// // Created by koncord on 14.08.16. // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "MasterClient.hpp" #include #include "Networking.hpp" using namespace std; bool MasterClient::sRun = false; MasterClient::MasterClient(std::string queryAddr, unsigned short queryPort, std::string serverAddr, unsigned short serverPort) : queryAddr(queryAddr), queryPort(queryPort), serverAddr(serverAddr), serverPort(serverPort) { players = 0; maxPlayers = 0; hostname = ""; modname = ""; timeout = 1000; // every 1 seconds } void MasterClient::SetPlayers(unsigned pl) { mutexData.lock(); players = pl; mutexData.unlock(); } void MasterClient::SetMaxPlayers(unsigned pl) { mutexData.lock(); maxPlayers = pl; mutexData.unlock(); } void MasterClient::SetHostname(std::string hostname) { mutexData.lock(); this->hostname = hostname.substr(0, 200); mutexData.unlock(); } void MasterClient::SetModname(std::string modname) { mutexData.lock(); this->modname = modname.substr(0, 200); mutexData.unlock(); } RakNet::RakString MasterClient::Send(std::string hostname, std::string modname, unsigned maxPlayers, bool update, unsigned players) { /*static unsigned short oldServerPort, oldQueryPort; static string oldMotd; static unsigned oldPlayers, oldMaxPlayers;*/ std::stringstream sstr; mutexData.lock(); sstr << "{"; sstr << "\"port\": " << serverPort << ", "; sstr << "\"query_port\": " << queryPort << ", "; sstr << "\"hostname\": \"" << hostname.c_str() << "\", "; sstr << "\"modname\": \"" << modname.c_str() << "\", "; sstr << "\"players\": " << players << ", "; sstr << "\"max_players\": " << maxPlayers; sstr << "}"; mutexData.unlock(); std::string contentType = "application/json"; RakNet::RakString createRequest; if (update) createRequest = RakNet::RakString::FormatForPUT( string("/api/servers/" + serverAddr + ":" + to_string(serverPort)).c_str(), contentType.c_str(), sstr.str().c_str()); else createRequest = RakNet::RakString::FormatForPOST("/api/servers", contentType.c_str(), sstr.str().c_str()); httpConnection->TransmitRequest(createRequest.C_String(), queryAddr.c_str(), queryPort); RakNet::Packet *packet; RakNet::SystemAddress sa; RakNet::RakString transmitted, hostTransmitted; RakNet::RakString response; RakNet::SystemAddress hostReceived; int contentOffset; while (true) { // This is kind of crappy, but for TCP plugins, always do HasCompletedConnectionAttempt, // then Receive(), then HasFailedConnectionAttempt(),HasLostConnection() sa = tcpInterface.HasCompletedConnectionAttempt(); if (sa != RakNet::UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS) LOG_MESSAGE_SIMPLE(Log::LOG_INFO, "Connected to master server: %s", sa.ToString()); sa = tcpInterface.HasFailedConnectionAttempt(); if (sa != RakNet::UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS) { LOG_MESSAGE_SIMPLE(Log::LOG_WARN, "Failed to connect to master server: %s", sa.ToString()); return "FAIL_CONNECT"; } sa = tcpInterface.HasLostConnection(); if (sa != RakNet::UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS) { LOG_MESSAGE_SIMPLE(Log::LOG_WARN, "Lost connection to master server: %s", sa.ToString()); return "LOST_CONNECTION"; } for (packet = tcpInterface.Receive(); packet; tcpInterface.DeallocatePacket( packet), packet = tcpInterface.Receive()); if (httpConnection->GetResponse(transmitted, hostTransmitted, response, hostReceived, contentOffset)) { if (contentOffset < 0) return "NO_CONTENT"; // no content tcpInterface.CloseConnection(sa); return (response.C_String() + contentOffset); } RakSleep(30); } } void MasterClient::Update() { assert(!sRun); httpConnection = RakNet::HTTPConnection2::GetInstance(); tcpInterface.Start(0, 64); tcpInterface.AttachPlugin(httpConnection); RakNet::RakString response = Send(hostname, modname, maxPlayers, false, players); bool update = true; sRun = true; while (sRun) { if (response == "Created") LOG_MESSAGE_SIMPLE(Log::LOG_INFO, "Server registered on the master server."); else if (response == "Accepted") LOG_MESSAGE_SIMPLE(Log::LOG_VERBOSE, "Sent info update to master server."); else if (response == "bad request") { LOG_MESSAGE_SIMPLE(Log::LOG_WARN, "Update rate is too low, and the master server has deleted information about" " the server. Trying low rate..."); if ((timeout - step_rate) >= step_rate) SetUpdateRate(timeout - step_rate); update = false; } else { /*cout << "Error: \""<< response << "\"" << endl; cout << response.GetLength() << endl;*/ } RakSleep(timeout); players = Players::getPlayers()->size(); response = Send(hostname, modname, maxPlayers, update, players); update = true; } } void MasterClient::Start() { thrQuery = thread(&MasterClient::Update, this); } void MasterClient::Stop() { if (!sRun) return; sRun = false; if (thrQuery.joinable()) thrQuery.join(); } void MasterClient::SetUpdateRate(unsigned int rate) { if (timeout < min_rate) timeout = min_rate; else if (timeout > max_rate) timeout = max_rate; timeout = rate; }