#include "terraintexturemode.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../widget/modebutton.hpp" #include "../widget/scenetoolbar.hpp" #include "../widget/scenetooltexturebrush.hpp" #include "../../model/doc/document.hpp" #include "../../model/prefs/state.hpp" #include "../../model/world/columnbase.hpp" #include "../../model/world/commandmacro.hpp" #include "../../model/world/commands.hpp" #include "../../model/world/data.hpp" #include "../../model/world/idtable.hpp" #include "../../model/world/idtree.hpp" #include "../../model/world/land.hpp" #include "../../model/world/landtexture.hpp" #include "../../model/world/resourcetable.hpp" #include "../../model/world/tablemimedata.hpp" #include "../../model/world/universalid.hpp" #include "editmode.hpp" #include "pagedworldspacewidget.hpp" #include "mask.hpp" #include "object.hpp" // Something small needed regarding pointers from here () #include "worldspacewidget.hpp" CSVRender::TerrainTextureMode::TerrainTextureMode (WorldspaceWidget *worldspaceWidget, QWidget *parent) : EditMode (worldspaceWidget, QIcon {":scenetoolbar/editing-terrain-texture"}, Mask_Terrain | Mask_Reference, "Terrain texture editing", parent), mBrushTexture("#0"), mBrushSize(0), mBrushShape(0), mTextureBrushScenetool(0) { } void CSVRender::TerrainTextureMode::activate(CSVWidget::SceneToolbar* toolbar) { if(!mTextureBrushScenetool) { mTextureBrushScenetool = new CSVWidget::SceneToolTextureBrush (toolbar, "scenetooltexturebrush"); connect(mTextureBrushScenetool, SIGNAL (clicked()), mTextureBrushScenetool, SLOT (activate())); connect(mTextureBrushScenetool->mTextureBrushWindow, SIGNAL(passBrushSize(int)), this, SLOT(setBrushSize(int))); connect(mTextureBrushScenetool->mTextureBrushWindow, SIGNAL(passBrushShape(int)), this, SLOT(setBrushShape(int))); connect(mTextureBrushScenetool->mTextureBrushWindow->mSizeSliders->mBrushSizeSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setBrushSize(int))); connect(mTextureBrushScenetool, SIGNAL(passEvent(QDropEvent*)), this, SLOT(handleDropEvent(QDropEvent*))); connect(this, SIGNAL(passBrushTexture(std::string)), mTextureBrushScenetool->mTextureBrushWindow, SLOT(setBrushTexture(std::string))); } EditMode::activate(toolbar); toolbar->addTool (mTextureBrushScenetool); } void CSVRender::TerrainTextureMode::deactivate(CSVWidget::SceneToolbar* toolbar) { if(mTextureBrushScenetool) { toolbar->removeTool (mTextureBrushScenetool); delete mTextureBrushScenetool; mTextureBrushScenetool = 0; } EditMode::deactivate(toolbar); } void CSVRender::TerrainTextureMode::primaryEditPressed(const WorldspaceHitResult& hit) // Apply changes here { CSMDoc::Document& document = getWorldspaceWidget().getDocument(); CSMWorld::IdTable& landTable = dynamic_cast ( *document.getData().getTableModel (CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_Land)); CSMWorld::IdTable& ltexTable = dynamic_cast ( *document.getData().getTableModel (CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_LandTextures)); mCellId = getWorldspaceWidget().getCellId (hit.worldPos); QUndoStack& undoStack = document.getUndoStack(); undoStack.beginMacro ("Edit texture records"); if(allowLandTextureEditing(mCellId)==true) { undoStack.push (new CSMWorld::TouchLandCommand(landTable, ltexTable, mCellId)); editTerrainTextureGrid(hit); } undoStack.endMacro(); } void CSVRender::TerrainTextureMode::primarySelectPressed(const WorldspaceHitResult& hit) { } void CSVRender::TerrainTextureMode::secondarySelectPressed(const WorldspaceHitResult& hit) { } bool CSVRender::TerrainTextureMode::primaryEditStartDrag (const QPoint& pos) { WorldspaceHitResult hit = getWorldspaceWidget().mousePick (pos, getWorldspaceWidget().getInteractionMask()); CSMDoc::Document& document = getWorldspaceWidget().getDocument(); CSMWorld::IdTable& landTable = dynamic_cast ( *document.getData().getTableModel (CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_Land)); CSMWorld::IdTable& ltexTable = dynamic_cast ( *document.getData().getTableModel (CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_LandTextures)); mCellId = getWorldspaceWidget().getCellId (hit.worldPos); QUndoStack& undoStack = document.getUndoStack(); undoStack.beginMacro ("Edit texture records"); if(allowLandTextureEditing(mCellId)==true) { undoStack.push (new CSMWorld::TouchLandCommand(landTable, ltexTable, mCellId)); editTerrainTextureGrid(hit); } return true; } bool CSVRender::TerrainTextureMode::secondaryEditStartDrag (const QPoint& pos) { return false; } bool CSVRender::TerrainTextureMode::primarySelectStartDrag (const QPoint& pos) { return false; } bool CSVRender::TerrainTextureMode::secondarySelectStartDrag (const QPoint& pos) { return false; } void CSVRender::TerrainTextureMode::drag (const QPoint& pos, int diffX, int diffY, double speedFactor) { WorldspaceHitResult hit = getWorldspaceWidget().mousePick (pos, getWorldspaceWidget().getInteractionMask()); editTerrainTextureGrid(hit); } void CSVRender::TerrainTextureMode::dragCompleted(const QPoint& pos) { CSMDoc::Document& document = getWorldspaceWidget().getDocument(); QUndoStack& undoStack = document.getUndoStack(); undoStack.endMacro(); } void CSVRender::TerrainTextureMode::dragAborted() { } void CSVRender::TerrainTextureMode::dragWheel (int diff, double speedFactor) {} void CSVRender::TerrainTextureMode::handleDropEvent (QDropEvent *event) { const CSMWorld::TableMimeData* mime = dynamic_cast (event->mimeData()); if (!mime) // May happen when non-records (e.g. plain text) are dragged and dropped return; if (mime->holdsType (CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_LandTexture)) { const std::vector ids = mime->getData(); for (const CSMWorld::UniversalId& uid : ids) { mBrushTexture = uid.getId(); emit passBrushTexture(mBrushTexture); } } if (mime->holdsType (CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_Texture)) { const std::vector ids = mime->getData(); for (const CSMWorld::UniversalId& uid : ids) { std::string textureFileName = uid.toString(); createTexture(textureFileName); emit passBrushTexture(mBrushTexture); } } } void CSVRender::TerrainTextureMode::editTerrainTextureGrid(const WorldspaceHitResult& hit) { CSMDoc::Document& document = getWorldspaceWidget().getDocument(); CSMWorld::IdTable& landTable = dynamic_cast ( *document.getData().getTableModel (CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_Land)); mCellId = getWorldspaceWidget().getCellId (hit.worldPos); if(allowLandTextureEditing(mCellId)==true) {} std::pair cellCoordinates_pair = CSMWorld::CellCoordinates::fromId (mCellId); int cellX = cellCoordinates_pair.first.getX(); int cellY = cellCoordinates_pair.first.getY(); // The coordinates of hit in mCellId int xHitInCell (float(((hit.worldPos.x() - (cellX* cellSize)) * landTextureSize / cellSize) - 0.5)); int yHitInCell (float(((hit.worldPos.y() - (cellY* cellSize)) * landTextureSize / cellSize) + 0.5)); if (xHitInCell < 0) { xHitInCell = xHitInCell + landTextureSize; cellX = cellX - 1; } if (yHitInCell > 15) { yHitInCell = yHitInCell - landTextureSize; cellY = cellY + 1; } mCellId = "#" + std::to_string(cellX) + " " + std::to_string(cellY); if(allowLandTextureEditing(mCellId)==true) {} std::string iteratedCellId; int textureColumn = landTable.findColumnIndex(CSMWorld::Columns::ColumnId_LandTexturesIndex); std::size_t hashlocation = mBrushTexture.find("#"); std::string mBrushTextureInt = mBrushTexture.substr (hashlocation+1); int brushInt = stoi(mBrushTexture.substr (hashlocation+1))+1; // All indices are offset by +1 float rf = mBrushSize/2; int r = (mBrushSize/2)+1; float distance = 0; if (mBrushShape == 0) { CSMWorld::LandTexturesColumn::DataType mPointer = landTable.data(landTable.getModelIndex(mCellId, textureColumn)).value(); CSMWorld::LandTexturesColumn::DataType mNew(mPointer); if(allowLandTextureEditing(mCellId)==true) { mNew[yHitInCell*landTextureSize+xHitInCell] = brushInt; pushEditToCommand(mNew, document, landTable, mCellId); } } if (mBrushShape == 1) { int upperLeftCellX = cellX - std::floor(r / landTextureSize); int upperLeftCellY = cellY - std::floor(r / landTextureSize); if (xHitInCell - (r % landTextureSize) < 0) upperLeftCellX--; if (yHitInCell - (r % landTextureSize) < 0) upperLeftCellY--; int lowerrightCellX = cellX + std::floor(r / landTextureSize); int lowerrightCellY = cellY + std::floor(r / landTextureSize); if (xHitInCell + (r % landTextureSize) > landTextureSize - 1) lowerrightCellX++; if (yHitInCell + (r % landTextureSize) > landTextureSize - 1) lowerrightCellY++; for(int i_cell = upperLeftCellX; i_cell <= lowerrightCellX; i_cell++) { for(int j_cell = upperLeftCellY; j_cell <= lowerrightCellY; j_cell++) { iteratedCellId = "#" + std::to_string(i_cell) + " " + std::to_string(j_cell); if(allowLandTextureEditing(iteratedCellId)==true) { CSMWorld::LandTexturesColumn::DataType mPointer = landTable.data(landTable.getModelIndex(iteratedCellId, textureColumn)).value(); CSMWorld::LandTexturesColumn::DataType mNew(mPointer); for(int i = 0; i < landTextureSize; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < landTextureSize; j++) { if (i_cell == cellX && j_cell == cellY && abs(i-xHitInCell) < r && abs(j-yHitInCell) < r) { mNew[j*landTextureSize+i] = brushInt; } else { int distanceX(0); int distanceY(0); if (i_cell < cellX) distanceX = xHitInCell + landTextureSize * abs(i_cell-cellX) - i; if (j_cell < cellY) distanceY = yHitInCell + landTextureSize * abs(j_cell-cellY) - j; if (i_cell > cellX) distanceX = -xHitInCell + landTextureSize * abs(i_cell-cellX) + i; if (j_cell > cellY) distanceY = -yHitInCell + landTextureSize * abs(j_cell-cellY) + j; if (i_cell == cellX) distanceX = abs(i-xHitInCell); if (j_cell == cellY) distanceY = abs(j-yHitInCell); if (distanceX < r && distanceY < r) mNew[j*landTextureSize+i] = brushInt; } } } pushEditToCommand(mNew, document, landTable, iteratedCellId); } } } } if (mBrushShape == 2) { int upperLeftCellX = cellX - std::floor(r / landTextureSize); int upperLeftCellY = cellY - std::floor(r / landTextureSize); if (xHitInCell - (r % landTextureSize) < 0) upperLeftCellX--; if (yHitInCell - (r % landTextureSize) < 0) upperLeftCellY--; int lowerrightCellX = cellX + std::floor(r / landTextureSize); int lowerrightCellY = cellY + std::floor(r / landTextureSize); if (xHitInCell + (r % landTextureSize) > landTextureSize - 1) lowerrightCellX++; if (yHitInCell + (r % landTextureSize) > landTextureSize - 1) lowerrightCellY++; for(int i_cell = upperLeftCellX; i_cell <= lowerrightCellX; i_cell++) { for(int j_cell = upperLeftCellY; j_cell <= lowerrightCellY; j_cell++) { iteratedCellId = "#" + std::to_string(i_cell) + " " + std::to_string(j_cell); if(allowLandTextureEditing(iteratedCellId)==true) { CSMWorld::LandTexturesColumn::DataType mPointer = landTable.data(landTable.getModelIndex(iteratedCellId, textureColumn)).value(); CSMWorld::LandTexturesColumn::DataType mNew(mPointer); for(int i = 0; i < landTextureSize; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < landTextureSize; j++) { if (i_cell == cellX && j_cell == cellY && abs(i-xHitInCell) < r && abs(j-yHitInCell) < r) { int distanceX(0); int distanceY(0); if (i_cell < cellX) distanceX = xHitInCell + landTextureSize * abs(i_cell-cellX) - i; if (j_cell < cellY) distanceY = yHitInCell + landTextureSize * abs(j_cell-cellY) - j; if (i_cell > cellX) distanceX = -xHitInCell + landTextureSize* abs(i_cell-cellX) + i; if (j_cell > cellY) distanceY = -yHitInCell + landTextureSize * abs(j_cell-cellY) + j; if (i_cell == cellX) distanceX = abs(i-xHitInCell); if (j_cell == cellY) distanceY = abs(j-yHitInCell); distance = std::round(sqrt(pow(distanceX, 2)+pow(distanceY, 2))); if (distance < rf) mNew[j*landTextureSize+i] = brushInt; } else { int distanceX(0); int distanceY(0); if (i_cell < cellX) distanceX = xHitInCell + landTextureSize * abs(i_cell-cellX) - i; if (j_cell < cellY) distanceY = yHitInCell + landTextureSize * abs(j_cell-cellY) - j; if (i_cell > cellX) distanceX = -xHitInCell + landTextureSize * abs(i_cell-cellX) + i; if (j_cell > cellY) distanceY = -yHitInCell + landTextureSize * abs(j_cell-cellY) + j; if (i_cell == cellX) distanceX = abs(i-xHitInCell); if (j_cell == cellY) distanceY = abs(j-yHitInCell); distance = std::round(sqrt(pow(distanceX, 2)+pow(distanceY, 2))); if (distance < rf) mNew[j*landTextureSize+i] = brushInt; } } } pushEditToCommand(mNew, document, landTable, iteratedCellId); } } } } if (mBrushShape == 3) { // Not implemented } } void CSVRender::TerrainTextureMode::pushEditToCommand(CSMWorld::LandTexturesColumn::DataType& newLandGrid, CSMDoc::Document& document, CSMWorld::IdTable& landTable, std::string cellId) { QVariant changedLand; changedLand.setValue(newLandGrid); QModelIndex index(landTable.getModelIndex (cellId, landTable.findColumnIndex (CSMWorld::Columns::ColumnId_LandTexturesIndex))); QUndoStack& undoStack = document.getUndoStack(); undoStack.push (new CSMWorld::ModifyCommand(landTable, index, changedLand)); } void CSVRender::TerrainTextureMode::createTexture(std::string textureFileName) { CSMDoc::Document& document = getWorldspaceWidget().getDocument(); CSMWorld::IdTable& ltexTable = dynamic_cast ( *document.getData().getTableModel (CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_LandTextures)); QUndoStack& undoStack = document.getUndoStack(); std::string newId; int counter=0; bool freeIndexFound = false; do { const size_t maxCounter = std::numeric_limits::max() - 1; try { newId = CSMWorld::LandTexture::createUniqueRecordId(0, counter); if (ltexTable.getRecord(newId).isDeleted() == 0) counter = (counter + 1) % maxCounter; } catch (const std::exception& e) { newId = CSMWorld::LandTexture::createUniqueRecordId(0, counter); freeIndexFound = true; } } while (freeIndexFound == false); std::size_t idlocation = textureFileName.find("Texture: "); textureFileName = textureFileName.substr (idlocation + 9); QVariant textureNameVariant; QVariant textureFileNameVariant; textureFileNameVariant.setValue(QString::fromStdString(textureFileName)); undoStack.beginMacro ("Add land texture record"); undoStack.push (new CSMWorld::CreateCommand (ltexTable, newId)); QModelIndex index(ltexTable.getModelIndex (newId, ltexTable.findColumnIndex (CSMWorld::Columns::ColumnId_Texture))); undoStack.push (new CSMWorld::ModifyCommand(ltexTable, index, textureFileNameVariant)); undoStack.endMacro(); mBrushTexture = newId; } bool CSVRender::TerrainTextureMode::allowLandTextureEditing(std::string cellId) { CSMDoc::Document& document = getWorldspaceWidget().getDocument(); CSMWorld::IdTable& landTable = dynamic_cast ( *document.getData().getTableModel (CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_Land)); CSMWorld::IdTree& cellTable = dynamic_cast ( *document.getData().getTableModel (CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_Cells)); bool noCell = document.getData().getCells().searchId (cellId)==-1; bool noLand = document.getData().getLand().searchId (cellId)==-1; if (noCell) { std::string mode = CSMPrefs::get()["Scene Drops"]["outside-landedit"].toString(); // target cell does not exist if (mode=="Discard") return false; if (mode=="Create cell and land, then edit") { std::unique_ptr createCommand ( new CSMWorld::CreateCommand (cellTable, cellId)); int parentIndex = cellTable.findColumnIndex (CSMWorld::Columns::ColumnId_Cell); int index = cellTable.findNestedColumnIndex (parentIndex, CSMWorld::Columns::ColumnId_Interior); createCommand->addNestedValue (parentIndex, index, false); document.getUndoStack().push (createCommand.release()); if (CSVRender::PagedWorldspaceWidget *paged = dynamic_cast (&getWorldspaceWidget())) { CSMWorld::CellSelection selection = paged->getCellSelection(); selection.add (CSMWorld::CellCoordinates::fromId (cellId).first); paged->setCellSelection (selection); } } } else if (CSVRender::PagedWorldspaceWidget *paged = dynamic_cast (&getWorldspaceWidget())) { CSMWorld::CellSelection selection = paged->getCellSelection(); if (!selection.has (CSMWorld::CellCoordinates::fromId (cellId).first)) { // target cell exists, but is not shown std::string mode = CSMPrefs::get()["Scene Drops"]["outside-visible-landedit"].toString(); if (mode=="Discard") return false; if (mode=="Show cell and edit") { selection.add (CSMWorld::CellCoordinates::fromId (cellId).first); paged->setCellSelection (selection); } } } if (noLand) { std::string mode = CSMPrefs::get()["Scene Drops"]["outside-landedit"].toString(); // target cell does not exist if (mode=="Discard") return false; if (mode=="Create cell and land, then edit") { document.getUndoStack().push (new CSMWorld::CreateCommand (landTable, cellId)); } } return true; } void CSVRender::TerrainTextureMode::dragMoveEvent (QDragMoveEvent *event) { } void CSVRender::TerrainTextureMode::setBrushSize(int brushSize) { mBrushSize = brushSize; } void CSVRender::TerrainTextureMode::setBrushShape(int brushShape) { mBrushShape = brushShape; }