#include "util.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../../model/world/commands.hpp" #include "../../model/world/tablemimedata.hpp" CSVWorld::NastyTableModelHack::NastyTableModelHack (QAbstractItemModel& model) : mModel (model) {} int CSVWorld::NastyTableModelHack::rowCount (const QModelIndex & parent) const { return mModel.rowCount (parent); } int CSVWorld::NastyTableModelHack::columnCount (const QModelIndex & parent) const { return mModel.columnCount (parent); } QVariant CSVWorld::NastyTableModelHack::data (const QModelIndex & index, int role) const { return mModel.data (index, role); } bool CSVWorld::NastyTableModelHack::setData ( const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role) { mData = value; return true; } QVariant CSVWorld::NastyTableModelHack::getData() const { return mData; } CSVWorld::CommandDelegateFactory::~CommandDelegateFactory() {} CSVWorld::CommandDelegateFactoryCollection *CSVWorld::CommandDelegateFactoryCollection::sThis = 0; CSVWorld::CommandDelegateFactoryCollection::CommandDelegateFactoryCollection() { if (sThis) throw std::logic_error ("multiple instances of CSVWorld::CommandDelegateFactoryCollection"); sThis = this; } CSVWorld::CommandDelegateFactoryCollection::~CommandDelegateFactoryCollection() { sThis = 0; for (std::map::iterator iter ( mFactories.begin()); iter!=mFactories.end(); ++iter) delete iter->second; } void CSVWorld::CommandDelegateFactoryCollection::add (CSMWorld::ColumnBase::Display display, CommandDelegateFactory *factory) { mFactories.insert (std::make_pair (display, factory)); } CSVWorld::CommandDelegate *CSVWorld::CommandDelegateFactoryCollection::makeDelegate ( CSMWorld::ColumnBase::Display display, QUndoStack& undoStack, QObject *parent) const { std::map::const_iterator iter = mFactories.find (display); if (iter!=mFactories.end()) return iter->second->makeDelegate (undoStack, parent); return new CommandDelegate (undoStack, parent); } const CSVWorld::CommandDelegateFactoryCollection& CSVWorld::CommandDelegateFactoryCollection::get() { if (!sThis) throw std::logic_error ("no instance of CSVWorld::CommandDelegateFactoryCollection"); return *sThis; } QUndoStack& CSVWorld::CommandDelegate::getUndoStack() const { return mUndoStack; } void CSVWorld::CommandDelegate::setModelDataImp (QWidget *editor, QAbstractItemModel *model, const QModelIndex& index) const { NastyTableModelHack hack (*model); QStyledItemDelegate::setModelData (editor, &hack, index); mUndoStack.push (new CSMWorld::ModifyCommand (*model, index, hack.getData())); } CSVWorld::CommandDelegate::CommandDelegate (QUndoStack& undoStack, QObject *parent) : QStyledItemDelegate (parent), mUndoStack (undoStack), mEditLock (false) {} void CSVWorld::CommandDelegate::setModelData (QWidget *editor, QAbstractItemModel *model, const QModelIndex& index) const { if (!mEditLock) { setModelDataImp (editor, model, index); } ///< \todo provide some kind of feedback to the user, indicating that editing is currently not possible. } QWidget *CSVWorld::CommandDelegate::createEditor (QWidget *parent, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index, CSMWorld::ColumnBase::Display display) const { QVariant variant = index.data(); if (!variant.isValid()) { variant = index.data(Qt::DisplayRole); if (!variant.isValid()) { return 0; } } if (display != CSMWorld::ColumnBase::Display_None) { if (variant.type() == QVariant::Color) { return new QLineEdit(parent); } if (display == CSMWorld::ColumnBase::Display_Integer) { return new QSpinBox(parent); } if (display == CSMWorld::ColumnBase::Display_Var) { return new QLineEdit(parent); } if (display == CSMWorld::ColumnBase::Display_Float) { return new QDoubleSpinBox(parent); } if (display == CSMWorld::ColumnBase::Display_LongString) { return new QTextEdit(parent); } if (display == CSMWorld::ColumnBase::Display_String || display == CSMWorld::ColumnBase::Display_Skill || display == CSMWorld::ColumnBase::Display_Script || display == CSMWorld::ColumnBase::Display_Race || display == CSMWorld::ColumnBase::Display_Class || display == CSMWorld::ColumnBase::Display_Faction) { return new DropLineEdit(parent); } if (display == CSMWorld::ColumnBase::Display_Boolean) { return new QCheckBox(parent); } } return QStyledItemDelegate::createEditor (parent, option, index); } void CSVWorld::CommandDelegate::setEditLock (bool locked) { mEditLock = locked; } bool CSVWorld::CommandDelegate::isEditLocked() const { return mEditLock; } bool CSVWorld::CommandDelegate::updateEditorSetting (const QString &settingName, const QString &settingValue) { return false; } void CSVWorld::CommandDelegate::setEditorData (QWidget *editor, const QModelIndex& index, bool tryDisplay) const { QVariant v = index.data(Qt::EditRole); if (tryDisplay) { if (!v.isValid()) { v = index.data(Qt::DisplayRole); if (!v.isValid()) { return; } } QPlainTextEdit* plainTextEdit = qobject_cast(editor); if(plainTextEdit) //for some reason it is easier to brake the loop here { if(plainTextEdit->toPlainText() == v.toString()) { return; } } } QByteArray n = editor->metaObject()->userProperty().name(); if (n == "dateTime") { if (editor->inherits("QTimeEdit")) n = "time"; else if (editor->inherits("QDateEdit")) n = "date"; } if (!n.isEmpty()) { if (!v.isValid()) v = QVariant(editor->property(n).userType(), (const void *)0); editor->setProperty(n, v); } } CSVWorld::DropLineEdit::DropLineEdit(QWidget* parent) : QLineEdit(parent) { setAcceptDrops(true); } void CSVWorld::DropLineEdit::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event) { event->acceptProposedAction(); } void CSVWorld::DropLineEdit::dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *event) { event->accept(); } void CSVWorld::DropLineEdit::dropEvent(QDropEvent *event) { emit tableMimeDataDropped(dynamic_cast (event->mimeData())->getData()); //WIP }