#include #include #include "Player.hpp" #include "Networking.hpp" #include "Log.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace mwmp; void printVersion(string version, int protocol) { cout << "TES3:MP dedicated server " << version; cout << " ("; #ifdef _WIN32 cout << "Windows"; #elif __linux cout << "Linux"; #elif __APPLE__ cout << "OS X"; #else cout << "Unknown OS"; #endif cout << " "; #ifdef __x86_64__ cout << "64-bit"; #elif defined __i386__ || defined _M_I86 cout << "32-bit"; #else cout << "Unknown architecture"; #endif cout << ")" << endl; cout << "Protocol version: " << protocol << endl; cout << "------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; } std::string loadSettings (Settings::Manager & settings) { Files::ConfigurationManager mCfgMgr; // Create the settings manager and load default settings file const std::string localdefault = (mCfgMgr.getLocalPath() / "tes3mp-server-default.cfg").string(); const std::string globaldefault = (mCfgMgr.getGlobalPath() / "tes3mp-server-default.cfg").string(); // prefer local if (boost::filesystem::exists(localdefault)) settings.loadDefault(localdefault); else if (boost::filesystem::exists(globaldefault)) settings.loadDefault(globaldefault); else throw std::runtime_error ("No default settings file found! Make sure the file \"tes3mp-server-default.cfg\" was properly installed."); // load user settings if they exist const std::string settingspath = (mCfgMgr.getUserConfigPath() / "tes3mp-server.cfg").string(); if (boost::filesystem::exists(settingspath)) settings.loadUser(settingspath); return settingspath; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Settings::Manager mgr; loadSettings(mgr); int logLevel = mgr.getInt("loglevel", "General"); if(logLevel < Log::INFO || logLevel > Log::FATAL) logLevel = Log::INFO; LOG_INIT(logLevel); int players = mgr.getInt("players", "General"); int port = mgr.getInt("port", "General"); string plugin_home = mgr.getString("home", "Plugins"); string moddir = Utils::convertPath(plugin_home + "/files"); vector plugins (Utils::split(mgr.getString("plugins", "Plugins"), ',')); printVersion("0.0.1b", 1); setenv("AMXFILE", moddir.c_str(), 1); setenv("MOD_DIR", moddir.c_str(), 1); // hack for lua setenv("LUA_PATH", Utils::convertPath(plugin_home + "/scripts/?.lua" + ";" + plugin_home + "/scripts/?.t").c_str(), 1); for(auto plugin : plugins) Script::LoadScript(plugin.c_str(), plugin_home.c_str()); RakNet::RakPeerInterface *peer = RakNet::RakPeerInterface::GetInstance(); const char passw[8] = "1234567"; peer->SetIncomingPassword(passw, sizeof(passw)); RakNet::SocketDescriptor sd((unsigned short)port, 0); if (peer->Startup((unsigned)players, &sd, 1) != RakNet::RAKNET_STARTED) return 0; peer->SetMaximumIncomingConnections((unsigned short)(players)); Networking networking(peer); int code = networking.MainLoop(); RakNet::RakPeerInterface::DestroyInstance(peer); if (code == 0) printf("Quitting peacefully.\n"); LOG_MESSAGE_SIMPLE(Log::INFO, "%s", "Quitting peacefully."); LOG_QUIT(); return code; }