#include "window_manager.hpp" #include "layouts.hpp" #include "text_input.hpp" #include "race.hpp" #include "class.hpp" #include "birth.hpp" #include "../mwmechanics/mechanicsmanager.hpp" #include "../mwinput/inputmanager.hpp" #include "console.hpp" #include #include #include using namespace MWGui; WindowManager::WindowManager(MyGUI::Gui *_gui, MWWorld::Environment& environment, const Compiler::Extensions& extensions, bool newGame) : environment(environment) , nameDialog(nullptr) , raceDialog(nullptr) , pickClassDialog(nullptr) , birthSignDialog(nullptr) , nameChosen(false) , raceChosen(false) , classChosen(false) , birthSignChosen(false) , reviewNext(false) , gui(_gui) , mode(GM_Game) , shown(GW_ALL) , allowed(newGame ? GW_None : GW_ALL) { // Get size info from the Gui object assert(gui); int w = gui->getViewSize().width; int h = gui->getViewSize().height; hud = new HUD(w,h); menu = new MainMenu(w,h); map = new MapWindow(); stats = new StatsWindow (environment); #if 0 inventory = new InventoryWindow (); #endif console = new Console(w,h, environment, extensions); // The HUD is always on hud->setVisible(true); // Set up visibility updateVisible(); } WindowManager::~WindowManager() { delete console; delete hud; delete map; delete menu; delete stats; #if 0 delete inventory; #endif delete nameDialog; delete raceDialog; delete pickClassDialog; delete birthSignDialog; } void WindowManager::updateVisible() { // Start out by hiding everything except the HUD map->setVisible(false); menu->setVisible(false); stats->setVisible(false); #if 0 inventory->setVisible(false); #endif console->disable(); // Mouse is visible whenever we're not in game mode gui->setVisiblePointer(isGuiMode()); // If in game mode, don't show anything. if(mode == GM_Game) { return; } if(mode == GM_MainMenu) { // Enable the main menu menu->setVisible(true); return; } if(mode == GM_Console) { console->enable(); return; } if (mode == GM_Name) { if (!nameDialog) nameDialog = new TextInputDialog(environment, gui->getViewSize()); std::string sName = getGameSettingString("sName", "Name"); nameDialog->setTextLabel(sName); nameDialog->setNextButtonShow(nameChosen); nameDialog->eventDone = MyGUI::newDelegate(this, &WindowManager::onNameDialogDone); nameDialog->open(); return; } if (mode == GM_Race) { if (!raceDialog) raceDialog = new RaceDialog(environment, gui->getViewSize()); raceDialog->setNextButtonShow(raceChosen); raceDialog->eventDone = MyGUI::newDelegate(this, &WindowManager::onRaceDialogDone); raceDialog->eventBack = MyGUI::newDelegate(this, &WindowManager::onRaceDialogBack); raceDialog->open(); return; } if (mode == GM_Class) { if (!pickClassDialog) pickClassDialog = new PickClassDialog(environment, gui->getViewSize()); pickClassDialog->setNextButtonShow(classChosen); pickClassDialog->eventDone = MyGUI::newDelegate(this, &WindowManager::onPickClassDialogDone); pickClassDialog->eventBack = MyGUI::newDelegate(this, &WindowManager::onPickClassDialogBack); pickClassDialog->open(); return; } if (mode == GM_Birth) { if (!birthSignDialog) birthSignDialog = new BirthDialog(environment, gui->getViewSize()); birthSignDialog->setNextButtonShow(birthSignChosen); birthSignDialog->eventDone = MyGUI::newDelegate(this, &WindowManager::onBirthSignDialogDone); birthSignDialog->eventBack = MyGUI::newDelegate(this, &WindowManager::onBirthSignDialogBack); birthSignDialog->open(); return; } if(mode == GM_Inventory) { // Ah, inventory mode. First, compute the effective set of // windows to show. This is controlled both by what windows the // user has opened/closed (the 'shown' variable) and by what // windows we are allowed to show (the 'allowed' var.) int eff = shown & allowed; // Show the windows we want map -> setVisible( (eff & GW_Map) != 0 ); stats -> setVisible( (eff & GW_Stats) != 0 ); #if 0 // inventory -> setVisible( eff & GW_Inventory ); #endif return; } // Unsupported mode, switch back to game // Note: The call will eventually end up this method again but // will stop at the check if(mode == GM_Game) above. environment.mInputManager->setGuiMode(GM_Game); } void WindowManager::setValue (const std::string& id, const MWMechanics::Stat& value) { stats->setValue (id, value); } void WindowManager::setValue (const std::string& id, const MWMechanics::Stat& value) { stats->setValue (id, value); } void WindowManager::setValue (const std::string& id, const MWMechanics::DynamicStat& value) { stats->setValue (id, value); hud->setValue (id, value); } void WindowManager::setValue (const std::string& id, const std::string& value) { stats->setValue (id, value); } void WindowManager::setValue (const std::string& id, int value) { stats->setValue (id, value); } void WindowManager::configureSkills (const SkillList& major, const SkillList& minor) { stats->configureSkills (major, minor); } void WindowManager::setFactions (const FactionList& factions) { stats->setFactions (factions); } void WindowManager::setBirthSign (const std::string &signId) { stats->setBirthSign (signId); } void WindowManager::setReputation (int reputation) { stats->setReputation (reputation); } void WindowManager::setBounty (int bounty) { stats->setBounty (bounty); } void WindowManager::updateSkillArea() { stats->updateSkillArea(); } void WindowManager::messageBox (const std::string& message, const std::vector& buttons) { std::cout << "message box: " << message << std::endl; if (!buttons.empty()) { std::cout << "buttons: "; std::copy (buttons.begin(), buttons.end(), std::ostream_iterator (std::cout, ", ")); std::cout << std::endl; } } const std::string &WindowManager::getGameSettingString(const std::string &id, const std::string &default_) { const ESM::GameSetting *setting = environment.mWorld->getStore().gameSettings.search(id); if (setting && setting->type == ESM::VT_String) return setting->str; return default_; } void WindowManager::updateCharacterGeneration() { if (raceDialog) { // TOOD: Uncomment when methods in mechanics manager is implemented //raceDialog->setRace(environment.mMechanicsManager->getPlayerRace()); //raceDialog->setGender(environment.mMechanicsManager->getPlayerMale() ? RaceDialog::GM_Male : RaceDialog::GM_Female); // TODO: Face/Hair } } void WindowManager::onNameDialogDone() { nameDialog->eventDone = MWGui::TextInputDialog::EventHandle_Void(); bool goNext = nameChosen; // Go to next dialog if name was previously chosen nameChosen = true; if (nameDialog) { nameDialog->setVisible(false); environment.mMechanicsManager->setPlayerName(nameDialog->getTextInput()); } updateCharacterGeneration(); if (reviewNext) environment.mInputManager->setGuiMode(GM_Review); else if (goNext) environment.mInputManager->setGuiMode(GM_Race); else environment.mInputManager->setGuiMode(GM_Game); } void WindowManager::onRaceDialogDone() { raceDialog->eventDone = MWGui::RaceDialog::EventHandle_Void(); bool goNext = raceChosen; // Go to next dialog if race was previously chosen raceChosen = true; if (raceDialog) { raceDialog->setVisible(false); environment.mMechanicsManager->setPlayerRace(raceDialog->getRaceId(), raceDialog->getGender() == RaceDialog::GM_Male); } updateCharacterGeneration(); if (reviewNext) environment.mInputManager->setGuiMode(GM_Review); else if (goNext) environment.mInputManager->setGuiMode(GM_Class); else environment.mInputManager->setGuiMode(GM_Game); } void WindowManager::onRaceDialogBack() { if (raceDialog) { raceDialog->setVisible(false); environment.mMechanicsManager->setPlayerRace(raceDialog->getRaceId(), raceDialog->getGender() == RaceDialog::GM_Male); } updateCharacterGeneration(); environment.mInputManager->setGuiMode(GM_Name); } void WindowManager::onPickClassDialogDone() { pickClassDialog->eventDone = MWGui::PickClassDialog::EventHandle_Void(); bool goNext = classChosen; // Go to next dialog if class was previously chosen classChosen = true; if (pickClassDialog) { pickClassDialog->setVisible(false); environment.mMechanicsManager->setPlayerClass(pickClassDialog->getClassId()); } updateCharacterGeneration(); if (reviewNext) environment.mInputManager->setGuiMode(GM_Review); else if (goNext) environment.mInputManager->setGuiMode(GM_Birth); else environment.mInputManager->setGuiMode(GM_Game); } void WindowManager::onPickClassDialogBack() { if (pickClassDialog) { pickClassDialog->setVisible(false); environment.mMechanicsManager->setPlayerClass(pickClassDialog->getClassId()); } updateCharacterGeneration(); environment.mInputManager->setGuiMode(GM_Race); } void WindowManager::onBirthSignDialogDone() { birthSignDialog->eventDone = MWGui::BirthDialog::EventHandle_Void(); bool goNext = birthSignChosen; // Go to next dialog if birth sign was previously chosen birthSignChosen = true; if (birthSignDialog) { birthSignDialog->setVisible(false); environment.mMechanicsManager->setPlayerBirthsign(birthSignDialog->getBirthId()); } updateCharacterGeneration(); if (reviewNext || goNext) environment.mInputManager->setGuiMode(GM_Review); else environment.mInputManager->setGuiMode(GM_Game); } void WindowManager::onBirthSignDialogBack() { if (birthSignDialog) { birthSignDialog->setVisible(false); environment.mMechanicsManager->setPlayerBirthsign(birthSignDialog->getBirthId()); } updateCharacterGeneration(); environment.mInputManager->setGuiMode(GM_Class); }