// // Created by koncord on 04.01.16. // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../mwbase/environment.hpp" #include "../mwbase/world.hpp" #include "../mwclass/npc.hpp" #include "../mwmechanics/combat.hpp" #include "../mwmechanics/npcstats.hpp" #include "../mwstate/statemanagerimp.hpp" #include "../mwworld/cellstore.hpp" #include "../mwworld/esmstore.hpp" #include "../mwworld/inventorystore.hpp" #include #include #include #include "Networking.hpp" #include "Main.hpp" #include "ProcessorInitializer.hpp" #include "PlayerProcessor.hpp" #include "WorldProcessor.hpp" #include "ActorProcessor.hpp" #include "GUIController.hpp" #include "CellController.hpp" using namespace std; using namespace mwmp; string comparePlugins(PacketPreInit::PluginContainer checksums, PacketPreInit::PluginContainer checksumsResponse) { std::ostringstream sstr; sstr << "Your plugins or their load order don't match the server's.\n\n"; sstr << "Your current plugins are:\n"; const int maxLineLength = 100; int lineLength = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < checksums.size(); i++) { if (i != 0) sstr << ", "; if (lineLength > maxLineLength) { sstr << "\n"; lineLength = 0; } string plugin = checksums.at(i).first; sstr << plugin << " (" << Utils::intToHexStr(checksums.at(i).second[0]) << ")"; lineLength = lineLength + plugin.size() + 13; } sstr << "\n\nTo join this server, use:\n"; lineLength = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < checksumsResponse.size(); i++) { if (i != 0) sstr << ", "; if (lineLength > maxLineLength) { sstr << "\n"; lineLength = 0; } string plugin = checksumsResponse.at(i).first; sstr << plugin << " ("; int responseHashSize = checksumsResponse[i].second.size(); if (responseHashSize > 0) { sstr << Utils::intToHexStr(checksumsResponse.at(i).second[0]); if (responseHashSize > 1) sstr << " & " << (responseHashSize - 1) << " more"; } else sstr << "any"; sstr << ")"; lineLength = lineLength + plugin.size() + 13; } return sstr.str(); } string comparePluginsMonospaced(PacketPreInit::PluginContainer checksums, PacketPreInit::PluginContainer checksumsResponse, bool full = false) { std::ostringstream sstr; size_t pluginNameLen1 = 0; size_t pluginNameLen2 = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < checksums.size(); i++) if (pluginNameLen1 < checksums[i].first.size()) pluginNameLen1 = checksums[i].first.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < checksumsResponse.size(); i++) if (pluginNameLen2 < checksumsResponse[i].first.size()) pluginNameLen2 = checksumsResponse[i].first.size(); sstr << "Your plugins or their load order don't match the server's.\n\n"; Utils::printWithWidth(sstr, "Your current plugins are:", pluginNameLen1 + 16); sstr << "To join this server, use:\n"; Utils::printWithWidth(sstr, "name", pluginNameLen1 + 2); Utils::printWithWidth(sstr, "hash", 14); Utils::printWithWidth(sstr, "name", pluginNameLen2 + 2); sstr << "hash\n"; for (size_t i = 0; i < checksums.size() || i < checksumsResponse.size(); i++) { string plugin; unsigned val; if (i < checksums.size()) { plugin = checksums.at(i).first; val = checksums.at(i).second[0]; Utils::printWithWidth(sstr, plugin, pluginNameLen1 + 2); Utils::printWithWidth(sstr, Utils::intToHexStr(val), 14); } else Utils::printWithWidth(sstr, "", pluginNameLen1 + 16); if (i < checksumsResponse.size()) { Utils::printWithWidth(sstr, checksumsResponse[i].first, pluginNameLen2 + 2); if (checksumsResponse[i].second.size() > 0) { if (full) for (size_t j = 0; j < checksumsResponse[i].second.size(); j++) Utils::printWithWidth(sstr, Utils::intToHexStr(checksumsResponse[i].second[j]), 14); else sstr << Utils::intToHexStr(checksumsResponse[i].second[0]); } else sstr << "any"; } sstr << "\n"; } return sstr.str(); } Networking::Networking(): peer(RakNet::RakPeerInterface::GetInstance()), playerPacketController(peer), actorPacketController(peer), worldPacketController(peer) { RakNet::SocketDescriptor sd; sd.port=0; peer->Startup(1, &sd, 1); RakAssert(b==RAKNET_STARTED); playerPacketController.SetStream(0, &bsOut); actorPacketController.SetStream(0, &bsOut); worldPacketController.SetStream(0, &bsOut); connected = 0; ProcessorInitializer(); } Networking::~Networking() { peer->Shutdown(100); peer->CloseConnection(peer->GetSystemAddressFromIndex(0), true, 0); RakNet::RakPeerInterface::DestroyInstance(peer); } void Networking::update() { RakNet::Packet *packet; std::string errmsg = ""; for (packet=peer->Receive(); packet; peer->DeallocatePacket(packet), packet=peer->Receive()) { switch (packet->data[0]) { case ID_REMOTE_DISCONNECTION_NOTIFICATION: LOG_MESSAGE_SIMPLE(Log::LOG_INFO, "Another client has disconnected."); break; case ID_REMOTE_CONNECTION_LOST: LOG_MESSAGE_SIMPLE(Log::LOG_INFO, "Another client has lost connection."); break; case ID_REMOTE_NEW_INCOMING_CONNECTION: LOG_MESSAGE_SIMPLE(Log::LOG_INFO, "Another client has connected."); break; case ID_CONNECTION_REQUEST_ACCEPTED: LOG_MESSAGE_SIMPLE(Log::LOG_WARN, "Our connection request has been accepted."); break; case ID_NEW_INCOMING_CONNECTION: LOG_MESSAGE_SIMPLE(Log::LOG_INFO, "A connection is incoming."); break; case ID_NO_FREE_INCOMING_CONNECTIONS: errmsg = "The server is full."; break; case ID_DISCONNECTION_NOTIFICATION: errmsg = "We have been disconnected."; break; case ID_CONNECTION_LOST: errmsg = "Connection lost."; break; default: receiveMessage(packet); //LOG_MESSAGE_SIMPLE(Log::LOG_INFO, "Message with identifier %i has arrived.", packet->data[0]); break; } } if (!errmsg.empty()) { LOG_MESSAGE_SIMPLE(Log::LOG_ERROR, errmsg.c_str()); SDL_ShowSimpleMessageBox(SDL_MESSAGEBOX_ERROR, "tes3mp", errmsg.c_str(), 0); MWBase::Environment::get().getStateManager()->requestQuit(); } } void Networking::connect(const std::string &ip, unsigned short port, std::vector &content, Files::Collections &collections) { RakNet::SystemAddress master; master.SetBinaryAddress(ip.c_str()); master.SetPortHostOrder(port); std::string errmsg = ""; stringstream sstr(TES3MP_VERSION); sstr << TES3MP_PROTO_VERSION; if (peer->Connect(master.ToString(false), master.GetPort(), sstr.str().c_str(), (int) sstr.str().size(), 0, 0, 3, 500, 0) != RakNet::CONNECTION_ATTEMPT_STARTED) errmsg = "Connection attempt failed.\n"; bool queue = true; while (queue) { for (RakNet::Packet *packet = peer->Receive(); packet; peer->DeallocatePacket( packet), packet = peer->Receive()) { switch (packet->data[0]) { case ID_CONNECTION_ATTEMPT_FAILED: { errmsg = "Connection failed.\n" "Either the IP address is wrong or a firewall on either system is blocking\n" "UDP packets on the port you have chosen."; queue = false; break; } case ID_INVALID_PASSWORD: { errmsg = "Connection failed.\n" "The client or server is outdated."; queue = false; break; } case ID_CONNECTION_REQUEST_ACCEPTED: { serverAddr = packet->systemAddress; BaseClientPacketProcessor::SetServerAddr(packet->systemAddress); connected = true; queue = false; LOG_MESSAGE_SIMPLE(Log::LOG_WARN, "Received ID_CONNECTION_REQUESTED_ACCEPTED from %s", serverAddr.ToString()); break; } case ID_DISCONNECTION_NOTIFICATION: throw runtime_error("ID_DISCONNECTION_NOTIFICATION.\n"); case ID_CONNECTION_BANNED: throw runtime_error("ID_CONNECTION_BANNED.\n"); case ID_CONNECTION_LOST: throw runtime_error("ID_CONNECTION_LOST.\n"); default: LOG_MESSAGE_SIMPLE(Log::LOG_INFO, "Connection message with identifier %i has arrived in initialization.", packet->data[0]); } } } if (!errmsg.empty()) { LOG_MESSAGE_SIMPLE(Log::LOG_ERROR, errmsg.c_str()); SDL_ShowSimpleMessageBox(SDL_MESSAGEBOX_ERROR, "tes3mp", errmsg.c_str(), 0); } else preInit(content, collections); } void Networking::preInit(std::vector &content, Files::Collections &collections) { std::string errmsg = ""; PacketPreInit::PluginContainer checksums; vector::const_iterator it(content.begin()); for (int idx = 0; it != content.end(); ++it, ++idx) { boost::filesystem::path filename(*it); const Files::MultiDirCollection& col = collections.getCollection(filename.extension().string()); if (col.doesExist(*it)) { PacketPreInit::HashList hashList; unsigned crc32 = Utils::crc32checksum(col.getPath(*it).string()); hashList.push_back(crc32); checksums.push_back(make_pair(*it, hashList)); printf("idx: %d\tchecksum: %X\tfile: %s\n", idx, crc32, col.getPath(*it).string().c_str()); } else throw std::runtime_error("Plugin doesn't exist."); } PacketPreInit packetPreInit(peer); RakNet::BitStream bs; RakNet::RakNetGUID guid; packetPreInit.setChecksums(&checksums); packetPreInit.setGUID(guid); packetPreInit.SetSendStream(&bs); packetPreInit.Send(serverAddr); PacketPreInit::PluginContainer checksumsResponse; bool done = false; while (!done) { RakNet::Packet *packet = peer->Receive(); if (!packet) { RakSleep(500); continue; } RakNet::BitStream bsIn(&packet->data[0], packet->length, false); unsigned char packetId; bsIn.Read(packetId); switch(packetId) { case ID_DISCONNECTION_NOTIFICATION: case ID_CONNECTION_LOST: done = true; break; case ID_GAME_PREINIT: bsIn.IgnoreBytes((unsigned) RakNet::RakNetGUID::size()); packetPreInit.setChecksums(&checksumsResponse); packetPreInit.Packet(&bsIn, false); done = true; break; } peer->DeallocatePacket(packet); } if (!checksumsResponse.empty()) // something wrong { #if defined(_MSC_VER) errmsg = comparePlugins(checksums, checksumsResponse); #else errmsg = comparePluginsMonospaced(checksums, checksumsResponse); #endif } if (!errmsg.empty()) { LOG_MESSAGE_SIMPLE(Log::LOG_ERROR, comparePluginsMonospaced(checksums, checksumsResponse, true).c_str()); SDL_ShowSimpleMessageBox(SDL_MESSAGEBOX_ERROR, "tes3mp", errmsg.c_str(), 0); #if defined(_MSC_VER) throw std::runtime_error("Shutting down."); #endif MWBase::Environment::get().getStateManager()->requestQuit(); } } void Networking::receiveMessage(RakNet::Packet *packet) { if (packet->length < 2) return; if (playerPacketController.ContainsPacket(packet->data[0])) { if (!PlayerProcessor::Process(*packet)) LOG_MESSAGE_SIMPLE(Log::LOG_WARN, "Unhandled PlayerPacket with identifier %i has arrived", packet->data[0]); } else if (actorPacketController.ContainsPacket(packet->data[0])) { if (!ActorProcessor::Process(*packet, actorList)) LOG_MESSAGE_SIMPLE(Log::LOG_WARN, "Unhandled ActorPacket with identifier %i has arrived", packet->data[0]); } else if (worldPacketController.ContainsPacket(packet->data[0])) { if (!WorldProcessor::Process(*packet, worldEvent)) LOG_MESSAGE_SIMPLE(Log::LOG_WARN, "Unhandled WorldPacket with identifier %i has arrived", packet->data[0]); } } PlayerPacket *Networking::getPlayerPacket(RakNet::MessageID id) { return playerPacketController.GetPacket(id); } ActorPacket *Networking::getActorPacket(RakNet::MessageID id) { return actorPacketController.GetPacket(id); } WorldPacket *Networking::getWorldPacket(RakNet::MessageID id) { return worldPacketController.GetPacket(id); } LocalPlayer *Networking::getLocalPlayer() { return mwmp::Main::get().getLocalPlayer(); } ActorList *Networking::getActorList() { return &actorList; } WorldEvent *Networking::getWorldEvent() { return &worldEvent; } bool Networking::isConnected() { return connected; }