#include <QWidget>
#include <apps/opencs/model/world/universalid.hpp>

#include "extendedcommandconfigurator.hpp"

class QLabel;
class QStackedLayout;
class QStatusBar;

namespace CSMDoc
    class Document;

namespace CSVWorld
    class CreatorFactoryBase;
    class Creator;

    class TableBottomBox : public QWidget

            enum EditMode { EditMode_None, EditMode_Creation, EditMode_ExtendedConfig };

            bool mShowStatusBar;
            QLabel *mStatus;
            QStatusBar *mStatusBar;
            int mStatusCount[4];

            EditMode mEditMode;
            Creator *mCreator;
            ExtendedCommandConfigurator *mExtendedConfigurator;

            QStackedLayout *mLayout;
            bool mHasPosition;
            int mRow;
            int mColumn;


            // not implemented
            TableBottomBox (const TableBottomBox&);
            TableBottomBox& operator= (const TableBottomBox&);

            void updateSize();

            void updateStatus();

            void extendedConfigRequest(ExtendedCommandConfigurator::Mode mode,
                                       const std::vector<std::string> &selectedIds);


            TableBottomBox (const CreatorFactoryBase& creatorFactory,
                            CSMDoc::Document& document,
                            const CSMWorld::UniversalId& id,
                            QWidget *parent = 0);

            virtual ~TableBottomBox();

            virtual bool eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *event);

            void setEditLock (bool locked);

            void setStatusBar (bool show);

            bool canCreateAndDelete() const;
            ///< Is record creation and deletion supported?
            /// \note The BotomBox does not partake in the deletion of records.


            void requestFocus (const std::string& id);
            ///< Request owner of this box to focus the just created \a id. The owner may
            /// ignore this request.

        private slots:

            void requestDone();
            ///< \note This slot being called does not imply success.

            void currentWidgetChanged(int index);

        public slots:

            void selectionSizeChanged (int size);

            void tableSizeChanged (int size, int deleted, int modified);
            ///< \param size Number of not deleted records
            /// \param deleted Number of deleted records
            /// \param modified Number of added and modified records

            void positionChanged (int row, int column);

            void noMorePosition();

            void createRequest();
            void cloneRequest(const std::string& id,
                              const CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type type);
            void touchRequest(const std::vector<CSMWorld::UniversalId>&);

            void extendedDeleteConfigRequest(const std::vector<std::string> &selectedIds);
            void extendedRevertConfigRequest(const std::vector<std::string> &selectedIds);
