#include "commands.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include "idtable.hpp" #include "idtree.hpp" #include "nestedtablewrapper.hpp" CSMWorld::ModifyCommand::ModifyCommand (QAbstractItemModel& model, const QModelIndex& index, const QVariant& new_, QUndoCommand* parent) : QUndoCommand (parent), mModel (&model), mIndex (index), mNew (new_), mHasRecordState(false) { if (QAbstractProxyModel *proxy = dynamic_cast (&model)) { // Replace proxy with actual model mIndex = proxy->mapToSource (index); mModel = proxy->sourceModel(); setText ("Modify " + dynamic_cast(mModel)->nestedHeaderData ( mIndex.parent().column(), mIndex.column(), Qt::Horizontal, Qt::DisplayRole).toString()); } else setText ("Modify " + mModel->headerData (mIndex.column(), Qt::Horizontal, Qt::DisplayRole).toString()); // Remember record state before the modification if (CSMWorld::IdTable *table = dynamic_cast(mModel)) { mHasRecordState = true; int stateColumnIndex = table->findColumnIndex(Columns::ColumnId_Modification); mRecordStateIndex = table->index(mIndex.row(), stateColumnIndex); mOldRecordState = static_cast(table->data(mRecordStateIndex).toInt()); } } void CSMWorld::ModifyCommand::redo() { mOld = mModel->data (mIndex, Qt::EditRole); mModel->setData (mIndex, mNew); } void CSMWorld::ModifyCommand::undo() { mModel->setData (mIndex, mOld); if (mHasRecordState) { mModel->setData(mRecordStateIndex, mOldRecordState); } } void CSMWorld::CreateCommand::applyModifications() { for (std::map::const_iterator iter (mValues.begin()); iter!=mValues.end(); ++iter) mModel.setData (mModel.getModelIndex (mId, iter->first), iter->second); } CSMWorld::CreateCommand::CreateCommand (IdTable& model, const std::string& id, QUndoCommand* parent) : QUndoCommand (parent), mModel (model), mId (id), mType (UniversalId::Type_None) { setText (("Create record " + id).c_str()); } void CSMWorld::CreateCommand::addValue (int column, const QVariant& value) { mValues[column] = value; } void CSMWorld::CreateCommand::setType (UniversalId::Type type) { mType = type; } void CSMWorld::CreateCommand::redo() { mModel.addRecord (mId, mType); applyModifications(); } void CSMWorld::CreateCommand::undo() { mModel.removeRow (mModel.getModelIndex (mId, 0).row()); } CSMWorld::RevertCommand::RevertCommand (IdTable& model, const std::string& id, QUndoCommand* parent) : QUndoCommand (parent), mModel (model), mId (id), mOld (0) { setText (("Revert record " + id).c_str()); mOld = model.getRecord (id).clone(); } CSMWorld::RevertCommand::~RevertCommand() { delete mOld; } void CSMWorld::RevertCommand::redo() { int column = mModel.findColumnIndex (Columns::ColumnId_Modification); QModelIndex index = mModel.getModelIndex (mId, column); RecordBase::State state = static_cast (mModel.data (index).toInt()); if (state==RecordBase::State_ModifiedOnly) { mModel.removeRows (index.row(), 1); } else { mModel.setData (index, static_cast (RecordBase::State_BaseOnly)); } } void CSMWorld::RevertCommand::undo() { mModel.setRecord (mId, *mOld); } CSMWorld::DeleteCommand::DeleteCommand (IdTable& model, const std::string& id, CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type type, QUndoCommand* parent) : QUndoCommand (parent), mModel (model), mId (id), mOld (0), mType(type) { setText (("Delete record " + id).c_str()); mOld = model.getRecord (id).clone(); } CSMWorld::DeleteCommand::~DeleteCommand() { delete mOld; } void CSMWorld::DeleteCommand::redo() { int column = mModel.findColumnIndex (Columns::ColumnId_Modification); QModelIndex index = mModel.getModelIndex (mId, column); RecordBase::State state = static_cast (mModel.data (index).toInt()); if (state==RecordBase::State_ModifiedOnly) { mModel.removeRows (index.row(), 1); } else { mModel.setData (index, static_cast (RecordBase::State_Deleted)); } } void CSMWorld::DeleteCommand::undo() { mModel.setRecord (mId, *mOld, mType); } CSMWorld::ReorderRowsCommand::ReorderRowsCommand (IdTable& model, int baseIndex, const std::vector& newOrder) : mModel (model), mBaseIndex (baseIndex), mNewOrder (newOrder) {} void CSMWorld::ReorderRowsCommand::redo() { mModel.reorderRows (mBaseIndex, mNewOrder); } void CSMWorld::ReorderRowsCommand::undo() { int size = static_cast (mNewOrder.size()); std::vector reverse (size); for (int i=0; i< size; ++i) reverse.at (mNewOrder[i]) = i; mModel.reorderRows (mBaseIndex, reverse); } CSMWorld::CloneCommand::CloneCommand (CSMWorld::IdTable& model, const std::string& idOrigin, const std::string& idDestination, const CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type type, QUndoCommand* parent) : CreateCommand (model, idDestination, parent), mIdOrigin (idOrigin) { setType (type); setText ( ("Clone record " + idOrigin + " to the " + idDestination).c_str()); } void CSMWorld::CloneCommand::redo() { mModel.cloneRecord (mIdOrigin, mId, mType); applyModifications(); } void CSMWorld::CloneCommand::undo() { mModel.removeRow (mModel.getModelIndex (mId, 0).row()); } CSMWorld::UpdateCellCommand::UpdateCellCommand (IdTable& model, int row, QUndoCommand *parent) : QUndoCommand (parent), mModel (model), mRow (row) { setText ("Update cell ID"); } void CSMWorld::UpdateCellCommand::redo() { if (!mNew.isValid()) { int cellColumn = mModel.searchColumnIndex (Columns::ColumnId_Cell); mIndex = mModel.index (mRow, cellColumn); const int cellSize = 8192; QModelIndex xIndex = mModel.index ( mRow, mModel.findColumnIndex (Columns::ColumnId_PositionXPos)); QModelIndex yIndex = mModel.index ( mRow, mModel.findColumnIndex (Columns::ColumnId_PositionYPos)); int x = std::floor (mModel.data (xIndex).toFloat() / cellSize); int y = std::floor (mModel.data (yIndex).toFloat() / cellSize); std::ostringstream stream; stream << "#" << x << " " << y; mNew = QString::fromUtf8 (stream.str().c_str()); } mModel.setData (mIndex, mNew); } void CSMWorld::UpdateCellCommand::undo() { mModel.setData (mIndex, mOld); } CSMWorld::DeleteNestedCommand::DeleteNestedCommand (IdTree& model, const std::string& id, int nestedRow, int parentColumn, QUndoCommand* parent) : mId(id), mModel(model), mParentColumn(parentColumn), QUndoCommand(parent), mNestedRow(nestedRow), NestedTableStoring(model, id, parentColumn) { std::string title = model.headerData(parentColumn, Qt::Horizontal, Qt::DisplayRole).toString().toUtf8().constData(); setText (("Delete row in " + title + " sub-table of " + mId).c_str()); } void CSMWorld::DeleteNestedCommand::redo() { const QModelIndex& parentIndex = mModel.getModelIndex(mId, mParentColumn); mModel.removeRows (mNestedRow, 1, parentIndex); } void CSMWorld::DeleteNestedCommand::undo() { const QModelIndex& parentIndex = mModel.getModelIndex(mId, mParentColumn); mModel.setNestedTable(parentIndex, getOld()); } CSMWorld::AddNestedCommand::AddNestedCommand(IdTree& model, const std::string& id, int nestedRow, int parentColumn, QUndoCommand* parent) : mModel(model), mId(id), mNewRow(nestedRow), mParentColumn(parentColumn), QUndoCommand(parent), NestedTableStoring(model, id, parentColumn) { std::string title = model.headerData(parentColumn, Qt::Horizontal, Qt::DisplayRole).toString().toUtf8().constData(); setText (("Add row in " + title + " sub-table of " + mId).c_str()); } void CSMWorld::AddNestedCommand::redo() { const QModelIndex& parentIndex = mModel.getModelIndex(mId, mParentColumn); mModel.addNestedRow (parentIndex, mNewRow); } void CSMWorld::AddNestedCommand::undo() { const QModelIndex& parentIndex = mModel.getModelIndex(mId, mParentColumn); mModel.setNestedTable(parentIndex, getOld()); } CSMWorld::NestedTableStoring::NestedTableStoring(const IdTree& model, const std::string& id, int parentColumn) : mOld(model.nestedTable(model.getModelIndex(id, parentColumn))) {} CSMWorld::NestedTableStoring::~NestedTableStoring() { delete mOld; } const CSMWorld::NestedTableWrapperBase& CSMWorld::NestedTableStoring::getOld() const { return *mOld; }