#include "engine.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include "mwgui/window_manager.hpp" #include "mwinput/inputmanager.hpp" #include "mwscript/scriptmanager.hpp" #include "mwscript/compilercontext.hpp" #include "mwscript/interpretercontext.hpp" #include "mwscript/extensions.hpp" #include "mwscript/globalscripts.hpp" #include "mwsound/soundmanager.hpp" #include "mwworld/world.hpp" #include "mwworld/ptr.hpp" #include "mwworld/environment.hpp" #include void OMW::Engine::executeLocalScripts() { for (MWWorld::World::ScriptList::const_iterator iter ( mEnvironment.mWorld->getLocalScripts().begin()); iter!=mEnvironment.mWorld->getLocalScripts().end(); ++iter) { MWScript::InterpreterContext interpreterContext (mEnvironment, &iter->second.getRefData().getLocals(), MWWorld::Ptr (iter->second)); mScriptManager->run (iter->first, interpreterContext); } } bool OMW::Engine::frameStarted(const Ogre::FrameEvent& evt) { mEnvironment.mFrameDuration = evt.timeSinceLastFrame; // console processCommands(); // local scripts executeLocalScripts(); // global scripts mEnvironment.mGlobalScripts->run (mEnvironment); // passing of time mEnvironment.mWorld->advanceTime ( mEnvironment.mFrameDuration*mEnvironment.mWorld->getTimeScaleFactor()/3600); return true; } void OMW::Engine::processCommands() { Command cmd; while (mCommandQueue.try_pop_front(cmd)) { ///\todo Add actual processing of the received command strings std::cout << "Command: '" << cmd.mCommand << "'" << std::endl; ///\todo Replace with real output. For now, echo back the string in uppercase std::string reply(cmd.mCommand); std::transform(reply.begin(), reply.end(), reply.begin(), toupper); cmd.mReplyFunction(reply); } } OMW::Engine::Engine() : mDebug (false) , mVerboseScripts (false) , mNewGame (false) , mEnableCommandServer (false) , mScriptManager (0) , mScriptContext (0) { } OMW::Engine::~Engine() { if (mspCommandServer.get()) mspCommandServer->stop(); delete mGuiManager; delete mEnvironment.mWorld; delete mEnvironment.mSoundManager; delete mEnvironment.mGlobalScripts; delete mScriptManager; delete mScriptContext; } // Load all BSA files in data directory. void OMW::Engine::loadBSA() { boost::filesystem::directory_iterator end; for (boost::filesystem::directory_iterator iter (mDataDir); iter!=end; ++iter) { if (boost::filesystem::extension (iter->path())==".bsa") { std::cout << "Adding " << iter->path().string() << std::endl; addBSA(iter->path().file_string()); } } } // add resources directory // \note This function works recursively. void OMW::Engine::addResourcesDirectory (const boost::filesystem::path& path) { mOgre.getRoot()->addResourceLocation (path.file_string(), "FileSystem", Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME, true); } // Set data dir void OMW::Engine::setDataDir (const boost::filesystem::path& dataDir) { mDataDir = boost::filesystem::system_complete (dataDir); } // Set start cell name (only interiors for now) void OMW::Engine::setCell (const std::string& cellName) { mCellName = cellName; } // Set master file (esm) // - If the given name does not have an extension, ".esm" is added automatically // - Currently OpenMW only supports one master at the same time. void OMW::Engine::addMaster (const std::string& master) { assert (mMaster.empty()); mMaster = master; // Append .esm if not already there std::string::size_type sep = mMaster.find_last_of ("."); if (sep == std::string::npos) { mMaster += ".esm"; } } void OMW::Engine::enableDebugMode() { mDebug = true; } void OMW::Engine::enableCommandServer() { mEnableCommandServer = true; } void OMW::Engine::enableVerboseScripts() { mVerboseScripts = true; } void OMW::Engine::setNewGame() { mNewGame = true; } // Initialise and enter main loop. void OMW::Engine::go() { assert (!mEnvironment.mWorld); assert (!mDataDir.empty()); assert (!mCellName.empty()); assert (!mMaster.empty()); std::cout << "Data directory: " << mDataDir << "\n"; const char* plugCfg = "plugins.cfg"; mOgre.configure(!isFile("ogre.cfg"), plugCfg, false); addResourcesDirectory (mDataDir / "Meshes"); addResourcesDirectory (mDataDir / "Textures"); // This has to be added BEFORE MyGUI is initialized, as it needs // to find core.xml here. addResourcesDirectory("resources/mygui/"); // Create the window mOgre.createWindow("OpenMW"); loadBSA(); // Create the world mEnvironment.mWorld = new MWWorld::World (mOgre, mDataDir, mMaster, mCellName, mNewGame); // Set up the GUI system mGuiManager = new OEngine::GUI::MyGUIManager(mOgre.getWindow(), mOgre.getScene()); // Create window manager - this manages all the MW-specific GUI windows MWScript::registerExtensions (mExtensions); mEnvironment.mWindowManager = new MWGui::WindowManager(mGuiManager->getGui(), mEnvironment, mExtensions, mNewGame); mEnvironment.mSoundManager = new MWSound::SoundManager; mScriptContext = new MWScript::CompilerContext (MWScript::CompilerContext::Type_Full, mEnvironment); mScriptContext->setExtensions (&mExtensions); mScriptManager = new MWScript::ScriptManager (mEnvironment.mWorld->getStore(), mVerboseScripts, *mScriptContext); mEnvironment.mGlobalScripts = new MWScript::GlobalScripts (mEnvironment.mWorld->getStore(), *mScriptManager); // Sets up the input system MWInput::MWInputManager input(mOgre, mEnvironment.mWorld->getPlayerPos(), *mEnvironment.mWindowManager, mDebug); // Launch the console server if (mEnableCommandServer) { std::cout << "Starting command server on port " << kCommandServerPort << std::endl; mspCommandServer.reset(new OMW::CommandServer::Server(&mCommandQueue, kCommandServerPort)); mspCommandServer->start(); } else std::cout << "Command server disabled" << std::endl; std::cout << "\nPress Q/ESC or close window to exit.\n"; mOgre.getRoot()->addFrameListener (this); // Start the main rendering loop mOgre.start(); std::cout << "Quitting peacefully.\n"; }