#ifndef CSM_DOC_DOCUMENT_H #define CSM_DOC_DOCUMENT_H #include #include #include #include #include "../world/data.hpp" #include "../tools/tools.hpp" #include "state.hpp" namespace CSMDoc { class Document : public QObject { Q_OBJECT private: std::string mName; ///< \todo replace name with ESX list QUndoStack mUndoStack; CSMWorld::Data mData; CSMTools::Tools mTools; int mSaveCount; ///< dummy implementation -> remove when proper save is implemented. QTimer mSaveTimer; ///< dummy implementation -> remove when proper save is implemented. int mVerifyCount; ///< dummy implementation -> remove when proper verify is implemented. // not implemented Document (const Document&); Document& operator= (const Document&); public: Document (const std::string& name); ///< \todo replace name with ESX list QUndoStack& getUndoStack(); int getState() const; const std::string& getName() const; ///< \todo replace with ESX list void save(); void verify(); void abortOperation (int type); const CSMWorld::Data& getData() const; CSMWorld::Data& getData(); signals: void stateChanged (int state, CSMDoc::Document *document); void progress (int current, int max, int type, int threads, CSMDoc::Document *document); private slots: void modificationStateChanged (bool clean); void operationDone (int type); void saving(); ///< dummy implementation -> remove when proper save is implemented. public slots: void progress (int current, int max, int type); }; } #endif