class HeightMap { public: HeightMap(Ogre::SceneNode* r); ~HeightMap(); /** * loads the quad data from the disk */ QuadData* getData(long x, long y) { long offset = mIndex.getOffset(x,y); if ( offset == -1 ) //check we have xy assert(0); mDataIFS.seekg(offset); //load the quad from the file QuadData* q = new QuadData(); boost::archive::binary_iarchive oa(mDataIFS); oa >> *q; return q; } inline bool hasData(long x, long y) { return (mIndex.getOffset(x,y) != -1 ); } inline long getRootSideLength() { return mIndex.getRootSideLength(); } inline int getMaxDepth() { return mIndex.getMaxDepth(); } /** * Loads the index and palette */ bool load(const std::string& fn) { { std::ifstream ifs(std::string(fn + ".index").c_str(), std::ios::binary); boost::archive::binary_iarchive oa(ifs); oa >> mIndex; } { std::ifstream ifs(std::string(fn + ".palette").c_str(), std::ios::binary); boost::archive::binary_iarchive oa(ifs); oa >> mPalette; } g_materialGen->setTexturePaths(mPalette.getPalette()); + ".data").c_str(), std::ios::binary); return true; } void create(); inline Ogre::SceneNode* getTerrainSceneNode(){return mTerrainSceneNode;} void update(Ogre::Real t); inline Ogre::Real getMorphSpeed(){return 1.0f;} inline Ogre::Real getTextureFadeSpeed(){ return 2.0f;} inline void setMorphingEnabled(bool enabled){ mMorphingEnabled = enabled; } inline bool isMorphingEnabled() const{ return mMorphingEnabled; } inline void setTextureFadingEnabled(bool enabled){ if ( enabled && !mMorphingEnabled ) OGRE_EXCEPT(Ogre::Exception::ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Cannot have fading but not morphing active", "Terrain::setTextureFadingEnabled"); mTextureFadingEnabled = enabled; } inline bool isTextureFadingEnabled() const{ return mTextureFadingEnabled; } private: Ogre::SceneNode* mTerrainSceneNode; Quad* mQuadRoot; bool mMorphingEnabled; bool mTextureFadingEnabled; BaseLand mBaseLand; ///ifs for the data file. Opned on load std::ifstream mDataIFS; ///holds the offsets of the quads Index mIndex; TexturePalette mPalette; };