/* Monster - an advanced game scripting language Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Nicolay Korslund Email: WWW: http://monster.snaptoad.com/ This file (vm.d) is part of the Monster script language package. Monster is distributed as free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 3 along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ . */ module monster.vm.thread; import std.string; import std.stdio; import std.uni; import std.c.string; import monster.util.freelist; import monster.compiler.bytecode; import monster.compiler.linespec; import monster.compiler.states; import monster.compiler.functions; import monster.compiler.scopes; import monster.compiler.types; import monster.vm.mclass; import monster.vm.mobject; import monster.vm.codestream; import monster.vm.stack; import monster.vm.idlefunction; import monster.vm.arrays; import monster.vm.iterators; import monster.vm.error; import monster.vm.fstack; // Used for array copy below. It handles overlapping data for us. extern(C) void* memmove(void *dest, void *src, size_t n); extern(C) double floor(double d); import monster.util.list; alias _lstNode!(Thread) _tmp1; alias __FreeNode!(Thread) _tmp2; alias FreeList!(Thread) NodeList; // Current thread Thread *cthread; // This represents an execution 'thread' in the system. Each object // has its own thread. The thread contains a link to the object and // the class, along with some other data. struct Thread { /******************************************************* * * * Public variables * * * *******************************************************/ // This has been copied from ScheduleStruct, which is now merged // with Thread. We'll sort it out later. // Some generic variables that idle functions can use to store // temporary data off the stack. SharedType idleData; // The contents of idleObj's extra data for the idle's owner class. SharedType extraData; // Temporarily needed since we need a state and an object to push on // the stack to return to state code. This'll change soon (we won't // need to push anything to reenter, since the function stack will // already be set up for us.) MonsterObject * theObj; Function *idle; MonsterObject *idleObj; // Object owning the idle function NodeList * list; // List owning this thread int retPos; // Return position in byte code. bool isActive; // Set to true whenever we are running from state // code. If we are inside the state itself, this will // be true and 'next' will be 1. bool stateChange; // Set to true when a state change is in // progress. Only used when state is changed from // within a function in active code. // Unschedule this node from the runlist or waitlist it belongs to, // but don't kill it. Any idle function connected to this node is // aborted. void cancel() { if(idle !is null) { fstack.pushIdleAbort(idle, idleObj); idle.idleFunc.abort(this); fstack.pop(); idle = null; } retPos = -1; moveTo(&scheduler.unused); assert(!isScheduled); } static Thread* getNew(MonsterObject *obj = null) { auto cn = scheduler.unused.getNew(); cn.list = &scheduler.unused; cn.initialize(obj); return cn; } // Remove the thread comletely void kill() { cancel(); list.remove(this); list = null; } // Schedule this thread to run next frame void schedule(uint offs) { assert(!isScheduled, "cannot schedule an already scheduled thread"); retPos = offs; moveTo(scheduler.runNext); } // Move this node to another list. void moveTo(NodeList *to) { assert(list !is null); list.moveTo(*to, this); list = to; } // Are we currently scheduled? bool isScheduled() { // The node is per definition scheduled if it is in one of these // lists return list is &scheduler.wait || list is scheduler.run || list is scheduler.runNext; } bool isUnused() { return list is &scheduler.unused; } bool isIdle() { return idle !is null; } // Get the next node in the freelist Thread* getNext() { // Simple hack. The Thread (pointed at by the Thread*) is the // first part of, and therefore in the same location as, the // iterator struct for the FreeList. This is per design, so it's // ok to cast the pointer. return cast(Thread*) ( cast(NodeList.TList.Iterator)this ).getNext(); } /******************************************************* * * * Public functions * * * *******************************************************/ void initialize(MonsterObject *obj) { theObj = obj; // Initialize other variables idle = null; idleObj = null; isActive = false; stateChange = false; retPos = -1; } // Reenter this thread to the point where it was previously stopped. void reenter() { assert(theObj !is null, "cannot reenter a non-state thread yet"); // Most if not all of these checks will have to be removed in the // future assert(theObj.state !is null, "attempted to call the empty state"); assert(!isActive, "reenter cannot be called when object is already active"); assert(fstack.isEmpty, "state code can only run at the bottom of the function stack"); assert(isScheduled); if(isIdle) { assert(idle !is null); assert(idleObj !is null || idle.isStatic); // Tell the idle function that we we are reentering fstack.pushIdleReentry(idle, idleObj); idle.idleFunc.reentry(this); fstack.pop(); // We're no longer idle idle = null; } // Remove the current node from the run list moveTo(&scheduler.unused); // Set the active flat to indicate that we are now actively // running. (Might not be needed in the future) isActive = true; // Set the thread assert(cthread is null); cthread = this; // Set up the code stack for state code. fstack.push(theObj.state, theObj); // Set the position assert(retPos >= 0); fstack.cur.code.jump(retPos); // Run the code execute(); // Reset the thread cthread = null; // We are no longer active isActive = false; assert(stack.getPos == 0, format("Stack not returned to zero after state code, __STACK__=", stack.getPos)); fstack.pop(); } private: /******************************************************* * * * Private helper functions * * * *******************************************************/ void fail(char[] msg) { int line = -1; char[] file; if(fstack.cur !is null) { line = fstack.cur.code.getLine(); file = fstack.cur.cls.name.loc.fname; } .fail(msg, file, line); } // Parse the BC.CallIdle instruction parameters and call schedule // the given idle function. void callIdle(MonsterObject *iObj) { assert(isActive && fstack.isStateCode, "Byte code attempted to call an idle function outside of state code."); assert(!isScheduled, "Thread is already scheduled"); CodeStream *code = &fstack.cur.code; // Store the object idleObj = iObj; assert(idleObj !is null); // Get the class from the index auto cls = iObj.cls.upcast(code.getInt()); // Get the function idle = cls.findFunction(code.getInt()); assert(idle !is null && idle.isIdle); assert(cls is idle.owner); assert(idleObj.cls.childOf(cls)); // The IdleFunction object bound to this function is stored in // idle.idleFunc if(idle.idleFunc is null) fail("Called unimplemented idle function '" ~ idle.name.str ~ "'"); // Set the return position retPos = fstack.cur.code.getPos(); // Set up extraData extraData = *idleObj.getExtra(idle.owner); // Notify the idle function fstack.pushIdleInit(idle, idleObj); if(idle.idleFunc.initiate(this)) moveTo(&scheduler.wait); fstack.pop(); } bool shouldExit() { if(fstack.isStateCode && stateChange) { assert(isActive); // The state was changed while in state code. Abort the code. stateChange = false; // There might be dangling stack values stack.reset(); return true; } return false; } /******************************************************* * * * execute() - main VM function * * * *******************************************************/ public: // Execute instructions in the current function stack entry. This is // the main workhorse of the VM, the "byte-code CPU". The function // is called (possibly recursively) whenever a byte-code function is // called, and returns when the function exits. void execute() { // The maximum amount of instructions we execute before assuming // an infinite loop. static const long limit = 10000000; assert(fstack.cur !is null, "Thread.execute called but there is no code on the function stack."); assert(cthread == this, "can only run the current thread"); // Get some values from the function stack CodeStream *code = &fstack.cur.code; MonsterObject *obj = fstack.cur.obj; MonsterClass cls = fstack.cur.cls; int clsInd = cls.getTreeIndex(); // Only an object belonging to this thread can be passed to // execute() on the function stack. assert(obj is null || cls.parentOf(obj)); assert(obj is null || obj.cls.upcast(cls) == clsInd); assert(obj !is null || fstack.cur.isStatic); // Pops a pointer off the stack. Null pointers will throw an // exception. int *popPtr() { PT type; int index; decodePtr(stack.popInt(), type, index); // Null pointer? if(type == PT.Null) fail("Cannot access value, null pointer"); // Stack variable? if(type == PT.Stack) return stack.getFrameInt(index); // Variable in this object if(type == PT.DataOffs) return obj.getDataInt(clsInd, index); // This object, but another (parent) class if(type == PT.DataOffsCls) // We have to pop the class index of the stack as well return obj.getDataInt(stack.popInt, index); // Far pointer, with offset. Both the class index and the object // reference is on the stack. if(type == PT.FarDataOffs) { int clsIndex = stack.popInt(); // Get the object reference from the stack MonsterObject *tmp = stack.popObject(); // Return the correct pointer return tmp.getDataInt(clsIndex, index); } // Array pointer if(type == PT.ArrayIndex) { assert(index==0); // Array indices are on the stack index = stack.popInt(); ArrayRef *arf = stack.popArray(); assert(!arf.isNull); if(arf.isConst) fail("Cannot assign to constant array"); index *= arf.elemSize; if(index < 0 || index >= arf.iarr.length) fail("Array index " ~ .toString(index/arf.elemSize) ~ " out of bounds (array length " ~ .toString(arf.length) ~ ")"); return &arf.iarr[index]; } fail("Unable to handle pointer type " ~ toString(cast(int)type)); } // Various temporary stuff int *ptr; long *lptr; float *fptr; double *dptr; int[] iarr; ArrayRef *arf; int val, val2; long lval; // Disable this for now. // or at least a compile time option. //for(long i=0;i 1); stack.pushBool(stack.popInts(val) == stack.popInts(val)); break; case BC.IsCaseEqual: if(toUniLower(stack.popChar) == toUniLower(stack.popChar)) stack.pushInt(1); else stack.pushInt(0); break; case BC.CmpArray: stack.pushBool(stack.popArray().iarr == stack.popArray().iarr); break; case BC.ICmpStr: stack.pushBool(isUniCaseEqual(stack.popString(), stack.popString())); break; case BC.PreInc: ptr = popPtr(); stack.pushInt(++(*ptr)); break; case BC.PreDec: ptr = popPtr(); stack.pushInt(--(*ptr)); break; case BC.PostInc: ptr = popPtr(); stack.pushInt((*ptr)++); break; case BC.PostDec: ptr = popPtr(); stack.pushInt((*ptr)--); break; case BC.PreInc8: lptr = cast(long*)popPtr(); stack.pushLong(++(*lptr)); break; case BC.PreDec8: lptr = cast(long*)popPtr(); stack.pushLong(--(*lptr)); break; case BC.PostInc8: lptr = cast(long*)popPtr(); stack.pushLong((*lptr)++); break; case BC.PostDec8: lptr = cast(long*)popPtr(); stack.pushLong((*lptr)--); break; case BC.Not: ptr = stack.getInt(0); if(*ptr == 0) *ptr = 1; else *ptr = 0; break; case BC.ILess: val = stack.popInt; if(stack.popInt < val) stack.pushInt(1); else stack.pushInt(0); break; case BC.ULess: val = stack.popInt; if(stack.popUint < cast(uint)val) stack.pushInt(1); else stack.pushInt(0); break; case BC.LLess: lval = stack.popLong; if(stack.popLong < lval) stack.pushInt(1); else stack.pushInt(0); break; case BC.ULLess: lval = stack.popLong; if(stack.popUlong < cast(ulong)lval) stack.pushInt(1); else stack.pushInt(0); break; case BC.FLess: { float fval = stack.popFloat; if(stack.popFloat < fval) stack.pushInt(1); else stack.pushInt(0); break; } case BC.DLess: { double fval = stack.popDouble; if(stack.popDouble < fval) stack.pushInt(1); else stack.pushInt(0); break; } case BC.CastI2L: if(*stack.getInt(0) < 0) stack.pushInt(-1); else stack.pushInt(0); //stack.pushLong(stack.popInt()); break; // Castint to float case BC.CastI2F: ptr = stack.getInt(0); fptr = cast(float*) ptr; *fptr = *ptr; break; case BC.CastU2F: ptr = stack.getInt(0); fptr = cast(float*) ptr; *fptr = *(cast(uint*)ptr); break; case BC.CastL2F: stack.pushFloat(stack.popLong); break; case BC.CastUL2F: stack.pushFloat(stack.popUlong); break; case BC.CastD2F: stack.pushFloat(stack.popDouble); break; // Castint to double case BC.CastI2D: stack.pushDouble(stack.popInt); break; case BC.CastU2D: stack.pushDouble(stack.popUint); break; case BC.CastL2D: stack.pushDouble(stack.popLong); break; case BC.CastUL2D: stack.pushDouble(stack.popUlong); break; case BC.CastF2D: stack.pushDouble(stack.popFloat); break; case BC.CastT2S: { // Get the type to cast from val = code.getInt(); Type t = Type.typeList[val]; // Get the data iarr = stack.popInts(t.getSize()); // Let the type convert to string char[] str = t.valToString(iarr); // And push it back stack.pushArray(str); } break; case BC.FetchElem: // This is not very optimized val = stack.popInt(); // Index arf = stack.popArray(); // Get the array if(val < 0 || val >= arf.length) fail("Array index " ~ .toString(val) ~ " out of bounds (array length is " ~ .toString(arf.length) ~ ")"); val *= arf.elemSize; for(int i = 0; i arf.iarr.length || val2 > arf.iarr.length || val > val2) fail(format("Slice indices [%s..%s] out of range (array length is %s)", i1, i2, arf.length)); // Slices of constant arrays are also constant if(arf.isConst) arf = arrays.createConst(arf.iarr[val..val2], arf.elemSize); else arf = arrays.create(arf.iarr[val..val2], arf.elemSize); stack.pushArray(arf); break; } case BC.FillArray: arf = stack.popArray(); if(arf.isConst) fail("Cannot fill a constant array"); val = code.getInt(); // Element size assert(val == arf.elemSize || arf.isNull); iarr = stack.popInts(val); // Pop the value // Fill the array assert(arf.iarr.length % val == 0); for(int i=0; i 2) { assert(arf.iarr.length % val2 == 0); val = arf.length / 2; // Half the number of elements (rounded down) val *= val2; // Multiplied back up to number of ints for(int i=0; i= bcToString.length) fail(format("Invalid command opcode %s", opCode)); else fail(format("Unimplemented opcode '%s' (%s)", bcToString[opCode], opCode)); } } fail(format("Execution unterminated after %s instructions.", limit, " Possibly an infinite loop, aborting.")); } } // Helper function for reversing arrays. Swaps the contents of two // arrays. void swap(int[] a, int[] b) { const BUF = 32; assert(a.length == b.length); int[BUF] buf; uint len = a.length; while(len >= BUF) { buf[] = a[0..BUF]; a[0..BUF] = b[0..BUF]; b[0..BUF] = buf[]; a = a[BUF..$]; b = b[BUF..$]; len -= BUF; } if(len) { buf[0..len] = a[]; a[] = b[]; b[] = buf[0..len]; } } // The scheduler singleton Scheduler scheduler; struct Scheduler { // Run lists - threads that run this or the next round. NodeList run1, run2; // Waiting list - idle threads that are actively checked each frame. NodeList wait; // List of unused nodes. Any thread in this list (that is not // actively running) can and will be deleted eventually. NodeList unused; // The run lists for this and the next round. We use pointers to the // actual lists, since we want to swap them easily. NodeList* runNext, run; void init() { // Assign the run list pointers run = &run1; runNext = &run2; } // Statistics: // Number of elements in the waiting list int numWait() { return wait.length; } // Number of elements scheduled to run the next frame int numRun() { return runNext.length; } // Number of remaining elements this frame int numLeft() { return run.length; } // Total number of objects scheduled or waiting int numTotal() { return numRun() + numWait() + numLeft(); } // Do a complete frame. TODO: Make a distinction between a round and // a frame later. We could for example do several rounds per frame, // measured by some criterion of how much time we want to spend on // script code or whether there are any pending items in the run // list. We could do several runs of the run-list (to handle state // changes etc) but only one run on the condition list (actually // that is a good idea.) We also do not have to execute everything in // the run list if it is long (otoh, allowing a build-up is not // good.) But all this falls in the "optimization" category. void doFrame() { checkConditions(); dispatch(); } void checkConditions() { // Go through the condition list for this round. Thread* cn = wait.getHead(); Thread* next; while(cn != null) { // Get the next node here, since the current node might move // somewhere else during this iteration, and then getNext will // point to another list. next = cn.getNext(); assert(cn.isScheduled); // This is an idle function and it is finished. Note that // hasFinished() is NOT allowed to change the wait list in any // way, ie to change object states or interact with the // scheduler. In fact, hasFinished() should do as little as // possible. if(cn.isIdle) { fstack.pushIdleCheck(cn.idle, cn.idleObj); if(cn.idle.idleFunc.hasFinished(cn)) // Schedule the code to start running again this round. We // move it from the wait list to the run list. cn.moveTo(runNext); fstack.pop(); } // Set the next item cn = next; } } void dispatch() { // Swap the runlist for the next frame with the current one. All // code that is scheduled after this point is executed the next // frame. auto tmp = runNext; runNext = run; run = tmp; // Now execute the run list for this frame. Note that items might // be removed from the run list as we go (eg. if a scheduled // object has it's state changed) but this is handled. New nodes // might also be scheduled, but these are added to the runNext // list. // First element Thread* cn = run.getHead(); while(cn != null) { // Execute cn.reenter(); // The function stack should now be at zero assert(fstack.isEmpty()); // Get the next item. cn = run.getHead(); } // Check that we cleared the run list assert(run.length == 0); } }