#include "soundmanager.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include "../mwworld/environment.hpp" #include "../mwworld/world.hpp" #include "../mwworld/player.hpp" #include "sound_output.hpp" #include "sound_decoder.hpp" #include "sound.hpp" #include "openal_output.hpp" #define SOUND_OUT "OpenAL" /* Set up the sound manager to use FFMPEG or MPG123+libsndfile for input. The * OPENMW_USE_x macros are set in CMakeLists.txt. */ #ifdef OPENMW_USE_FFMPEG #include "ffmpeg_decoder.hpp" #ifndef SOUND_IN #define SOUND_IN "FFmpeg" #endif #endif #ifdef OPENMW_USE_MPG123 #include "mpgsnd_decoder.hpp" #ifndef SOUND_IN #define SOUND_IN "mpg123,sndfile" #endif #endif namespace MWSound { SoundManager::SoundManager(Ogre::Root *root, Ogre::Camera *camera, const Files::PathContainer& dataDirs, bool useSound, bool fsstrict, MWWorld::Environment& environment) : mFSStrict(fsstrict) , mEnvironment(environment) { if(!useSound) return; std::cout << "Sound output: " << SOUND_OUT << std::endl; std::cout << "Sound decoder: " << SOUND_IN << std::endl; try { mOutput.reset(new DEFAULT_OUTPUT(*this)); mOutput->init(); } catch(std::exception &e) { std::cout <<"Sound init failed: "<getStore().sounds.search(soundId); if(snd == NULL) return ""; if(snd->data.volume == 0) volume = 0.0f; else volume *= pow(10.0, (snd->data.volume/255.0f*3348.0 - 3348.0) / 2000.0); if(snd->data.minRange == 0 && snd->data.maxRange == 0) { min = 100.0f; max = 2000.0f; } else { min = snd->data.minRange * 20.0f; max = snd->data.maxRange * 50.0f; min = std::max(min, 1.0f); max = std::max(min, max); } std::string fname = std::string("Sound\\")+snd->sound; if(!mResourceMgr->resourceExistsInAnyGroup(fname)) { std::string::size_type pos = fname.rfind('.'); if(pos != std::string::npos) fname = fname.substr(0, pos)+".mp3"; } return fname; } // Add a sound to the list and play it void SoundManager::play3d(const std::string &file, MWWorld::Ptr ptr, const std::string &id, float volume, float pitch, float min, float max, bool loop, bool untracked) { try { const ESM::Position &pos = ptr.getCellRef().pos; SoundPtr sound(mOutput->playSound3D(file, pos.pos, volume, pitch, min, max, loop)); if(untracked) mLooseSounds[id] = sound; else mActiveSounds[ptr][id] = sound; } catch(std::exception &e) { std::cout <<"Sound Error: "<second.find(id); if(iditer == snditer->second.end()) return false; return true; } void SoundManager::stopMusic() { if(mMusic) mMusic->stop(); mMusic.reset(); } void SoundManager::streamMusicFull(const std::string& filename) { std::cout <<"Playing "<stop(); mMusic.reset(mOutput->streamSound(filename, 0.4f, 1.0f)); } catch(std::exception &e) { std::cout << "Music Error: " << e.what() << "\n"; } } void SoundManager::streamMusic(const std::string& filename) { streamMusicFull("Music/"+filename); } void SoundManager::startRandomTitle() { Ogre::StringVectorPtr filelist; filelist = mResourceMgr->findResourceNames(Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME, "Music/"+mCurrentPlaylist+"/*"); if(!filelist->size()) return; int i = rand()%filelist->size(); streamMusicFull((*filelist)[i]); } bool SoundManager::isMusicPlaying() { return mMusic && mMusic->isPlaying(); } void SoundManager::playPlaylist(const std::string &playlist) { mCurrentPlaylist = playlist; startRandomTitle(); } void SoundManager::say(MWWorld::Ptr ptr, const std::string& filename) { // The range values are not tested std::string filePath = std::string("Sound\\")+filename; if(!mResourceMgr->resourceExistsInAnyGroup(filePath)) { std::string::size_type pos = filePath.rfind('.'); if(pos != std::string::npos) filePath = filePath.substr(0, pos)+".mp3"; } play3d(filePath, ptr, "_say_sound", 1, 1, 100, 20000, false); } bool SoundManager::sayDone(MWWorld::Ptr ptr) const { return !isPlaying(ptr, "_say_sound"); } void SoundManager::playSound(const std::string& soundId, float volume, float pitch, bool loop) { float min, max; std::string file = lookup(soundId, volume, min, max); if(!file.empty()) { try { Sound *sound; sound = mOutput->playSound(file, volume, pitch, loop); mLooseSounds[soundId] = SoundPtr(sound); } catch(std::exception &e) { std::cout <<"Sound play error: "<second.find(soundId); if(iditer != snditer->second.end()) { iditer->second->stop(); snditer->second.erase(iditer); if(snditer->second.empty()) mActiveSounds.erase(snditer); } } else { IDMap::iterator iditer = snditer->second.begin(); while(iditer != snditer->second.end()) { iditer->second->stop(); iditer++; } mActiveSounds.erase(snditer); } } void SoundManager::stopSound(MWWorld::Ptr::CellStore *cell) { // Remove all references to objects belonging to a given cell SoundMap::iterator snditer = mActiveSounds.begin(); while(snditer != mActiveSounds.end()) { if(snditer->first.getCell() == cell) { IDMap::iterator iditer = snditer->second.begin(); while(iditer != snditer->second.end()) { iditer->second->stop(); iditer++; } mActiveSounds.erase(snditer++); } else snditer++; } } void SoundManager::stopSound(const std::string& soundId) { IDMap::iterator iditer = mLooseSounds.find(soundId); if(iditer != mLooseSounds.end()) { iditer->second->stop(); mLooseSounds.erase(iditer); } } bool SoundManager::getSoundPlaying(MWWorld::Ptr ptr, const std::string& soundId) const { return isPlaying(ptr, soundId); } void SoundManager::updateObject(MWWorld::Ptr ptr) { SoundMap::iterator snditer = mActiveSounds.find(ptr); if(snditer == mActiveSounds.end()) return; IDMap::iterator iditer = snditer->second.begin(); while(iditer != snditer->second.end()) { const ESM::Position &pos = ptr.getCellRef().pos; iditer->second->update(pos.pos); iditer++; } } void SoundManager::updateRegionSound(float duration) { MWWorld::Ptr::CellStore *current = mEnvironment.mWorld->getPlayer().getPlayer().getCell(); static int total = 0; static std::string regionName = ""; static float timePassed = 0.0; //If the region has changed timePassed += duration; if((current->cell->data.flags & current->cell->Interior) || timePassed < 10) return; timePassed = 0; if(regionName != current->cell->region) { regionName = current->cell->region; total = 0; } const ESM::Region *regn = mEnvironment.mWorld->getStore().regions.find(regionName); if(regn->soundList.size() == 0) return; std::vector::const_iterator soundIter; if(total == 0) { soundIter = regn->soundList.begin(); while(soundIter != regn->soundList.end()) { total += (int)soundIter->chance; soundIter++; } } int r = rand() % total; //old random code int pos = 0; soundIter = regn->soundList.begin(); while(soundIter != regn->soundList.end()) { const std::string go = soundIter->sound.toString(); int chance = (int) soundIter->chance; //std::cout << "Sound: " << go.name <<" Chance:" << chance << "\n"; soundIter++; if(r - pos < chance) { //play sound std::cout << "Sound: " << go <<" Chance:" << chance << "\n"; playSound(go, 1.0f, 1.0f); break; } pos += chance; } } void SoundManager::update(float duration) { static float timePassed = 0.0; timePassed += duration; if(timePassed > (1.0f/30.0f)) { timePassed = 0.0f; // Make sure music is still playing if(!isMusicPlaying()) startRandomTitle(); Ogre::Camera *cam = mEnvironment.mWorld->getPlayer().getRenderer()->getCamera(); Ogre::Vector3 nPos, nDir, nUp; nPos = cam->getRealPosition(); nDir = cam->getRealDirection(); nUp = cam->getRealUp(); // The output handler is expecting vectors oriented like the game // (that is, -Z goes down, +Y goes forward), but that's not what we // get from Ogre's camera, so we have to convert. float pos[3] = { nPos[0], -nPos[2], nPos[1] }; float at[3] = { nDir[0], -nDir[2], nDir[1] }; float up[3] = { nUp[0], -nUp[2], nUp[1] }; mOutput->updateListener(pos, at, up); // Check if any sounds are finished playing, and trash them SoundMap::iterator snditer = mActiveSounds.begin(); while(snditer != mActiveSounds.end()) { IDMap::iterator iditer = snditer->second.begin(); while(iditer != snditer->second.end()) { if(!iditer->second->isPlaying()) snditer->second.erase(iditer++); else iditer++; } if(snditer->second.empty()) mActiveSounds.erase(snditer++); else snditer++; } IDMap::iterator iditer = mLooseSounds.begin(); while(iditer != mLooseSounds.end()) { if(!iditer->second->isPlaying()) mLooseSounds.erase(iditer++); else iditer++; } } updateRegionSound(duration); } // Default readAll implementation, for decoders that can't do anything // better void Sound_Decoder::readAll(std::vector &output) { size_t total = output.size(); size_t got; output.resize(total+32768); while((got=read(&output[total], output.size()-total)) > 0) { total += got; output.resize(total*2); } output.resize(total); } const char *getSampleTypeName(SampleType type) { switch(type) { case SampleType_UInt8: return "U8"; case SampleType_Int16: return "S16"; } return "(unknown sample type)"; } const char *getChannelConfigName(ChannelConfig config) { switch(config) { case ChannelConfig_Mono: return "Mono"; case ChannelConfig_Stereo: return "Stereo"; } return "(unknown channel config)"; } size_t framesToBytes(size_t frames, ChannelConfig config, SampleType type) { switch(config) { case ChannelConfig_Mono: frames *= 1; break; case ChannelConfig_Stereo: frames *= 2; break; } switch(type) { case SampleType_UInt8: frames *= 1; break; case SampleType_Int16: frames *= 2; break; } return frames; } size_t bytesToFrames(size_t bytes, ChannelConfig config, SampleType type) { return bytes / framesToBytes(1, config, type); } }