MyGUI::WidgetPtr FPSText; MyGUI::WindowPtr mwindow; OIS::MouseState state; extern "C" void gui_toggleGui() { if(guiMode == 1) { guiMode = 0; mGUI->hidePointer(); if(mwindow) mwindow->setVisible(false); state = mMouse->getMouseState(); } else { // Restore the GUI mouse position. This is a hack because silly // OIS doesn't allow us to set the mouse position ourselves. *((OIS::MouseState*)&(mMouse->getMouseState())) = state; mGUI->injectMouseMove(state.X.abs, state.Y.abs, 0); guiMode = 1; mGUI->showPointer(); if(mwindow) mwindow->setVisible(true); } } void turnGuiOff(MyGUI::WidgetPtr sender) { guiMode = 1; gui_toggleGui(); } // Copied from MyGUI demo code, with a few modifications class Layout { public: Layout(const std::string & _layout, MyGUI::WidgetPtr _parent = nullptr) : mMainWidget(nullptr) { initialise(_layout, _parent); } template <typename T> void getWidget(T * & _widget, const std::string & _name, bool _throw = true) { _widget = nullptr; for (MyGUI::VectorWidgetPtr::iterator iter=mListWindowRoot.begin(); iter!=mListWindowRoot.end(); ++iter) { MyGUI::WidgetPtr find = (*iter)->findWidget(mPrefix + _name); if (nullptr != find) { T * cast = find->castType<T>(false); if (nullptr != cast) _widget = cast; else if (_throw) { MYGUI_EXCEPT("Error cast : dest type = '" << T::getClassTypeName() << "' source name = '" << find->getName() << "' source type = '" << find->getTypeName() << "' in layout '" << mLayoutName << "'"); } return; } } MYGUI_ASSERT( ! _throw, "widget name '" << _name << "' in layout '" << mLayoutName << "' not found."); } void initialise(const std::string & _layout, MyGUI::WidgetPtr _parent = nullptr) { const std::string MAIN_WINDOW = "_Main"; mLayoutName = _layout; if (mLayoutName.empty()) mMainWidget = _parent; else { mPrefix = MyGUI::utility::toString(this, "_"); mListWindowRoot = MyGUI::LayoutManager::getInstance().loadLayout(mLayoutName, mPrefix, _parent); const std::string main_name = mPrefix + MAIN_WINDOW; for (MyGUI::VectorWidgetPtr::iterator iter=mListWindowRoot.begin(); iter!=mListWindowRoot.end(); ++iter) { if ((*iter)->getName() == main_name) { mMainWidget = (*iter); break; } } MYGUI_ASSERT(mMainWidget, "root widget name '" << MAIN_WINDOW << "' in layout '" << mLayoutName << "' not found."); } } void shutdown() { for (VectorBasePtr::iterator iter=mListBase.begin(); iter!=mListBase.end(); ++iter) { delete (*iter); } mListBase.clear(); MyGUI::LayoutManager::getInstance().unloadLayout(mListWindowRoot); mListWindowRoot.clear(); } void setCoord(int x, int y, int w, int h) { mMainWidget->setCoord(x,y,w,h); } virtual ~Layout() { shutdown(); } protected: MyGUI::WidgetPtr mMainWidget; std::string mPrefix; std::string mLayoutName; MyGUI::VectorWidgetPtr mListWindowRoot; typedef std::vector<Layout*> VectorBasePtr; VectorBasePtr mListBase; }; class HUD : public Layout { public: HUD() : Layout("openmw_hud_layout.xml") { setCoord(0,0, mWindow->getWidth(), mWindow->getHeight()); // Energy bars getWidget(health, "Health"); getWidget(magicka, "Magicka"); getWidget(stamina, "Stamina"); // Item and spell images and status bars getWidget(weapImage, "WeapImage"); getWidget(weapStatus, "WeapStatus"); getWidget(spellImage, "SpellImage"); getWidget(spellStatus, "SpellStatus"); getWidget(effectBox, "EffectBox"); getWidget(effect1, "Effect1"); getWidget(minimap, "MiniMap"); getWidget(compass, "Compass"); compass->setImageTexture(""); } void setStats(int h, int hmax, int m, int mmax, int s, int smax) { health->setProgressRange(hmax); health->setProgressPosition(h); magicka->setProgressRange(mmax); magicka->setProgressPosition(m); stamina->setProgressRange(smax); stamina->setProgressPosition(s); } void setWeapIcon(const char *str) { weapImage->setImageTexture(str); } void setSpellIcon(const char *str) { spellImage->setImageTexture(str); } void setWeapStatus(int s, int smax) { weapStatus->setProgressRange(smax); weapStatus->setProgressPosition(s); } void setSpellStatus(int s, int smax) { spellStatus->setProgressRange(smax); spellStatus->setProgressPosition(s); } void setEffect(const char *img) { effect1->setImageTexture(img); } MyGUI::ProgressPtr health, magicka, stamina; MyGUI::StaticImagePtr weapImage, spellImage; MyGUI::ProgressPtr weapStatus, spellStatus; MyGUI::WidgetPtr effectBox; MyGUI::StaticImagePtr effect1; MyGUI::StaticImagePtr minimap; MyGUI::StaticImagePtr compass; }; HUD *hud; extern "C" void gui_setupGUI() { ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton(). addResourceLocation("media_mygui", "FileSystem", "General"); mGUI = new MyGUI::Gui(); mGUI->initialise(mWindow); int mWidth = mWindow->getWidth(); int mHeight = mWindow->getHeight(); int width = 120; int height = 30; // FPS Ticker FPSText = mGUI->createWidget<MyGUI::Widget> ("StaticText", mWidth - width -10, 10, // Position width, height, // Size MyGUI::ALIGN_RIGHT | MyGUI::ALIGN_TOP, "Statistic"); FPSText->setTextAlign(MyGUI::ALIGN_RIGHT); FPSText->setNeedMouseFocus(false); FPSText->setTextColour(Ogre::ColourValue::White); // Window with Morrowind skin mwindow = mGUI->createWidget<MyGUI::Window> ("MW_Window", (mWidth-width)/4, (mHeight-height)/4, // Position 300, 190, // Size MyGUI::ALIGN_DEFAULT, "Windows"); mwindow->setCaption("Skin test"); mwindow->setMinSize(120, 140); mwindow->getClientWidget()->setAlpha(0.6); MyGUI::WidgetPtr tmp; tmp = mwindow->createWidget<MyGUI::Button> ("MW_Button", 10, 32, // Position 45, 24, // Size MyGUI::ALIGN_LEFT | MyGUI::ALIGN_TOP, "MWButton1"); tmp->setCaption("Close"); tmp->eventMouseButtonClick = MyGUI::newDelegate(&turnGuiOff); tmp->setInheritsAlpha(false); tmp = mwindow->createWidget<MyGUI::StaticText> ("DaedricText_orig", 10,70, 300, 20, MyGUI::ALIGN_LEFT | MyGUI::ALIGN_TOP, "Daed1"); tmp->setCaption("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"); tmp = mwindow->createWidget<MyGUI::StaticText> ("DaedricText", 10,100, 300, 20, MyGUI::ALIGN_LEFT | MyGUI::ALIGN_TOP, "Daed2"); tmp->setCaption("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"); // Turn the GUI off at startup turnGuiOff(NULL); // Start the mouse in the middle of the screen state.X.abs = mWidth / 2; state.Y.abs = mHeight / 2; MyGUI::ProgressPtr prog; // Set up the HUD hud = new HUD(); hud->setStats(60, 100, 30, 100, 80, 100); hud->setWeapIcon("icons\\w\\"); hud->setWeapStatus(90, 100); hud->setSpellIcon("icons\\s\\"); hud->setSpellStatus(65, 100); hud->setEffect("icons\\s\\"); } extern "C" void gui_setFpsText(char *str) { if(FPSText != NULL) FPSText->setCaption(str); }