#include "viewmanager.hpp" #include #include "../../model/doc/documentmanager.hpp" #include "../../model/doc/document.hpp" #include "../world/util.hpp" #include "../world/enumdelegate.hpp" #include "../world/vartypedelegate.hpp" #include "view.hpp" #include #include #include #include void CSVDoc::ViewManager::updateIndices() { std::map > documents; for (std::vector::const_iterator iter (mViews.begin()); iter!=mViews.end(); ++iter) { std::map >::iterator document = documents.find ((*iter)->getDocument()); if (document==documents.end()) document = documents.insert ( std::make_pair ((*iter)->getDocument(), std::make_pair (0, countViews ((*iter)->getDocument())))). first; (*iter)->setIndex (document->second.first++, document->second.second); } } CSVDoc::ViewManager::ViewManager (CSMDoc::DocumentManager& documentManager) : mDocumentManager (documentManager), mExitOnSaveStateChange(false), mUserWarned(false) { static const char *sSpecialisations[] = { "Combat", "Magic", "Stealth", 0 }; static const char *sAttributes[] = { "Strength", "Intelligence", "Willpower", "Agility", "Speed", "Endurance", "Personality", "Luck", 0 }; mDelegateFactories = new CSVWorld::CommandDelegateFactoryCollection; mDelegateFactories->add (CSMWorld::ColumnBase::Display_GmstVarType, new CSVWorld::VarTypeDelegateFactory (ESM::VT_None, ESM::VT_String, ESM::VT_Int, ESM::VT_Float)); mDelegateFactories->add (CSMWorld::ColumnBase::Display_GlobalVarType, new CSVWorld::VarTypeDelegateFactory (ESM::VT_Short, ESM::VT_Long, ESM::VT_Float)); mDelegateFactories->add (CSMWorld::ColumnBase::Display_Specialisation, new CSVWorld::EnumDelegateFactory (sSpecialisations)); mDelegateFactories->add (CSMWorld::ColumnBase::Display_Attribute, new CSVWorld::EnumDelegateFactory (sAttributes, true)); } CSVDoc::ViewManager::~ViewManager() { delete mDelegateFactories; for (std::vector::iterator iter (mViews.begin()); iter!=mViews.end(); ++iter) delete *iter; } CSVDoc::View *CSVDoc::ViewManager::addView (CSMDoc::Document *document) { if (countViews (document)==0) { // new document connect (document, SIGNAL (stateChanged (int, CSMDoc::Document *)), this, SLOT (documentStateChanged (int, CSMDoc::Document *))); connect (document, SIGNAL (progress (int, int, int, int, CSMDoc::Document *)), this, SLOT (progress (int, int, int, int, CSMDoc::Document *))); } View *view = new View (*this, document, countViews (document)+1); mViews.push_back (view); view->show(); connect (view, SIGNAL (newDocumentRequest ()), this, SIGNAL (newDocumentRequest())); connect (view, SIGNAL (loadDocumentRequest ()), this, SIGNAL (loadDocumentRequest())); updateIndices(); return view; } int CSVDoc::ViewManager::countViews (const CSMDoc::Document *document) const { int count = 0; for (std::vector::const_iterator iter (mViews.begin()); iter!=mViews.end(); ++iter) if ((*iter)->getDocument()==document) ++count; return count; } bool CSVDoc::ViewManager::closeRequest (View *view) { std::vector::iterator iter = std::find (mViews.begin(), mViews.end(), view); bool continueWithClose = true; if (iter!=mViews.end()) { bool last = countViews (view->getDocument())<=1; if (last) continueWithClose = notifySaveOnClose (view); else { (*iter)->deleteLater(); mViews.erase (iter); updateIndices(); } } return continueWithClose; } bool CSVDoc::ViewManager::notifySaveOnClose (CSVDoc::View *view) { bool result = true; CSMDoc::Document *document = view->getDocument(); //notify user of saving in progress if ( (document->getState() & CSMDoc::State_Saving) ) result = showSaveInProgressMessageBox (view); //notify user of unsaved changes and process response else if ( document->getState() & CSMDoc::State_Modified) result = showModifiedDocumentMessageBox (view); return result; } bool CSVDoc::ViewManager::showModifiedDocumentMessageBox (CSVDoc::View *view) { QMessageBox messageBox; CSMDoc::Document *document = view->getDocument(); messageBox.setText ("The document has been modified."); messageBox.setInformativeText ("Do you want to save your changes?"); messageBox.setStandardButtons (QMessageBox::Save | QMessageBox::Discard | QMessageBox::Cancel); messageBox.setDefaultButton (QMessageBox::Save); bool retVal = true; connect (this, SIGNAL (closeMessageBox()), &messageBox, SLOT (close())); connect (document, SIGNAL (stateChanged (int, CSMDoc::Document *)), this, SLOT (onExitWarningHandler(int, CSMDoc::Document *))); mUserWarned = true; int response = messageBox.exec(); mUserWarned = false; switch (response) { case QMessageBox::Save: document->save(); mExitOnSaveStateChange = true; retVal = false; break; case QMessageBox::Discard: disconnect (document, SIGNAL (stateChanged (int, CSMDoc::Document *)), this, SLOT (onExitWarningHandler(int, CSMDoc::Document *))); break; case QMessageBox::Cancel: //disconnect to prevent unintended view closures disconnect (document, SIGNAL (stateChanged (int, CSMDoc::Document *)), this, SLOT (onExitWarningHandler(int, CSMDoc::Document *))); retVal = false; break; default: break; } return retVal; } bool CSVDoc::ViewManager::showSaveInProgressMessageBox (CSVDoc::View *view) { QMessageBox messageBox; CSMDoc::Document *document = view->getDocument(); messageBox.setText ("The document is currently being saved."); messageBox.setInformativeText("Do you want to close now and abort saving, or wait until saving has completed?"); QPushButton* waitButton = messageBox.addButton (tr("Wait"), QMessageBox::YesRole); QPushButton* closeButton = messageBox.addButton (tr("Close Now"), QMessageBox::RejectRole); QPushButton* cancelButton = messageBox.addButton (tr("Cancel"), QMessageBox::NoRole); messageBox.setDefaultButton (waitButton); bool retVal = true; //Connections shut down message box if operation ends before user makes a decision. connect (document, SIGNAL (stateChanged (int, CSMDoc::Document *)), this, SLOT (onExitWarningHandler(int, CSMDoc::Document *))); connect (this, SIGNAL (closeMessageBox()), &messageBox, SLOT (close())); //set / clear the user warned flag to indicate whether or not the message box is currently active. mUserWarned = true; messageBox.exec(); mUserWarned = false; //if closed by the warning handler, defaults to the RejectRole button (closeButton) if (messageBox.clickedButton() == waitButton) { //save the View iterator for shutdown after the save operation ends mExitOnSaveStateChange = true; retVal = false; } else if (messageBox.clickedButton() == closeButton) { //disconnect to avoid segmentation fault disconnect (document, SIGNAL (stateChanged (int, CSMDoc::Document *)), this, SLOT (onExitWarningHandler(int, CSMDoc::Document *))); view->abortOperation(CSMDoc::State_Saving); mExitOnSaveStateChange = true; } else if (messageBox.clickedButton() == cancelButton) { //abort shutdown, allow save to complete //disconnection to prevent unintended view closures mExitOnSaveStateChange = false; disconnect (document, SIGNAL (stateChanged (int, CSMDoc::Document *)), this, SLOT (onExitWarningHandler(int, CSMDoc::Document *))); retVal = false; } return retVal; } void CSVDoc::ViewManager::documentStateChanged (int state, CSMDoc::Document *document) { for (std::vector::const_iterator iter (mViews.begin()); iter!=mViews.end(); ++iter) if ((*iter)->getDocument()==document) (*iter)->updateDocumentState(); } void CSVDoc::ViewManager::progress (int current, int max, int type, int threads, CSMDoc::Document *document) { for (std::vector::const_iterator iter (mViews.begin()); iter!=mViews.end(); ++iter) if ((*iter)->getDocument()==document) (*iter)->updateProgress (current, max, type, threads); } void CSVDoc::ViewManager::onExitWarningHandler (int state, CSMDoc::Document *document) { if ( !(state & CSMDoc::State_Saving) ) { //if the user is being warned (message box is active), shut down the message box, //as there is no save operation currently running if ( mUserWarned ) emit closeMessageBox(); //otherwise, the user has closed the message box before the save operation ended. //exit the application else if (mExitOnSaveStateChange) QApplication::instance()->exit(); } } void CSVDoc::ViewManager::exitApplication (CSVDoc::View *view) { if (notifySaveOnClose (view)) QApplication::instance()->exit(); }