList::const_iterator iter(mAnimSources.begin()); iter != mAnimSources.end(); ++iter)
const NifOgre::TextKeyMap &keys = (*iter)->mTextKeys;
for(NifOgre::TextKeyMap::const_iterator iterKey(keys.begin()); iterKey != keys.end(); ++iterKey)
if(iterKey->, textKey.size(), textKey) == 0)
return iterKey->first;
return -1.f;
float Animation::getCurrentTime(const std::string &groupname) const
AnimStateMap::const_iterator iter = mStates.find(groupname);
@ -277,6 +277,9 @@ public:
/// Get the absolute position in the animation track of the first text key with the given group.
float getStartTime(const std::string &groupname) const;
/// Get the absolute position in the animation track of the text key
float getTextKeyTime(const std::string &textKey) const;
/// Get the current absolute position in the animation track for the animation that is currently playing from the given group.
float getCurrentTime(const std::string& groupname) const;
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