#ifndef CSM_WOLRD_CELLCOORDINATES_H #define CSM_WOLRD_CELLCOORDINATES_H #include <iosfwd> #include <string> #include <utility> #include <QMetaType> namespace CSMWorld { class CellCoordinates { int mX; int mY; public: CellCoordinates(); CellCoordinates (int x, int y); CellCoordinates (const std::pair<int, int>& coordinates); int getX() const; int getY() const; CellCoordinates move (int x, int y) const; ///< Return a copy of *this, moved by the given offset. std::string getId (const std::string& worldspace) const; ///< Return the ID for the cell at these coordinates. static bool isExteriorCell (const std::string& id); /// \return first: CellCoordinates (or 0, 0 if cell does not have coordinates), /// second: is cell paged? /// /// \note The worldspace part of \a id is ignored static std::pair<CellCoordinates, bool> fromId (const std::string& id); /// \return cell coordinates such that given world coordinates are in it. static std::pair<int, int> coordinatesToCellIndex (float x, float y); }; bool operator== (const CellCoordinates& left, const CellCoordinates& right); bool operator!= (const CellCoordinates& left, const CellCoordinates& right); bool operator< (const CellCoordinates& left, const CellCoordinates& right); std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& stream, const CellCoordinates& coordiantes); } Q_DECLARE_METATYPE (CSMWorld::CellCoordinates) #endif