#include "interior.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mwscene.hpp" using namespace MWRender; using namespace Ogre; using namespace ESMS; bool InteriorCellRender::lightConst = false; float InteriorCellRender::lightConstValue = 0.0f; bool InteriorCellRender::lightLinear = true; int InteriorCellRender::lightLinearMethod = 1; float InteriorCellRender::lightLinearValue = 3; float InteriorCellRender::lightLinearRadiusMult = 1; bool InteriorCellRender::lightQuadratic = false; int InteriorCellRender::lightQuadraticMethod = 2; float InteriorCellRender::lightQuadraticValue = 16; float InteriorCellRender::lightQuadraticRadiusMult = 1; bool InteriorCellRender::lightOutQuadInLin = false; // start inserting a new reference. void InteriorCellRender::insertBegin (ESM::CellRef &ref) { assert (!insert); // Create and place scene node for this object insert = base->createChildSceneNode(); const float *f = ref.pos.pos; insert->setPosition(f[0], f[1], f[2]); insert->setScale(ref.scale, ref.scale, ref.scale); // Convert MW rotation to a quaternion: f = ref.pos.rot; // Rotate around X axis Quaternion xr(Radian(-f[0]), Vector3::UNIT_X); // Rotate around Y axis Quaternion yr(Radian(-f[1]), Vector3::UNIT_Y); // Rotate around Z axis Quaternion zr(Radian(-f[2]), Vector3::UNIT_Z); // Rotates first around z, then y, then x insert->setOrientation(xr*yr*zr); } // insert a mesh related to the most recent insertBegin call. void InteriorCellRender::rotateMesh(Ogre::Vector3 axis, Ogre::Radian angle, std::string sceneNodeName[], int elements) { assert(insert); Ogre::SceneNode *parent = insert; //std::cout << "ELEMENTS:" << elements; for (int i = 0; i < elements; i++){ if(sceneNodeName[i] != "" && parent->getChild(sceneNodeName[i])) parent = dynamic_cast (parent->getChild(sceneNodeName[i])); } parent->rotate(axis, angle); } // insert a mesh related to the most recent insertBegin call. void InteriorCellRender::scaleMesh(Ogre::Vector3 axis, std::string sceneNodeName[], int elements) { assert(insert); Ogre::SceneNode *parent = insert; //std::cout << "ELEMENTS:" << elements; for (int i = 0; i < elements; i++){ if(sceneNodeName[i] != "" && parent->getChild(sceneNodeName[i])) parent = dynamic_cast (parent->getChild(sceneNodeName[i])); } parent->scale(axis); } void InteriorCellRender::insertMesh(const std::string &mesh, Ogre::Vector3 vec, Ogre::Vector3 axis, Ogre::Radian angle, std::string sceneNodeName, std::string sceneParent[], int elements) { insertMesh(mesh, vec, axis, angle, sceneNodeName, sceneParent, elements, true); } void InteriorCellRender::insertMesh(const std::string &mesh, Ogre::Vector3 vec, Ogre::Vector3 axis, Ogre::Radian angle, std::string sceneNodeName, std::string sceneParent[], int elements, bool translateFirst){ assert (insert); //insert-> Ogre::SceneNode *parent = insert; for (int i = 0; i < elements; i++){ if(sceneParent[i] != "" && parent->getChild(sceneParent[i])) parent = dynamic_cast (parent->getChild(sceneParent[i])); } npcPart = parent->createChildSceneNode(sceneNodeName); //npcPart->showBoundingBox(true); MeshPtr good = NIFLoader::load(mesh, 0, 0); MovableObject *ent = scene.getMgr()->createEntity(good->getName()); //ent->extr // MovableObject *ent2 = scene.getMgr()->createEntity(bounds // ); //ent-> //std::cout << mesh << bounds << "\n"; if(translateFirst){ npcPart->translate(vec); npcPart->rotate(axis, angle); } else{ npcPart->rotate(axis, angle); npcPart->translate(vec); } npcPart->attachObject(ent); } void InteriorCellRender::insertMesh(const std::string &mesh) { assert (insert); NIFLoader::load(mesh); MovableObject *ent = scene.getMgr()->createEntity(mesh); insert->attachObject(ent); } // insert a light related to the most recent insertBegin call. void InteriorCellRender::insertLight(float r, float g, float b, float radius) { assert (insert); Ogre::Light *light = scene.getMgr()->createLight(); light->setDiffuseColour (r, g, b); float cval=0.0f, lval=0.0f, qval=0.0f; if(lightConst) cval = lightConstValue; if(!lightOutQuadInLin) { if(lightLinear) radius *= lightLinearRadiusMult; if(lightQuadratic) radius *= lightQuadraticRadiusMult; if(lightLinear) lval = lightLinearValue / pow(radius, lightLinearMethod); if(lightQuadratic) qval = lightQuadraticValue / pow(radius, lightQuadraticMethod); } else { // FIXME: // Do quadratic or linear, depending if we're in an exterior or interior // cell, respectively. Ignore lightLinear and lightQuadratic. } light->setAttenuation(10*radius, cval, lval, qval); insert->attachObject(light); } // finish inserting a new reference and return a handle to it. std::string InteriorCellRender::insertEnd (bool enable) { assert (insert); std::string handle = insert->getName(); if (!enable) insert->setVisible (false); insert = 0; return handle; } // configure lighting according to cell void InteriorCellRender::configureAmbient() { ambientColor.setAsABGR (cell.cell->ambi.ambient); setAmbientMode(); // Create a "sun" that shines light downwards. It doesn't look // completely right, but leave it for now. Ogre::Light *light = scene.getMgr()->createLight(); Ogre::ColourValue colour; colour.setAsABGR (cell.cell->ambi.sunlight); light->setDiffuseColour (colour); light->setType(Ogre::Light::LT_DIRECTIONAL); light->setDirection(0,-1,0); } // configure fog according to cell void InteriorCellRender::configureFog() { Ogre::ColourValue color; color.setAsABGR (cell.cell->ambi.fog); float high = 4500 + 9000 * (1-cell.cell->ambi.fogDensity); float low = 200; scene.getMgr()->setFog (FOG_LINEAR, color, 0, low, high); scene.getCamera()->setFarClipDistance (high + 10); scene.getViewport()->setBackgroundColour (color); } void InteriorCellRender::setAmbientMode() { switch (ambientMode) { case 0: scene.getMgr()->setAmbientLight(ambientColor); break; case 1: scene.getMgr()->setAmbientLight(0.7f*ambientColor + 0.3f*ColourValue(1,1,1)); break; case 2: scene.getMgr()->setAmbientLight(ColourValue(1,1,1)); break; } } void InteriorCellRender::show() { base = scene.getRoot()->createChildSceneNode(); configureAmbient(); configureFog(); insertCell(cell, mEnvironment); } void InteriorCellRender::hide() { if(base) base->setVisible(false); } void InteriorCellRender::destroy() { if(base) { base->removeAndDestroyAllChildren(); scene.getMgr()->destroySceneNode(base); } base = NULL; } // Switch through lighting modes. void InteriorCellRender::toggleLight() { if (ambientMode==2) ambientMode = 0; else ++ambientMode; switch (ambientMode) { case 0: std::cout << "Setting lights to normal\n"; break; case 1: std::cout << "Turning the lights up\n"; break; case 2: std::cout << "Turning the lights to full\n"; break; } setAmbientMode(); } void InteriorCellRender::enable (const std::string& handle) { if (!handle.empty()) scene.getMgr()->getSceneNode (handle)->setVisible (true); } void InteriorCellRender::disable (const std::string& handle) { if (!handle.empty()) scene.getMgr()->getSceneNode (handle)->setVisible (false); } void InteriorCellRender::deleteObject (const std::string& handle) { if (!handle.empty()) { Ogre::SceneNode *node = scene.getMgr()->getSceneNode (handle); node->removeAndDestroyAllChildren(); scene.getMgr()->destroySceneNode (node); } } // Magic function from the internets. Might need this later. /* void Scene::DestroyAllAttachedMovableObjects( SceneNode* i_pSceneNode ) { if ( !i_pSceneNode ) { ASSERT( false ); return; } // Destroy all the attached objects SceneNode::ObjectIterator itObject = i_pSceneNode->getAttachedObjectIterator(); while ( itObject.hasMoreElements() ) { MovableObject* pObject = static_cast(itObject.getNext()); i_pSceneNode->getCreator()->destroyMovableObject( pObject ); } // Recurse to child SceneNodes SceneNode::ChildNodeIterator itChild = i_pSceneNode->getChildIterator(); while ( itChild.hasMoreElements() ) { SceneNode* pChildNode = static_cast(itChild.getNext()); DestroyAllAttachedMovableObjects( pChildNode ); } } */