#include "window_manager.hpp" #include "layouts.hpp" #include "text_input.hpp" #include "review.hpp" #include "dialogue.hpp" #include "dialogue_history.hpp" #include "map_window.hpp" #include "stats_window.hpp" #include "messagebox.hpp" #include "tooltips.hpp" #include "scrollwindow.hpp" #include "bookwindow.hpp" #include "../mwmechanics/mechanicsmanager.hpp" #include "../mwinput/inputmanager.hpp" #include "../mwbase/environment.hpp" #include "console.hpp" #include "journalwindow.hpp" #include "charactercreation.hpp" #include #include #include #include using namespace MWGui; WindowManager::WindowManager( const Compiler::Extensions& extensions, int fpsLevel, bool newGame, OEngine::Render::OgreRenderer *mOgre, const std::string logpath) : mGuiManager(NULL) , hud(NULL) , map(NULL) , menu(NULL) , stats(NULL) , mToolTips(NULL) , mMessageBoxManager(NULL) , console(NULL) , mJournal(NULL) , mBookWindow(NULL) , mScrollWindow(NULL) , dialogueWindow(nullptr) , mCharGen(NULL) , playerClass() , playerName() , playerRaceId() , playerBirthSignId() , playerAttributes() , playerMajorSkills() , playerMinorSkills() , playerSkillValues() , playerHealth() , playerMagicka() , playerFatigue() , gui(NULL) , mode(GM_Game) , nextMode(GM_Game) , needModeChange(false) , garbageDialogs() , shown(GW_ALL) , allowed(newGame ? GW_None : GW_ALL) , showFPSLevel(fpsLevel) , mFPS(0.0f) , mTriangleCount(0) , mBatchCount(0) { // Set up the GUI system mGuiManager = new OEngine::GUI::MyGUIManager(mOgre->getWindow(), mOgre->getScene(), false, logpath); gui = mGuiManager->getGui(); //Register own widgets with MyGUI MyGUI::FactoryManager::getInstance().registerFactory("Widget"); // Get size info from the Gui object assert(gui); int w = MyGUI::RenderManager::getInstance().getViewSize().width; int h = MyGUI::RenderManager::getInstance().getViewSize().height; hud = new HUD(w,h, showFPSLevel); menu = new MainMenu(w,h); map = new MapWindow(*this); stats = new StatsWindow(*this); console = new Console(w,h, extensions); mJournal = new JournalWindow(*this); mMessageBoxManager = new MessageBoxManager(this); dialogueWindow = new DialogueWindow(*this); mToolTips = new ToolTips(this); mScrollWindow = new ScrollWindow(*this); mBookWindow = new BookWindow(*this); // The HUD is always on hud->setVisible(true); mCharGen = new CharacterCreation(this); // Setup player stats for (int i = 0; i < ESM::Attribute::Length; ++i) { playerAttributes.insert(std::make_pair(ESM::Attribute::attributeIds[i], MWMechanics::Stat())); } for (int i = 0; i < ESM::Skill::Length; ++i) { playerSkillValues.insert(std::make_pair(ESM::Skill::skillIds[i], MWMechanics::Stat())); } MyGUI::FactoryManager::getInstance().registerFactory("Widget"); MyGUI::FactoryManager::getInstance().registerFactory("Widget"); MyGUI::FactoryManager::getInstance().registerFactory("Widget"); MyGUI::FactoryManager::getInstance().registerFactory("Widget"); MyGUI::FactoryManager::getInstance().registerFactory("Widget"); MyGUI::FactoryManager::getInstance().registerFactory("Widget"); // Set up visibility updateVisible(); } WindowManager::~WindowManager() { delete mGuiManager; delete console; delete mMessageBoxManager; delete hud; delete map; delete menu; delete stats; delete mJournal; delete dialogueWindow; delete mToolTips; delete mCharGen; cleanupGarbage(); } void WindowManager::cleanupGarbage() { // Delete any dialogs which are no longer in use if (!garbageDialogs.empty()) { for (std::vector::iterator it = garbageDialogs.begin(); it != garbageDialogs.end(); ++it) { delete *it; } garbageDialogs.clear(); } } void WindowManager::update() { cleanupGarbage(); if (needModeChange) { needModeChange = false; MWBase::Environment::get().getInputManager()->setGuiMode(nextMode); nextMode = GM_Game; } if (showFPSLevel > 0) { hud->setFPS(mFPS); hud->setTriangleCount(mTriangleCount); hud->setBatchCount(mBatchCount); } } void WindowManager::setNextMode(GuiMode newMode) { nextMode = newMode; needModeChange = true; } void WindowManager::setGuiMode(GuiMode newMode) { MWBase::Environment::get().getInputManager()->setGuiMode(newMode); } void WindowManager::updateVisible() { // Start out by hiding everything except the HUD map->setVisible(false); menu->setVisible(false); stats->setVisible(false); console->disable(); mJournal->setVisible(false); mScrollWindow->setVisible(false); mBookWindow->setVisible(false); dialogueWindow->setVisible(false); // Mouse is visible whenever we're not in game mode MyGUI::PointerManager::getInstance().setVisible(isGuiMode()); if (mode == GM_Game) mToolTips->enterGameMode(); else mToolTips->enterGuiMode(); switch(mode) { case GM_Game: // If in game mode, don't show anything. break; case GM_MainMenu: menu->setVisible(true); break; case GM_Console: console->enable(); break; case GM_Scroll: mScrollWindow->setVisible(true); break; case GM_Book: mBookWindow->setVisible(true); break; case GM_Name: case GM_Race: case GM_Class: case GM_ClassPick: case GM_ClassCreate: case GM_Birth: case GM_ClassGenerate: case GM_Review: mCharGen->spawnDialog(mode); break; case GM_Inventory: { // First, compute the effective set of windows to show. // This is controlled both by what windows the // user has opened/closed (the 'shown' variable) and by what // windows we are allowed to show (the 'allowed' var.) int eff = shown & allowed; // Show the windows we want map -> setVisible( (eff & GW_Map) != 0 ); stats -> setVisible( (eff & GW_Stats) != 0 ); break; } case GM_Dialogue: dialogueWindow->open(); break; case GM_InterMessageBox: if(!mMessageBoxManager->isInteractiveMessageBox()) { setGuiMode(GM_Game); } break; case GM_Journal: mJournal->setVisible(true); mJournal->open(); break; default: // Unsupported mode, switch back to game // Note: The call will eventually end up this method again but // will stop at the check if mode is GM_Game. setGuiMode(GM_Game); break; } } void WindowManager::setValue (const std::string& id, const MWMechanics::Stat& value) { stats->setValue (id, value); static const char *ids[] = { "AttribVal1", "AttribVal2", "AttribVal3", "AttribVal4", "AttribVal5", "AttribVal6", "AttribVal7", "AttribVal8" }; static ESM::Attribute::AttributeID attributes[] = { ESM::Attribute::Strength, ESM::Attribute::Intelligence, ESM::Attribute::Willpower, ESM::Attribute::Agility, ESM::Attribute::Speed, ESM::Attribute::Endurance, ESM::Attribute::Personality, ESM::Attribute::Luck }; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(ids)/sizeof(ids[0]); ++i) { if (id != ids[i]) continue; playerAttributes[attributes[i]] = value; break; } } void WindowManager::setValue(const ESM::Skill::SkillEnum parSkill, const MWMechanics::Stat& value) { stats->setValue(parSkill, value); playerSkillValues[parSkill] = value; } void WindowManager::setValue (const std::string& id, const MWMechanics::DynamicStat& value) { stats->setValue (id, value); hud->setValue (id, value); if (id == "HBar") { playerHealth = value; mCharGen->setPlayerHealth (value); } else if (id == "MBar") { playerMagicka = value; mCharGen->setPlayerMagicka (value); } else if (id == "FBar") { playerFatigue = value; mCharGen->setPlayerFatigue (value); } } #if 0 MWMechanics::DynamicStat WindowManager::getValue(const std::string& id) { if(id == "HBar") return playerHealth; else if (id == "MBar") return playerMagicka; else if (id == "FBar") return playerFatigue; } #endif void WindowManager::setValue (const std::string& id, const std::string& value) { stats->setValue (id, value); if (id=="name") playerName = value; else if (id=="race") playerRaceId = value; } void WindowManager::setValue (const std::string& id, int value) { stats->setValue (id, value); } void WindowManager::setPlayerClass (const ESM::Class &class_) { playerClass = class_; stats->setValue("class", playerClass.name); } void WindowManager::configureSkills (const SkillList& major, const SkillList& minor) { stats->configureSkills (major, minor); playerMajorSkills = major; playerMinorSkills = minor; } void WindowManager::setFactions (const FactionList& factions) { stats->setFactions (factions); } void WindowManager::setBirthSign (const std::string &signId) { stats->setBirthSign (signId); playerBirthSignId = signId; } void WindowManager::setReputation (int reputation) { stats->setReputation (reputation); } void WindowManager::setBounty (int bounty) { stats->setBounty (bounty); } void WindowManager::updateSkillArea() { stats->updateSkillArea(); } void WindowManager::removeDialog(OEngine::GUI::Layout*dialog) { assert(dialog); if (!dialog) return; dialog->setVisible(false); garbageDialogs.push_back(dialog); } void WindowManager::messageBox (const std::string& message, const std::vector& buttons) { if (buttons.empty()) { mMessageBoxManager->createMessageBox(message); } else { mMessageBoxManager->createInteractiveMessageBox(message, buttons); setGuiMode(GM_InterMessageBox); } } int WindowManager::readPressedButton () { return mMessageBoxManager->readPressedButton(); } const std::string &WindowManager::getGameSettingString(const std::string &id, const std::string &default_) { const ESM::GameSetting *setting = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().gameSettings.search(id); if (setting && setting->type == ESM::VT_String) return setting->str; return default_; } void WindowManager::onDialogueWindowBye() { if (dialogueWindow) { //FIXME set some state and stuff? //removeDialog(dialogueWindow); dialogueWindow->setVisible(false); } setGuiMode(GM_Game); } void WindowManager::onFrame (float frameDuration) { mMessageBoxManager->onFrame(frameDuration); mToolTips->onFrame(frameDuration); } const ESMS::ESMStore& WindowManager::getStore() const { return MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore(); } void WindowManager::changeCell(MWWorld::Ptr::CellStore* cell) { if (!(cell->cell->data.flags & ESM::Cell::Interior)) { std::string name; if (cell->cell->name != "") name = cell->cell->name; else { const ESM::Region* region = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().regions.search(cell->cell->region); name = region->name; } map->setCellName( name ); map->setCellPrefix("Cell"); hud->setCellPrefix("Cell"); map->setActiveCell( cell->cell->data.gridX, cell->cell->data.gridY ); hud->setActiveCell( cell->cell->data.gridX, cell->cell->data.gridY ); } else { map->setCellName( cell->cell->name ); map->setCellPrefix( cell->cell->name ); hud->setCellPrefix( cell->cell->name ); } } void WindowManager::setInteriorMapTexture(const int x, const int y) { map->setActiveCell(x,y, true); hud->setActiveCell(x,y, true); } void WindowManager::setPlayerPos(const float x, const float y) { map->setPlayerPos(x,y); hud->setPlayerPos(x,y); } void WindowManager::setPlayerDir(const float x, const float y) { map->setPlayerDir(x,y); hud->setPlayerDir(x,y); } void WindowManager::setHMSVisibility(bool visible) { hud->setBottomLeftVisibility(visible, hud->weapBox->getVisible(), hud->spellBox->getVisible()); } void WindowManager::setMinimapVisibility(bool visible) { hud->setBottomRightVisibility(hud->effectBox->getVisible(), visible); } void WindowManager::toggleFogOfWar() { map->toggleFogOfWar(); hud->toggleFogOfWar(); } int WindowManager::toggleFps() { showFPSLevel = (showFPSLevel+1)%3; hud->setFpsLevel(showFPSLevel); Settings::Manager::setInt("fps", "HUD", showFPSLevel); return showFPSLevel; } void WindowManager::setFocusObject(const MWWorld::Ptr& focus) { mToolTips->setFocusObject(focus); } void WindowManager::toggleFullHelp() { mToolTips->toggleFullHelp(); } bool WindowManager::getFullHelp() const { return mToolTips->getFullHelp(); }