// // Created by koncord on 01.08.17. // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "LuaState.hpp" #include "luaUtils.hpp" #include "EventController.hpp" #include "CommandController.hpp" #include "../Networking.hpp" #include "../MasterClient.hpp" #include "../Dialogue.hpp" #include "../Factions.hpp" #include "../GUI.hpp" #include "../Inventory.hpp" #include "../Players.hpp" #include "../Quests.hpp" #include "../Settings.hpp" #include "../Spells.hpp" #include "../Weather.hpp" using namespace std; #if defined(SOL_SAFE_FUNCTIONS) inline int errHandler(lua_State *L) { string msg = "An unknown error has triggered the default error handler"; auto maybetopmsg = sol::stack::check_get(L, 1); if (maybetopmsg) { const sol::string_view &topmsg = maybetopmsg.value(); msg.assign(topmsg.data(), topmsg.size()); } luaL_traceback(L, L, msg.c_str(), 1); auto maybetraceback = sol::stack::check_get(L, -1); if (maybetraceback) { const sol::string_view &traceback = maybetraceback.value(); msg.assign(traceback.data(), traceback.size()); } LOG_MESSAGE_SIMPLE(Log::LOG_ERROR, msg.c_str()); abort(); return 0; // Not used because the server is already terminated } #endif LuaState::LuaState() { lua = make_shared(); lua->open_libraries(); LuaUtils::Init(*this); actorCtrl = make_unique(); ActorController::Init(*this); eventCtrl = make_unique(this); EventController::Init(*this); objectCtrl = make_unique(); ObjectController::Init(*this); cmdCtrl = make_unique(); Player::Init(*this); Cells::Init(*this); CharClass::Init(*this); Inventory::Init(*this); GameSettings::Init(*this); Books::Init(*this); GUI::Init(*this); Dialogue::Init(*this); Factions::Init(*this); Faction::Init(*this); JournalItem::Init(*this); Quests::Init(*this); Effect::Init(*this); Spell::Init(*this); Spells::Init(*this); WeatherMgr::Init(*this); Players::Init(*this); timerCtrl = make_unique(); TimerController::Init(*this); Timer::Init(*this); CommandController::Init(*this); dataEnv = sol::environment(*lua, sol::create, lua->globals()); lua->set("Data", dataEnv); // plain global environment for communicating between modules auto coreTable = dataEnv.create("Core"); coreTable["VERSION"] = TES3MP_VERSION; coreTable["PROTOCOL"] = TES3MP_PROTO_VERSION; coreTable["loadedModules"] = coreTable.create(); configEnv = sol::environment(*lua, sol::create, lua->globals()); lua->set("Config", configEnv); // plain global environment for module configuration // Enable a special Sol error handler for Windows, because exceptions aren't caught properly // in main.cpp for it #if defined(SOL_SAFE_FUNCTIONS) lua_CFunction f = sol::c_call; sol::protected_function::set_default_handler(sol::object(lua->lua_state(), sol::in_place, f)); #endif sol::table Constants = lua->create_named_table("Constants"); Constants.set_function("getAttributeCount", []() { return ESM::Attribute::Length; }); Constants.set_function("getSkillCount", []() { return ESM::Skill::Length; }); Constants.set_function("getAttributeId", [](const string &name) { for (int x = 0; x < ESM::Attribute::Length; x++) if (Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(name, ESM::Attribute::sAttributeNames[x])) return x; return -1; }); Constants.set_function("getSkillId", [](const string &name) { for (int x = 0; x < ESM::Skill::Length; x++) if (Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(name, ESM::Skill::sSkillNames[x])) return x; return -1; }); Constants.set_function("getAttributeName", [](unsigned short attribute) -> const string { if (attribute >= ESM::Attribute::Length) return "invalid"; return ESM::Attribute::sAttributeNames[attribute]; }); Constants.set_function("getSkillName", [](unsigned short skill) -> const string { if (skill >= ESM::Skill::Length) return "invalid"; return ESM::Skill::sSkillNames[skill]; }); Constants.set_function("getEquipmentSize", []() { return MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slots; }); lua->set_function("getCurrentMpNum", []() { return mwmp::Networking::getPtr()->getCurrentMpNum(); }); lua->set_function("setCurrentMpNum", [](int num) { mwmp::Networking::getPtr()->setCurrentMpNum(num); }); lua->set_function("getPluginEnforcementState", []() { return mwmp::Networking::getPtr()->getPluginEnforcementState(); }); lua->set_function("setPluginEnforcementState", [](bool state) { mwmp::Networking::getPtr()->setPluginEnforcementState(state); }); lua->set_function("doesFileExist", [](const char *filePath) { return boost::filesystem::exists(filePath); }); lua->set_function("getCaseInsensitiveFilename", [](const char *folderPath, const char *filename) { if (!boost::filesystem::exists(folderPath)) return "invalid"; static std::string foundFilename; boost::filesystem::directory_iterator end_itr; // default construction yields past-the-end for (boost::filesystem::directory_iterator itr(folderPath); itr != end_itr; ++itr) { if (Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(itr->path().filename().string(), filename)) { foundFilename = itr->path().filename().string(); return foundFilename.c_str(); } } return "invalid"; }); lua->set_function("logMessage", [](unsigned short level, const char *message) { LOG_MESSAGE_SIMPLE(level, "[Script]: %s", message); }); lua->set_function("logAppend", [](unsigned short level, const char *message) { LOG_APPEND(level, "%s", message); }); lua->new_enum("Log", "LOG_FATAL", Log::LOG_FATAL, "LOG_ERROR", Log::LOG_ERROR, "LOG_WARN", Log::LOG_WARN, "LOG_INFO", Log::LOG_INFO, "LOG_VERBOSE", Log::LOG_VERBOSE, "LOG_TRACE", Log::LOG_TRACE); lua->set_function("stopServer", [](int code) { mwmp::Networking::getPtr()->stopServer(code); }); lua->set_function("banAddress", [](const char *ipAddress) { mwmp::Networking::getPtr()->banAddress(ipAddress); }); lua->set_function("unbanAddress", [](const char *ipAddress) { mwmp::Networking::getPtr()->unbanAddress(ipAddress); }); lua->set_function("setRuleValue", [](const std::string &key, sol::object value) { if (!value.valid()) return; auto mc = mwmp::Networking::getPtr()->getMasterClient(); if (mc) { sol::type type = value.get_type(); if (type == sol::type::string) mc->SetRuleString(key, value.as()); if (type == sol::type::number) mc->SetRuleValue(key, value.as()); } }); lua->set_function("setGameModeName", [](const std::string &modeName) { auto mc = mwmp::Networking::getPtr()->getMasterClient(); if (mc) mc->SetGameModeName(modeName); }); lua->set_function("setHostname", [](const std::string &hostname) { auto mc = mwmp::Networking::getPtr()->getMasterClient(); if (mc) mc->SetHostname(hostname); }); lua->set_function("setServerPassword", [](const std::string &passw) { mwmp::Networking::getPtr()->setServerPassword(passw); }); lua->set_function("setHour", [](double hour) { auto packet = mwmp::Networking::get().getPlayerPacketController()->GetPacket(ID_GAME_TIME); Players::for_each([&hour, &packet](Player *player){ player->hour = hour; player->month = -1; player->day = -1; packet->setPlayer(player); packet->Send(false); }); }); lua->set_function("setMonth", [](int month) { auto packet = mwmp::Networking::get().getPlayerPacketController()->GetPacket(ID_GAME_TIME); Players::for_each([&month, &packet](Player *player){ player->hour = -1; player->month = month; player->day = -1; packet->setPlayer(player); packet->Send(false); }); }); lua->set_function("setDay", [](int day) { auto packet = mwmp::Networking::get().getPlayerPacketController()->GetPacket(ID_GAME_TIME); Players::for_each([&day, &packet](Player *player){ player->hour = -1; player->month = -1; player->day = day; packet->setPlayer(player); packet->Send(false); }); }); lua->set_function("createChannel", [](){ return mwmp::Networking::get().createChannel(); }); } sol::environment LuaState::openModule(std::string homePath, std::string moduleName) { cout << "Loading module: " << homePath + "/modules/" + moduleName + "/main.lua" << endl; sol::environment env(*lua, sol::create, lua->globals()); std::string package_path = env["package"]["path"]; env["package"]["path"] = Utils::convertPath(homePath + "/modules/" + moduleName + "/?.lua") + ";" + package_path; package_path = env["package"]["path"]; env.set_function("getDataFolder", [homePath, moduleName]() -> const string { return homePath + "/data/" + moduleName + '/'; }); env.set_function("getModuleFolder", [homePath, moduleName]() -> const string { return homePath + "/modules/" + moduleName + '/'; }); lua->script_file(homePath + "/modules/" + moduleName + "/main.lua", env); return env; } void LuaState::addGlobalPackagePath(const std::string &path) { std::string package_path = (*lua)["package"]["path"]; (*lua)["package"]["path"] = Utils::convertPath(path) + ";" + package_path; } void LuaState::addGlobalCPath(const std::string &path) { std::string cpath = (*lua)["package"]["cpath"]; (*lua)["package"]["cpath"] = Utils::convertPath(path) + ";" + cpath; } CommandController &LuaState::getCmdCtrl() { return *cmdCtrl; } EventController &LuaState::getEventCtrl() { return *eventCtrl; } TimerController &LuaState::getTimerCtrl() { return *timerCtrl; } ActorController &LuaState::getActorCtrl() { return *actorCtrl; } ObjectController &LuaState::getObjectCtrl() { return *objectCtrl; } int compareVersion(const string &wishVersion, const string &depVersionFound) { unsigned startVer = 0; if (wishVersion[0] == '>') { startVer = 1; if (wishVersion[1] == '=') startVer = 2; } typedef boost::tokenizer > tokenizer; boost::char_separator sep("."); tokenizer tokensWish(wishVersion.begin() + startVer, wishVersion.end(), sep), tokensFound(depVersionFound, sep); auto wishIter = tokensWish.begin(); auto founditer = tokensFound.begin(); int belowExpected = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { auto v1 = boost::lexical_cast(*(wishIter++)); auto v2 = boost::lexical_cast(*(founditer++)); if (v2 > v1 && startVer > 0) return 0; // found applicable version if (v2 <= v1) { if (v2 == v1 && startVer == 1) belowExpected++; else if (v2 < v1) return -1; // found version below expected continue; } return 1; // version higher than expected } if (belowExpected == 3) return -1; // found version below expected return 0; } void checkDependencies(const vector &modules, const ServerModuleInfo &smi, bool fatal = true) { for (auto &dependency : smi.dependencies) { const std::string &depNameRequest = dependency.first; const std::string &depVersionRequest = dependency.second; const auto &depEnvIt = find_if(modules.begin(), modules.end(), [&depNameRequest](const auto &val) { return val.name == depNameRequest; }); if (depEnvIt != modules.end()) { const string &depVersionFound = depEnvIt->version; if (compareVersion(depVersionRequest, depVersionFound) != 0) { stringstream sstr; sstr << depNameRequest << ": version \"" << depVersionFound << "\" is not applicable for \"" << smi.name << "\" expected \"" << depVersionRequest + "\""; if (fatal) Utils::throwError(sstr.str()); else LOG_MESSAGE_SIMPLE(Log::LOG_WARN, "%s", sstr.str().c_str()); } } else // dependency not found. { stringstream sstr; sstr << depNameRequest + " \"" << depVersionRequest << "\" not found."; if (fatal) Utils::throwError(sstr.str()); else LOG_MESSAGE_SIMPLE(Log::LOG_WARN, "%s", sstr.str().c_str()); } } } vector::iterator> loadOrderSolver(vector &modules) { vector::iterator> notResolved; vector::iterator> result; int currentIndex = 1; LOG_MESSAGE_SIMPLE(Log::LOG_INFO, "Using automated order for server modules:"); for (auto it = modules.begin(); it != modules.end(); ++it) { checkDependencies(modules, *it); if (it->dependencies.empty()) // if the server module doesn't have any dependencies, we can safely add it to the result { LOG_APPEND(Log::LOG_INFO, "- %i) %s", currentIndex, it->name.c_str()); currentIndex++; result.push_back(it); } else notResolved.push_back(it); } while (true) // Iterate notResolved until it becomes empty { for (auto it = notResolved.begin(); it != notResolved.end();) { bool resolved = true; for (auto &dep : (*it)->dependencies) { auto found = find_if(result.begin(), result.end(), [&dep](auto &a) { return dep.first == a->name; }); if (found != result.end()) continue; // if the dependency is already in the correct order, otherwise hold it among the unresolved ones // check if any module depends on this one found = find_if(notResolved.begin(), notResolved.end(), [&dep](auto &a) { return dep.first == a->name; }); if (found != result.end()) // check for circular dependency { auto checkCircularDep = find_if((*found)->dependencies.begin(), (*found)->dependencies.end(), [&it](auto &a) { return (*it)->name == a.first; // found circular dependency }); if (checkCircularDep != (*found)->dependencies.end()) { stringstream sstr; sstr << "Found circular dependency: \"" << (*it)->name << "\" and \"" << (*found)->name << "\" depend on each other" << endl; Utils::throwError(sstr.str()); } } resolved = false; break; } if (resolved) { LOG_APPEND(Log::LOG_INFO, "- %i) %s", currentIndex, (*it)->name.c_str()); currentIndex++; result.push_back(*it); it = notResolved.erase(it); } else ++it; } if (notResolved.empty()) break; } return result; } void LuaState::loadModules(const std::string &moduleDir, std::vector *list) { using namespace boost::filesystem; auto readConfig = [this](path homePath){ const auto mainScript = "main.lua"; if (!is_directory(homePath / "modules")) Utils::throwError(homePath.string() + ": No such directory."); for (const auto &moduleDir : directory_iterator(homePath / "modules")) { if (is_directory(moduleDir.status()) && exists(moduleDir.path() / mainScript)) { boost::property_tree::ptree pt; auto _path = homePath.string() + "/modules/" + moduleDir.path().filename().string(); boost::property_tree::read_json(_path + "/moduleInfo.json", pt); ServerModuleInfo moduleInfo; moduleInfo.path = make_pair(homePath.string(), moduleDir.path().filename().string()); moduleInfo.author = pt.get("author"); moduleInfo.version = pt.get("version"); for (const auto &v : pt.get_child("dependencies")) moduleInfo.dependencies.emplace_back(v.first, v.second.get_value()); auto name = pt.get("name"); moduleInfo.name = name; modules.push_back(move(moduleInfo)); } } }; #ifdef _WIN32 const char* libExt = ".dll"; #else const char* libExt = ".so"; #endif path envServerDir = moduleDir; if (envServerDir.empty()) envServerDir = current_path(); addGlobalPackagePath(envServerDir.string() + "/lib/lua/?/init.lua;" + envServerDir.string() + "/lib/lua/?.lua"); addGlobalCPath(envServerDir.string() + "/lib/?" + libExt); readConfig(envServerDir); vector::iterator> sortedModuleList; if (list != nullptr && !list->empty()) // manual sorted list { int currentIndex = 1; LOG_MESSAGE_SIMPLE(Log::LOG_INFO, "Using manual order for server modules:"); for (const auto &mssp : *list) { bool found = false; for (auto it = modules.begin(); it != modules.end(); ++it) { if (it->name == mssp) { checkDependencies(modules, *it, false); // check dependencies, but do not throw exceptions LOG_APPEND(Log::LOG_INFO, "- %i) %s", currentIndex, mssp.c_str()); currentIndex++; sortedModuleList.push_back(it); found = true; break; } } if (!found) Utils::throwError("Module: \"" + mssp + "\" not found"); } } else sortedModuleList = loadOrderSolver(modules); for (auto &&module : sortedModuleList) { module->env = openModule(module->path.first, module->path.second); sol::table loaded = dataEnv["Core"]["loadedModules"]; loaded.add(module->name); cout << "moduleName: " << module->name << endl; } dataEnv["Core"]["LOADED_MODULES"] = modules.size(); }