#include "animation.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // KeyframeHolder #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../mwbase/environment.hpp" #include "../mwbase/world.hpp" #include "../mwworld/esmstore.hpp" #include "../mwworld/class.hpp" #include "../mwworld/cellstore.hpp" #include "../mwmechanics/character.hpp" // FIXME: for MWMechanics::Priority #include "vismask.hpp" #include "util.hpp" #include "rotatecontroller.hpp" namespace { /// Removes all particle systems and related nodes in a subgraph. class RemoveParticlesVisitor : public osg::NodeVisitor { public: RemoveParticlesVisitor() : osg::NodeVisitor(TRAVERSE_ALL_CHILDREN) { } virtual void apply(osg::Node &node) { if (dynamic_cast(&node)) mToRemove.push_back(&node); traverse(node); } virtual void apply(osg::Drawable& drw) { if (osgParticle::ParticleSystem* partsys = dynamic_cast(&drw)) mToRemove.push_back(partsys); } void remove() { for (std::vector >::iterator it = mToRemove.begin(); it != mToRemove.end(); ++it) { // FIXME: a Drawable might have more than one parent osg::Node* node = *it; if (node->getNumParents()) node->getParent(0)->removeChild(node); } mToRemove.clear(); } private: std::vector > mToRemove; }; class NodeMapVisitor : public osg::NodeVisitor { public: typedef std::map > NodeMap; NodeMapVisitor(NodeMap& map) : osg::NodeVisitor(osg::NodeVisitor::TRAVERSE_ALL_CHILDREN) , mMap(map) {} void apply(osg::MatrixTransform& trans) { mMap[Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase(trans.getName())] = &trans; traverse(trans); } private: NodeMap& mMap; }; NifOsg::TextKeyMap::const_iterator findGroupStart(const NifOsg::TextKeyMap &keys, const std::string &groupname) { NifOsg::TextKeyMap::const_iterator iter(keys.begin()); for(;iter != keys.end();++iter) { if(iter->second.compare(0, groupname.size(), groupname) == 0 && iter->second.compare(groupname.size(), 2, ": ") == 0) break; } return iter; } float calcAnimVelocity(const std::multimap& keys, NifOsg::KeyframeController *nonaccumctrl, const osg::Vec3f& accum, const std::string &groupname) { const std::string start = groupname+": start"; const std::string loopstart = groupname+": loop start"; const std::string loopstop = groupname+": loop stop"; const std::string stop = groupname+": stop"; float starttime = std::numeric_limits::max(); float stoptime = 0.0f; // Pick the last Loop Stop key and the last Loop Start key. // This is required because of broken text keys in AshVampire.nif. // It has *two* WalkForward: Loop Stop keys at different times, the first one is used for stopping playback // but the animation velocity calculation uses the second one. // As result the animation velocity calculation is not correct, and this incorrect velocity must be replicated, // because otherwise the Creature's Speed (dagoth uthol) would not be sufficient to move fast enough. NifOsg::TextKeyMap::const_reverse_iterator keyiter(keys.rbegin()); while(keyiter != keys.rend()) { if(keyiter->second == start || keyiter->second == loopstart) { starttime = keyiter->first; break; } ++keyiter; } keyiter = keys.rbegin(); while(keyiter != keys.rend()) { if (keyiter->second == stop) stoptime = keyiter->first; else if (keyiter->second == loopstop) { stoptime = keyiter->first; break; } ++keyiter; } if(stoptime > starttime) { osg::Vec3f startpos = osg::componentMultiply(nonaccumctrl->getTranslation(starttime), accum); osg::Vec3f endpos = osg::componentMultiply(nonaccumctrl->getTranslation(stoptime), accum); return (startpos-endpos).length() / (stoptime - starttime); } return 0.0f; } /// @brief Base class for visitors that remove nodes from a scene graph. /// Subclasses need to fill the mToRemove vector. /// To use, node->accept(removeVisitor); removeVisitor.remove(); class RemoveVisitor : public osg::NodeVisitor { public: RemoveVisitor() : osg::NodeVisitor(TRAVERSE_ALL_CHILDREN) { } void remove() { for (RemoveVec::iterator it = mToRemove.begin(); it != mToRemove.end(); ++it) it->second->removeChild(it->first); } protected: // typedef std::vector > RemoveVec; std::vector > mToRemove; }; // Removes all drawables from a graph. class CleanObjectRootVisitor : public RemoveVisitor { public: virtual void apply(osg::Drawable& drw) { applyDrawable(drw); } virtual void apply(osg::Group& node) { applyNode(node); } virtual void apply(osg::MatrixTransform& node) { applyNode(node); } virtual void apply(osg::Node& node) { applyNode(node); } void applyNode(osg::Node& node) { if (node.getStateSet()) node.setStateSet(NULL); if (node.getNodeMask() == 0x1 && node.getNumParents() == 1) mToRemove.push_back(std::make_pair(&node, node.getParent(0))); else traverse(node); } void applyDrawable(osg::Node& node) { osg::NodePath::iterator parent = getNodePath().end()-2; // We know that the parent is a Group because only Groups can have children. osg::Group* parentGroup = static_cast(*parent); // Try to prune nodes that would be empty after the removal if (parent != getNodePath().begin()) { // This could be extended to remove the parent's parent, and so on if they are empty as well. // But for NIF files, there won't be a benefit since only TriShapes can be set to STATIC dataVariance. osg::Group* parentParent = static_cast(*(parent - 1)); if (parentGroup->getNumChildren() == 1 && parentGroup->getDataVariance() == osg::Object::STATIC) { mToRemove.push_back(std::make_pair(parentGroup, parentParent)); return; } } mToRemove.push_back(std::make_pair(&node, parentGroup)); } }; class RemoveTriBipVisitor : public RemoveVisitor { public: virtual void apply(osg::Drawable& drw) { applyImpl(drw); } virtual void apply(osg::Group& node) { traverse(node); } virtual void apply(osg::MatrixTransform& node) { traverse(node); } void applyImpl(osg::Node& node) { const std::string toFind = "tri bip"; if (Misc::StringUtils::ciCompareLen(node.getName(), toFind, toFind.size()) == 0) { osg::Group* parent = static_cast(*(getNodePath().end()-2)); // Not safe to remove in apply(), since the visitor is still iterating the child list mToRemove.push_back(std::make_pair(&node, parent)); } } }; } namespace MWRender { class GlowUpdater : public SceneUtil::StateSetUpdater { public: GlowUpdater(int texUnit, osg::Vec4f color, const std::vector >& textures, osg::Node* node, float duration, Resource::ResourceSystem* resourcesystem) : mTexUnit(texUnit) , mColor(color) , mOriginalColor(color) , mTextures(textures) , mNode(node) , mDuration(duration) , mOriginalDuration(duration) , mStartingTime(0) , mResourceSystem(resourcesystem) , mColorChanged(false) , mDone(false) { } virtual void setDefaults(osg::StateSet *stateset) { if (mDone) removeTexture(stateset); else { stateset->setTextureMode(mTexUnit, GL_TEXTURE_2D, osg::StateAttribute::ON); osg::TexGen* texGen = new osg::TexGen; texGen->setMode(osg::TexGen::SPHERE_MAP); stateset->setTextureAttributeAndModes(mTexUnit, texGen, osg::StateAttribute::ON|osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE); osg::TexEnvCombine* texEnv = new osg::TexEnvCombine; texEnv->setSource0_RGB(osg::TexEnvCombine::CONSTANT); texEnv->setConstantColor(mColor); texEnv->setCombine_RGB(osg::TexEnvCombine::INTERPOLATE); texEnv->setSource2_RGB(osg::TexEnvCombine::TEXTURE); texEnv->setOperand2_RGB(osg::TexEnvCombine::SRC_COLOR); stateset->setTextureAttributeAndModes(mTexUnit, texEnv, osg::StateAttribute::ON); stateset->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("envMapColor", mColor)); } } void removeTexture(osg::StateSet* stateset) { stateset->removeTextureAttribute(mTexUnit, osg::StateAttribute::TEXTURE); stateset->removeTextureAttribute(mTexUnit, osg::StateAttribute::TEXGEN); stateset->removeTextureAttribute(mTexUnit, osg::StateAttribute::TEXENV); stateset->removeTextureMode(mTexUnit, GL_TEXTURE_2D); stateset->removeUniform("envMapColor"); osg::StateSet::TextureAttributeList& list = stateset->getTextureAttributeList(); while (list.size() && list.rbegin()->empty()) list.pop_back(); } virtual void apply(osg::StateSet *stateset, osg::NodeVisitor *nv) { if (mColorChanged){ this->reset(); setDefaults(stateset); mColorChanged = false; } if (mDone) return; // Set the starting time to measure glow duration from if this is a temporary glow if ((mDuration >= 0) && mStartingTime == 0) mStartingTime = nv->getFrameStamp()->getSimulationTime(); float time = nv->getFrameStamp()->getSimulationTime(); int index = (int)(time*16) % mTextures.size(); stateset->setTextureAttribute(mTexUnit, mTextures[index], osg::StateAttribute::ON|osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE); if ((mDuration >= 0) && (time - mStartingTime > mDuration)) // If this is a temporary glow and it has finished its duration { if (mOriginalDuration >= 0) // if this glowupdater was a temporary glow since its creation { removeTexture(stateset); this->reset(); mDone = true; mResourceSystem->getSceneManager()->recreateShaders(mNode); } if (mOriginalDuration < 0) // if this glowupdater was originally a permanent glow { mDuration = mOriginalDuration; mStartingTime = 0; mColor = mOriginalColor; this->reset(); setDefaults(stateset); } } } bool isPermanentGlowUpdater() { return (mDuration < 0); } bool isDone() { return mDone; } void setColor(osg::Vec4f color) { mColor = color; mColorChanged = true; } void setDuration(float duration) { mDuration = duration; } private: int mTexUnit; osg::Vec4f mColor; osg::Vec4f mOriginalColor; // for restoring the color of a permanent glow after a temporary glow on the object finishes std::vector > mTextures; osg::Node* mNode; float mDuration; float mOriginalDuration; // for recording that this is originally a permanent glow if it is changed to a temporary one float mStartingTime; Resource::ResourceSystem* mResourceSystem; bool mColorChanged; bool mDone; }; struct Animation::AnimSource { osg::ref_ptr mKeyframes; typedef std::map > ControllerMap; ControllerMap mControllerMap[Animation::sNumBlendMasks]; const std::multimap& getTextKeys() const; }; class ResetAccumRootCallback : public osg::NodeCallback { public: virtual void operator()(osg::Node* node, osg::NodeVisitor* nv) { osg::MatrixTransform* transform = static_cast(node); osg::Matrix mat = transform->getMatrix(); osg::Vec3f position = mat.getTrans(); position = osg::componentMultiply(mResetAxes, position); mat.setTrans(position); transform->setMatrix(mat); traverse(node, nv); } void setAccumulate(const osg::Vec3f& accumulate) { // anything that accumulates (1.f) should be reset in the callback to (0.f) mResetAxes.x() = accumulate.x() != 0.f ? 0.f : 1.f; mResetAxes.y() = accumulate.y() != 0.f ? 0.f : 1.f; mResetAxes.z() = accumulate.z() != 0.f ? 0.f : 1.f; } private: osg::Vec3f mResetAxes; }; Animation::Animation(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr, osg::ref_ptr parentNode, Resource::ResourceSystem* resourceSystem) : mInsert(parentNode) , mSkeleton(NULL) , mNodeMapCreated(false) , mPtr(ptr) , mResourceSystem(resourceSystem) , mAccumulate(1.f, 1.f, 0.f) , mTextKeyListener(NULL) , mHeadYawRadians(0.f) , mHeadPitchRadians(0.f) , mAlpha(1.f) { for(size_t i = 0;i < sNumBlendMasks;i++) mAnimationTimePtr[i].reset(new AnimationTime); mLightListCallback = new SceneUtil::LightListCallback; } Animation::~Animation() { setLightEffect(0.f); if (mObjectRoot) mInsert->removeChild(mObjectRoot); } MWWorld::ConstPtr Animation::getPtr() const { return mPtr; } MWWorld::Ptr Animation::getPtr() { return mPtr; } void Animation::setActive(bool active) { if (mSkeleton) mSkeleton->setActive(active); } void Animation::updatePtr(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr) { mPtr = ptr; } void Animation::setAccumulation(const osg::Vec3f& accum) { mAccumulate = accum; if (mResetAccumRootCallback) mResetAccumRootCallback->setAccumulate(mAccumulate); } size_t Animation::detectBlendMask(const osg::Node* node) const { static const char sBlendMaskRoots[sNumBlendMasks][32] = { "", /* Lower body / character root */ "Bip01 Spine1", /* Torso */ "Bip01 L Clavicle", /* Left arm */ "Bip01 R Clavicle", /* Right arm */ }; while(node != mObjectRoot) { const std::string &name = node->getName(); for(size_t i = 1;i < sNumBlendMasks;i++) { if(name == sBlendMaskRoots[i]) return i; } assert(node->getNumParents() > 0); node = node->getParent(0); } return 0; } const std::multimap &Animation::AnimSource::getTextKeys() const { return mKeyframes->mTextKeys; } void Animation::addAnimSource(const std::string &model) { std::string kfname = model; Misc::StringUtils::lowerCaseInPlace(kfname); if(kfname.size() > 4 && kfname.compare(kfname.size()-4, 4, ".nif") == 0) kfname.replace(kfname.size()-4, 4, ".kf"); else return; if(!mResourceSystem->getVFS()->exists(kfname)) return; boost::shared_ptr animsrc; animsrc.reset(new AnimSource); animsrc->mKeyframes = mResourceSystem->getKeyframeManager()->get(kfname); if (!animsrc->mKeyframes || animsrc->mKeyframes->mTextKeys.empty() || animsrc->mKeyframes->mKeyframeControllers.empty()) return; const NodeMap& nodeMap = getNodeMap(); for (NifOsg::KeyframeHolder::KeyframeControllerMap::const_iterator it = animsrc->mKeyframes->mKeyframeControllers.begin(); it != animsrc->mKeyframes->mKeyframeControllers.end(); ++it) { std::string bonename = Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase(it->first); NodeMap::const_iterator found = nodeMap.find(bonename); if (found == nodeMap.end()) { std::cerr << "addAnimSource: can't find bone '" + bonename << "' in " << model << " (referenced by " << kfname << ")" << std::endl; continue; } osg::Node* node = found->second; size_t blendMask = detectBlendMask(node); // clone the controller, because each Animation needs its own ControllerSource osg::ref_ptr cloned = new NifOsg::KeyframeController(*it->second, osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY); cloned->setSource(mAnimationTimePtr[blendMask]); animsrc->mControllerMap[blendMask].insert(std::make_pair(bonename, cloned)); } mAnimSources.push_back(animsrc); SceneUtil::AssignControllerSourcesVisitor assignVisitor(mAnimationTimePtr[0]); mObjectRoot->accept(assignVisitor); if (!mAccumRoot) { NodeMap::const_iterator found = nodeMap.find("root bone"); if (found == nodeMap.end()) found = nodeMap.find("bip01"); if (found != nodeMap.end()) mAccumRoot = found->second; } } void Animation::clearAnimSources() { mStates.clear(); for(size_t i = 0;i < sNumBlendMasks;i++) mAnimationTimePtr[i]->setTimePtr(boost::shared_ptr()); mAccumCtrl = NULL; mAnimSources.clear(); mAnimVelocities.clear(); } bool Animation::hasAnimation(const std::string &anim) const { AnimSourceList::const_iterator iter(mAnimSources.begin()); for(;iter != mAnimSources.end();++iter) { const NifOsg::TextKeyMap &keys = (*iter)->getTextKeys(); if(findGroupStart(keys, anim) != keys.end()) return true; } return false; } float Animation::getStartTime(const std::string &groupname) const { for(AnimSourceList::const_iterator iter(mAnimSources.begin()); iter != mAnimSources.end(); ++iter) { const NifOsg::TextKeyMap &keys = (*iter)->getTextKeys(); NifOsg::TextKeyMap::const_iterator found = findGroupStart(keys, groupname); if(found != keys.end()) return found->first; } return -1.f; } float Animation::getTextKeyTime(const std::string &textKey) const { for(AnimSourceList::const_iterator iter(mAnimSources.begin()); iter != mAnimSources.end(); ++iter) { const NifOsg::TextKeyMap &keys = (*iter)->getTextKeys(); for(NifOsg::TextKeyMap::const_iterator iterKey(keys.begin()); iterKey != keys.end(); ++iterKey) { if(iterKey->second.compare(0, textKey.size(), textKey) == 0) return iterKey->first; } } return -1.f; } void Animation::handleTextKey(AnimState &state, const std::string &groupname, const std::multimap::const_iterator &key, const std::multimap& map) { const std::string &evt = key->second; size_t off = groupname.size()+2; size_t len = evt.size() - off; if(evt.compare(0, groupname.size(), groupname) == 0 && evt.compare(groupname.size(), 2, ": ") == 0) { if(evt.compare(off, len, "loop start") == 0) state.mLoopStartTime = key->first; else if(evt.compare(off, len, "loop stop") == 0) state.mLoopStopTime = key->first; } if (mTextKeyListener) { try { mTextKeyListener->handleTextKey(groupname, key, map); } catch (std::exception& e) { std::cerr << "Error handling text key " << evt << ": " << e.what() << std::endl; } } } void Animation::play(const std::string &groupname, const AnimPriority& priority, int blendMask, bool autodisable, float speedmult, const std::string &start, const std::string &stop, float startpoint, size_t loops, bool loopfallback) { if(!mObjectRoot || mAnimSources.empty()) return; if(groupname.empty()) { resetActiveGroups(); return; } AnimStateMap::iterator stateiter = mStates.begin(); while(stateiter != mStates.end()) { if(stateiter->second.mPriority == priority) mStates.erase(stateiter++); else ++stateiter; } stateiter = mStates.find(groupname); if(stateiter != mStates.end()) { stateiter->second.mPriority = priority; resetActiveGroups(); return; } /* Look in reverse; last-inserted source has priority. */ AnimState state; AnimSourceList::reverse_iterator iter(mAnimSources.rbegin()); for(;iter != mAnimSources.rend();++iter) { const NifOsg::TextKeyMap &textkeys = (*iter)->getTextKeys(); if(reset(state, textkeys, groupname, start, stop, startpoint, loopfallback)) { state.mSource = *iter; state.mSpeedMult = speedmult; state.mLoopCount = loops; state.mPlaying = (state.getTime() < state.mStopTime); state.mPriority = priority; state.mBlendMask = blendMask; state.mAutoDisable = autodisable; mStates[groupname] = state; if (state.mPlaying) { NifOsg::TextKeyMap::const_iterator textkey(textkeys.lower_bound(state.getTime())); while(textkey != textkeys.end() && textkey->first <= state.getTime()) { handleTextKey(state, groupname, textkey, textkeys); ++textkey; } } if(state.getTime() >= state.mLoopStopTime && state.mLoopCount > 0) { state.mLoopCount--; state.setTime(state.mLoopStartTime); state.mPlaying = true; if(state.getTime() >= state.mLoopStopTime) break; NifOsg::TextKeyMap::const_iterator textkey(textkeys.lower_bound(state.getTime())); while(textkey != textkeys.end() && textkey->first <= state.getTime()) { handleTextKey(state, groupname, textkey, textkeys); ++textkey; } } break; } } if(iter == mAnimSources.rend()) std::cerr<< "Failed to find animation "<second.compare(0, groupname.size(), groupname) == 0 && groupend->second.compare(groupname.size(), 2, ": ") == 0) break; } std::string starttag = groupname+": "+start; NifOsg::TextKeyMap::const_reverse_iterator startkey(groupend); while(startkey != keys.rend() && startkey->second != starttag) ++startkey; if(startkey == keys.rend() && start == "loop start") { starttag = groupname+": start"; startkey = groupend; while(startkey != keys.rend() && startkey->second != starttag) ++startkey; } if(startkey == keys.rend()) return false; const std::string stoptag = groupname+": "+stop; NifOsg::TextKeyMap::const_reverse_iterator stopkey(groupend); while(stopkey != keys.rend() // We have to ignore extra garbage at the end. // The Scrib's idle3 animation has "Idle3: Stop." instead of "Idle3: Stop". // Why, just why? :( && (stopkey->second.size() < stoptag.size() || stopkey->second.substr(0,stoptag.size()) != stoptag)) ++stopkey; if(stopkey == keys.rend()) return false; if(startkey->first > stopkey->first) return false; state.mStartTime = startkey->first; if (loopfallback) { state.mLoopStartTime = startkey->first; state.mLoopStopTime = stopkey->first; } else { state.mLoopStartTime = startkey->first; state.mLoopStopTime = std::numeric_limits::max(); } state.mStopTime = stopkey->first; state.setTime(state.mStartTime + ((state.mStopTime - state.mStartTime) * startpoint)); // mLoopStartTime and mLoopStopTime normally get assigned when encountering these keys while playing the animation // (see handleTextKey). But if startpoint is already past these keys, or start time is == stop time, we need to assign them now. const std::string loopstarttag = groupname+": loop start"; const std::string loopstoptag = groupname+": loop stop"; NifOsg::TextKeyMap::const_reverse_iterator key(groupend); for (; key != startkey && key != keys.rend(); ++key) { if (key->first > state.getTime()) continue; if (key->second == loopstarttag) state.mLoopStartTime = key->first; else if (key->second == loopstoptag) state.mLoopStopTime = key->first; } return true; } void Animation::setTextKeyListener(Animation::TextKeyListener *listener) { mTextKeyListener = listener; } const Animation::NodeMap &Animation::getNodeMap() const { if (!mNodeMapCreated && mObjectRoot) { NodeMapVisitor visitor(mNodeMap); mObjectRoot->accept(visitor); mNodeMapCreated = true; } return mNodeMap; } void Animation::resetActiveGroups() { // remove all previous external controllers from the scene graph for (ControllerMap::iterator it = mActiveControllers.begin(); it != mActiveControllers.end(); ++it) { osg::Node* node = it->first; node->removeUpdateCallback(it->second); // Should be no longer needed with OSG 3.4 it->second->setNestedCallback(NULL); } mActiveControllers.clear(); mAccumCtrl = NULL; for(size_t blendMask = 0;blendMask < sNumBlendMasks;blendMask++) { AnimStateMap::const_iterator active = mStates.end(); AnimStateMap::const_iterator state = mStates.begin(); for(;state != mStates.end();++state) { if(!(state->second.mBlendMask&(1<second.mPriority[(BoneGroup)blendMask] < state->second.mPriority[(BoneGroup)blendMask]) active = state; } mAnimationTimePtr[blendMask]->setTimePtr(active == mStates.end() ? boost::shared_ptr() : active->second.mTime); // add external controllers for the AnimSource active in this blend mask if (active != mStates.end()) { boost::shared_ptr animsrc = active->second.mSource; for (AnimSource::ControllerMap::iterator it = animsrc->mControllerMap[blendMask].begin(); it != animsrc->mControllerMap[blendMask].end(); ++it) { osg::ref_ptr node = getNodeMap().at(it->first); // this should not throw, we already checked for the node existing in addAnimSource node->addUpdateCallback(it->second); mActiveControllers.insert(std::make_pair(node, it->second)); if (blendMask == 0 && node == mAccumRoot) { mAccumCtrl = it->second; // make sure reset is last in the chain of callbacks if (!mResetAccumRootCallback) { mResetAccumRootCallback = new ResetAccumRootCallback; mResetAccumRootCallback->setAccumulate(mAccumulate); } mAccumRoot->addUpdateCallback(mResetAccumRootCallback); mActiveControllers.insert(std::make_pair(mAccumRoot, mResetAccumRootCallback)); } } } } addControllers(); } void Animation::adjustSpeedMult(const std::string &groupname, float speedmult) { AnimStateMap::iterator state(mStates.find(groupname)); if(state != mStates.end()) state->second.mSpeedMult = speedmult; } bool Animation::isPlaying(const std::string &groupname) const { AnimStateMap::const_iterator state(mStates.find(groupname)); if(state != mStates.end()) return state->second.mPlaying; return false; } bool Animation::getInfo(const std::string &groupname, float *complete, float *speedmult) const { AnimStateMap::const_iterator iter = mStates.find(groupname); if(iter == mStates.end()) { if(complete) *complete = 0.0f; if(speedmult) *speedmult = 0.0f; return false; } if(complete) { if(iter->second.mStopTime > iter->second.mStartTime) *complete = (iter->second.getTime() - iter->second.mStartTime) / (iter->second.mStopTime - iter->second.mStartTime); else *complete = (iter->second.mPlaying ? 0.0f : 1.0f); } if(speedmult) *speedmult = iter->second.mSpeedMult; return true; } float Animation::getCurrentTime(const std::string &groupname) const { AnimStateMap::const_iterator iter = mStates.find(groupname); if(iter == mStates.end()) return -1.f; return iter->second.getTime(); } size_t Animation::getCurrentLoopCount(const std::string& groupname) const { AnimStateMap::const_iterator iter = mStates.find(groupname); if(iter == mStates.end()) return 0; return iter->second.mLoopCount; } void Animation::disable(const std::string &groupname) { AnimStateMap::iterator iter = mStates.find(groupname); if(iter != mStates.end()) mStates.erase(iter); resetActiveGroups(); } float Animation::getVelocity(const std::string &groupname) const { if (!mAccumRoot) return 0.0f; std::map::const_iterator found = mAnimVelocities.find(groupname); if (found != mAnimVelocities.end()) return found->second; // Look in reverse; last-inserted source has priority. AnimSourceList::const_reverse_iterator animsrc(mAnimSources.rbegin()); for(;animsrc != mAnimSources.rend();++animsrc) { const NifOsg::TextKeyMap &keys = (*animsrc)->getTextKeys(); if(findGroupStart(keys, groupname) != keys.end()) break; } if(animsrc == mAnimSources.rend()) return 0.0f; float velocity = 0.0f; const NifOsg::TextKeyMap &keys = (*animsrc)->getTextKeys(); const AnimSource::ControllerMap& ctrls = (*animsrc)->mControllerMap[0]; for (AnimSource::ControllerMap::const_iterator it = ctrls.begin(); it != ctrls.end(); ++it) { if (Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(it->first, mAccumRoot->getName())) { velocity = calcAnimVelocity(keys, it->second, mAccumulate, groupname); break; } } // If there's no velocity, keep looking if(!(velocity > 1.0f)) { AnimSourceList::const_reverse_iterator animiter = mAnimSources.rbegin(); while(*animiter != *animsrc) ++animiter; while(!(velocity > 1.0f) && ++animiter != mAnimSources.rend()) { const NifOsg::TextKeyMap &keys2 = (*animiter)->getTextKeys(); const AnimSource::ControllerMap& ctrls2 = (*animiter)->mControllerMap[0]; for (AnimSource::ControllerMap::const_iterator it = ctrls2.begin(); it != ctrls2.end(); ++it) { if (Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(it->first, mAccumRoot->getName())) { velocity = calcAnimVelocity(keys2, it->second, mAccumulate, groupname); break; } } } } mAnimVelocities.insert(std::make_pair(groupname, velocity)); return velocity; } void Animation::updatePosition(float oldtime, float newtime, osg::Vec3f& position) { // Get the difference from the last update, and move the position osg::Vec3f off = osg::componentMultiply(mAccumCtrl->getTranslation(newtime), mAccumulate); position += off - osg::componentMultiply(mAccumCtrl->getTranslation(oldtime), mAccumulate); } osg::Vec3f Animation::runAnimation(float duration) { osg::Vec3f movement(0.f, 0.f, 0.f); AnimStateMap::iterator stateiter = mStates.begin(); while(stateiter != mStates.end()) { AnimState &state = stateiter->second; const NifOsg::TextKeyMap &textkeys = state.mSource->getTextKeys(); NifOsg::TextKeyMap::const_iterator textkey(textkeys.upper_bound(state.getTime())); float timepassed = duration * state.mSpeedMult; while(state.mPlaying) { float targetTime; if (!state.shouldLoop()) { targetTime = state.getTime() + timepassed; if(textkey == textkeys.end() || textkey->first > targetTime) { if(mAccumCtrl && state.mTime == mAnimationTimePtr[0]->getTimePtr()) updatePosition(state.getTime(), targetTime, movement); state.setTime(std::min(targetTime, state.mStopTime)); } else { if(mAccumCtrl && state.mTime == mAnimationTimePtr[0]->getTimePtr()) updatePosition(state.getTime(), textkey->first, movement); state.setTime(textkey->first); } state.mPlaying = (state.getTime() < state.mStopTime); timepassed = targetTime - state.getTime(); while(textkey != textkeys.end() && textkey->first <= state.getTime()) { handleTextKey(state, stateiter->first, textkey, textkeys); ++textkey; } } if(state.shouldLoop()) { state.mLoopCount--; state.setTime(state.mLoopStartTime); state.mPlaying = true; textkey = textkeys.lower_bound(state.getTime()); while(textkey != textkeys.end() && textkey->first <= state.getTime()) { handleTextKey(state, stateiter->first, textkey, textkeys); ++textkey; } if(state.getTime() >= state.mLoopStopTime) break; } if(timepassed <= 0.0f) break; } if(!state.mPlaying && state.mAutoDisable) { mStates.erase(stateiter++); resetActiveGroups(); } else ++stateiter; } updateEffects(duration); if (mHeadController) { const float epsilon = 0.001f; bool enable = (std::abs(mHeadPitchRadians) > epsilon || std::abs(mHeadYawRadians) > epsilon); mHeadController->setEnabled(enable); if (enable) mHeadController->setRotate(osg::Quat(mHeadPitchRadians, osg::Vec3f(1,0,0)) * osg::Quat(mHeadYawRadians, osg::Vec3f(0,0,1))); } return movement; } void Animation::setLoopingEnabled(const std::string &groupname, bool enabled) { AnimStateMap::iterator state(mStates.find(groupname)); if(state != mStates.end()) state->second.mLoopingEnabled = enabled; } osg::ref_ptr getModelInstance(Resource::SceneManager* sceneMgr, const std::string& model, bool baseonly) { if (baseonly) { typedef std::map > Cache; static Cache cache; Cache::iterator found = cache.find(model); if (found == cache.end()) { osg::ref_ptr created = sceneMgr->getInstance(model); CleanObjectRootVisitor removeDrawableVisitor; created->accept(removeDrawableVisitor); removeDrawableVisitor.remove(); cache.insert(std::make_pair(model, created)); return sceneMgr->createInstance(created); } else return sceneMgr->createInstance(found->second); } else return sceneMgr->createInstance(model); } void Animation::setObjectRoot(const std::string &model, bool forceskeleton, bool baseonly, bool isCreature) { osg::ref_ptr previousStateset; if (mObjectRoot) { if (mLightListCallback) mObjectRoot->removeCullCallback(mLightListCallback); previousStateset = mObjectRoot->getStateSet(); mObjectRoot->getParent(0)->removeChild(mObjectRoot); } mObjectRoot = NULL; mSkeleton = NULL; mNodeMap.clear(); mNodeMapCreated = false; mActiveControllers.clear(); mAccumRoot = NULL; mAccumCtrl = NULL; if (!forceskeleton) { osg::ref_ptr created = getModelInstance(mResourceSystem->getSceneManager(), model, baseonly); mInsert->addChild(created); mObjectRoot = created->asGroup(); if (!mObjectRoot) { mInsert->removeChild(created); mObjectRoot = new osg::Group; mObjectRoot->addChild(created); mInsert->addChild(mObjectRoot); } } else { osg::ref_ptr created = getModelInstance(mResourceSystem->getSceneManager(), model, baseonly); osg::ref_ptr skel = dynamic_cast(created.get()); if (!skel) { skel = new SceneUtil::Skeleton; skel->addChild(created); } mSkeleton = skel.get(); mObjectRoot = skel; mInsert->addChild(mObjectRoot); } if (previousStateset) mObjectRoot->setStateSet(previousStateset); if (isCreature) { RemoveTriBipVisitor removeTriBipVisitor; mObjectRoot->accept(removeTriBipVisitor); removeTriBipVisitor.remove(); } if (!mLightListCallback) mLightListCallback = new SceneUtil::LightListCallback; mObjectRoot->addCullCallback(mLightListCallback); } osg::Group* Animation::getObjectRoot() { return mObjectRoot.get(); } osg::Group* Animation::getOrCreateObjectRoot() { if (mObjectRoot) return mObjectRoot.get(); mObjectRoot = new osg::Group; mInsert->addChild(mObjectRoot); return mObjectRoot.get(); } class FindLowestUnusedTexUnitVisitor : public osg::NodeVisitor { public: FindLowestUnusedTexUnitVisitor() : osg::NodeVisitor(TRAVERSE_ALL_CHILDREN) , mLowestUnusedTexUnit(0) { } virtual void apply(osg::Node& node) { if (osg::StateSet* stateset = node.getStateSet()) mLowestUnusedTexUnit = std::max(mLowestUnusedTexUnit, int(stateset->getTextureAttributeList().size())); traverse(node); } int mLowestUnusedTexUnit; }; void Animation::addSpellCastGlow(const ESM::MagicEffect *effect, float glowDuration) { osg::Vec4f glowColor(1,1,1,1); glowColor.x() = effect->mData.mRed / 255.f; glowColor.y() = effect->mData.mGreen / 255.f; glowColor.z() = effect->mData.mBlue / 255.f; if (!mGlowUpdater || (mGlowUpdater->isDone() || (mGlowUpdater->isPermanentGlowUpdater() == true))) { if (mGlowUpdater && mGlowUpdater->isDone()) mObjectRoot->removeUpdateCallback(mGlowUpdater); if (mGlowUpdater && mGlowUpdater->isPermanentGlowUpdater()) { mGlowUpdater->setColor(glowColor); mGlowUpdater->setDuration(glowDuration); } else addGlow(mObjectRoot, glowColor, glowDuration); } } void Animation::addGlow(osg::ref_ptr node, osg::Vec4f glowColor, float glowDuration) { std::vector > textures; for (int i=0; i<32; ++i) { std::stringstream stream; stream << "textures/magicitem/caust"; stream << std::setw(2); stream << std::setfill('0'); stream << i; stream << ".dds"; osg::ref_ptr image = mResourceSystem->getImageManager()->getImage(stream.str()); osg::ref_ptr tex (new osg::Texture2D(image)); tex->setName("envMap"); tex->setWrap(osg::Texture::WRAP_S, osg::Texture2D::REPEAT); tex->setWrap(osg::Texture::WRAP_T, osg::Texture2D::REPEAT); mResourceSystem->getSceneManager()->applyFilterSettings(tex); textures.push_back(tex); } FindLowestUnusedTexUnitVisitor findLowestUnusedTexUnitVisitor; node->accept(findLowestUnusedTexUnitVisitor); int texUnit = findLowestUnusedTexUnitVisitor.mLowestUnusedTexUnit; osg::ref_ptr glowUpdater = new GlowUpdater(texUnit, glowColor, textures, node, glowDuration, mResourceSystem); mGlowUpdater = glowUpdater; node->addUpdateCallback(glowUpdater); // set a texture now so that the ShaderVisitor can find it osg::ref_ptr writableStateSet = NULL; if (!node->getStateSet()) writableStateSet = node->getOrCreateStateSet(); else { writableStateSet = new osg::StateSet(*node->getStateSet(), osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY); node->setStateSet(writableStateSet); } writableStateSet->setTextureAttributeAndModes(texUnit, textures.front(), osg::StateAttribute::ON); writableStateSet->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("envMapColor", glowColor)); mResourceSystem->getSceneManager()->recreateShaders(node); } // TODO: Should not be here osg::Vec4f Animation::getEnchantmentColor(const MWWorld::ConstPtr& item) const { osg::Vec4f result(1,1,1,1); std::string enchantmentName = item.getClass().getEnchantment(item); if (enchantmentName.empty()) return result; const ESM::Enchantment* enchantment = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get().search(enchantmentName); if (!enchantment) return result; assert (enchantment->mEffects.mList.size()); const ESM::MagicEffect* magicEffect = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get().search( enchantment->mEffects.mList.front().mEffectID); if (!magicEffect) return result; result.x() = magicEffect->mData.mRed / 255.f; result.y() = magicEffect->mData.mGreen / 255.f; result.z() = magicEffect->mData.mBlue / 255.f; return result; } void Animation::addExtraLight(osg::ref_ptr parent, const ESM::Light *esmLight) { const Fallback::Map* fallback = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getFallback(); static bool outQuadInLin = fallback->getFallbackBool("LightAttenuation_OutQuadInLin"); static bool useQuadratic = fallback->getFallbackBool("LightAttenuation_UseQuadratic"); static float quadraticValue = fallback->getFallbackFloat("LightAttenuation_QuadraticValue"); static float quadraticRadiusMult = fallback->getFallbackFloat("LightAttenuation_QuadraticRadiusMult"); static bool useLinear = fallback->getFallbackBool("LightAttenuation_UseLinear"); static float linearRadiusMult = fallback->getFallbackFloat("LightAttenuation_LinearRadiusMult"); static float linearValue = fallback->getFallbackFloat("LightAttenuation_LinearValue"); bool exterior = mPtr.isInCell() && mPtr.getCell()->getCell()->isExterior(); SceneUtil::addLight(parent, esmLight, Mask_ParticleSystem, Mask_Lighting, exterior, outQuadInLin, useQuadratic, quadraticValue, quadraticRadiusMult, useLinear, linearRadiusMult, linearValue); } void Animation::addEffect (const std::string& model, int effectId, bool loop, const std::string& bonename, std::string texture) { if (!mObjectRoot.get()) return; // Early out if we already have this effect for (std::vector::iterator it = mEffects.begin(); it != mEffects.end(); ++it) if (it->mLoop && loop && it->mEffectId == effectId && it->mBoneName == bonename) return; EffectParams params; params.mModelName = model; osg::ref_ptr parentNode; if (bonename.empty()) parentNode = mInsert; else { NodeMap::const_iterator found = getNodeMap().find(Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase(bonename)); if (found == getNodeMap().end()) throw std::runtime_error("Can't find bone " + bonename); parentNode = found->second; } osg::ref_ptr node = mResourceSystem->getSceneManager()->getInstance(model, parentNode); node->getOrCreateStateSet()->setMode(GL_LIGHTING, osg::StateAttribute::OFF); params.mObjects = PartHolderPtr(new PartHolder(node)); SceneUtil::FindMaxControllerLengthVisitor findMaxLengthVisitor; node->accept(findMaxLengthVisitor); // FreezeOnCull doesn't work so well with effect particles, that tend to have moving emitters SceneUtil::DisableFreezeOnCullVisitor disableFreezeOnCullVisitor; node->accept(disableFreezeOnCullVisitor); params.mMaxControllerLength = findMaxLengthVisitor.getMaxLength(); node->setNodeMask(Mask_Effect); params.mLoop = loop; params.mEffectId = effectId; params.mBoneName = bonename; params.mAnimTime = boost::shared_ptr(new EffectAnimationTime); SceneUtil::AssignControllerSourcesVisitor assignVisitor(boost::shared_ptr(params.mAnimTime)); node->accept(assignVisitor); overrideFirstRootTexture(texture, mResourceSystem, node); // TODO: in vanilla morrowind the effect is scaled based on the host object's bounding box. mEffects.push_back(params); } void Animation::removeEffect(int effectId) { for (std::vector::iterator it = mEffects.begin(); it != mEffects.end(); ++it) { if (it->mEffectId == effectId) { mEffects.erase(it); return; } } } void Animation::getLoopingEffects(std::vector &out) const { for (std::vector::const_iterator it = mEffects.begin(); it != mEffects.end(); ++it) { if (it->mLoop) out.push_back(it->mEffectId); } } void Animation::updateEffects(float duration) { for (std::vector::iterator it = mEffects.begin(); it != mEffects.end(); ) { it->mAnimTime->addTime(duration); if (it->mAnimTime->getTime() >= it->mMaxControllerLength) { if (it->mLoop) { // Start from the beginning again; carry over the remainder // Not sure if this is actually needed, the controller function might already handle loops float remainder = it->mAnimTime->getTime() - it->mMaxControllerLength; it->mAnimTime->resetTime(remainder); } else { it = mEffects.erase(it); continue; } } ++it; } } bool Animation::upperBodyReady() const { for (AnimStateMap::const_iterator stateiter = mStates.begin(); stateiter != mStates.end(); ++stateiter) { if (stateiter->second.mPriority.contains(int(MWMechanics::Priority_Hit)) || stateiter->second.mPriority.contains(int(MWMechanics::Priority_Weapon)) || stateiter->second.mPriority.contains(int(MWMechanics::Priority_Knockdown)) || stateiter->second.mPriority.contains(int(MWMechanics::Priority_Death))) return false; } return true; } const osg::Node* Animation::getNode(const std::string &name) const { std::string lowerName = Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase(name); NodeMap::const_iterator found = getNodeMap().find(lowerName); if (found == getNodeMap().end()) return NULL; else return found->second; } void Animation::setAlpha(float alpha) { if (alpha == mAlpha) return; mAlpha = alpha; if (alpha != 1.f) { osg::StateSet* stateset (new osg::StateSet); osg::BlendFunc* blendfunc (new osg::BlendFunc); stateset->setAttributeAndModes(blendfunc, osg::StateAttribute::ON|osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE); // FIXME: overriding diffuse/ambient/emissive colors osg::Material* material (new osg::Material); material->setColorMode(osg::Material::OFF); material->setDiffuse(osg::Material::FRONT_AND_BACK, osg::Vec4f(1,1,1,alpha)); material->setAmbient(osg::Material::FRONT_AND_BACK, osg::Vec4f(1,1,1,1)); stateset->setAttributeAndModes(material, osg::StateAttribute::ON|osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE); mObjectRoot->setStateSet(stateset); mResourceSystem->getSceneManager()->recreateShaders(mObjectRoot); } else { mObjectRoot->setStateSet(NULL); mResourceSystem->getSceneManager()->recreateShaders(mObjectRoot); } setRenderBin(); } void Animation::setRenderBin() { if (mAlpha != 1.f) { osg::StateSet* stateset = mObjectRoot->getOrCreateStateSet(); stateset->setRenderingHint(osg::StateSet::TRANSPARENT_BIN); stateset->setRenderBinMode(osg::StateSet::OVERRIDE_RENDERBIN_DETAILS); } else if (osg::StateSet* stateset = mObjectRoot->getStateSet()) stateset->setRenderBinToInherit(); } void Animation::setLightEffect(float effect) { if (effect == 0) { if (mGlowLight) { mInsert->removeChild(mGlowLight); mGlowLight = NULL; } } else { effect += 3; float radius = effect * 66.f; float linearAttenuation = 0.5f / effect; if (!mGlowLight || linearAttenuation != mGlowLight->getLight(0)->getLinearAttenuation()) { if (mGlowLight) { mInsert->removeChild(mGlowLight); mGlowLight = NULL; } osg::ref_ptr light (new osg::Light); light->setDiffuse(osg::Vec4f(0,0,0,0)); light->setSpecular(osg::Vec4f(0,0,0,0)); light->setAmbient(osg::Vec4f(1.5f,1.5f,1.5f,1.f)); light->setLinearAttenuation(linearAttenuation); mGlowLight = new SceneUtil::LightSource; mGlowLight->setNodeMask(Mask_Lighting); mInsert->addChild(mGlowLight); mGlowLight->setLight(light); } mGlowLight->setRadius(radius); } } void Animation::addControllers() { mHeadController = NULL; if (mPtr.getClass().isBipedal(mPtr)) { NodeMap::const_iterator found = getNodeMap().find("bip01 head"); if (found != getNodeMap().end()) { osg::MatrixTransform* node = found->second; bool foundKeyframeCtrl = false; osg::Callback* cb = node->getUpdateCallback(); while (cb) { if (dynamic_cast(cb)) { foundKeyframeCtrl = true; break; } cb = cb->getNestedCallback(); } if (foundKeyframeCtrl) { mHeadController = new RotateController(mObjectRoot.get()); node->addUpdateCallback(mHeadController); mActiveControllers.insert(std::make_pair(node, mHeadController)); } } } } void Animation::setHeadPitch(float pitchRadians) { mHeadPitchRadians = pitchRadians; } void Animation::setHeadYaw(float yawRadians) { mHeadYawRadians = yawRadians; } float Animation::getHeadPitch() const { return mHeadPitchRadians; } float Animation::getHeadYaw() const { return mHeadYawRadians; } // ------------------------------------------------------ float Animation::AnimationTime::getValue(osg::NodeVisitor*) { if (mTimePtr) return *mTimePtr; return 0.f; } float EffectAnimationTime::getValue(osg::NodeVisitor*) { return mTime; } void EffectAnimationTime::addTime(float duration) { mTime += duration; } void EffectAnimationTime::resetTime(float time) { mTime = time; } float EffectAnimationTime::getTime() const { return mTime; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ObjectAnimation::ObjectAnimation(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr, const std::string &model, Resource::ResourceSystem* resourceSystem, bool animated, bool allowLight) : Animation(ptr, osg::ref_ptr(ptr.getRefData().getBaseNode()), resourceSystem) { if (!model.empty()) { setObjectRoot(model, false, false, false); if (animated) addAnimSource(model); if (!ptr.getClass().getEnchantment(ptr).empty()) addGlow(mObjectRoot, getEnchantmentColor(ptr)); } if (ptr.getTypeName() == typeid(ESM::Light).name() && allowLight) addExtraLight(getOrCreateObjectRoot(), ptr.get()->mBase); if (!allowLight && mObjectRoot) { RemoveParticlesVisitor visitor; mObjectRoot->accept(visitor); visitor.remove(); } } Animation::AnimState::~AnimState() { } // ------------------------------ PartHolder::PartHolder(osg::ref_ptr node) : mNode(node) { } PartHolder::~PartHolder() { if (mNode.get() && !mNode->getNumParents()) std::cerr << "Warning: part has no parents " << std::endl; if (mNode.get() && mNode->getNumParents()) { if (mNode->getNumParents() > 1) std::cerr << "Warning: part has multiple parents " << mNode->getNumParents() << " " << mNode.get() << std::endl; mNode->getParent(0)->removeChild(mNode); } } }