#include #include #include "Networking.hpp" #include "CellController.hpp" #include "Cell.hpp" #include "Player.hpp" using namespace std; CellController::CellController() { } CellController::~CellController() { for (auto cell : cells) delete cell; } CellController *CellController::sThis = nullptr; void CellController::create() { assert(!sThis); sThis = new CellController; } void CellController::destroy() { assert(sThis); delete sThis; sThis = nullptr; } CellController *CellController::get() { assert(sThis); return sThis; } Cell *CellController::getCell(ESM::Cell *esmCell) { if (esmCell->isExterior()) return getCellByXY(esmCell->mData.mX, esmCell->mData.mY); else return getCellByName(esmCell->mName); } Cell *CellController::getCellByXY(int x, int y) { auto it = find_if(cells.begin(), cells.end(), [x, y](const Cell *c) { return c->cell.mData.mX == x && c->cell.mData.mY == y; }); if (it == cells.end()) { LOG_APPEND(Log::LOG_INFO, "- Attempt to get Cell at %i, %i failed!", x, y); return nullptr; } return *it; } Cell *CellController::getCellByName(std::string cellName) { auto it = find_if(cells.begin(), cells.end(), [cellName](const Cell *c) { return c->cell.mName == cellName; }); if (it == cells.end()) { LOG_APPEND(Log::LOG_INFO, "- Attempt to get Cell at %s failed!", cellName.c_str()); return nullptr; } return *it; } Cell *CellController::addCell(ESM::Cell cellData) { LOG_APPEND(Log::LOG_INFO, "- Loaded cells: %d", cells.size()); auto it = find_if(cells.begin(), cells.end(), [cellData](const Cell *c) { // Currently we cannot compare because plugin lists can be loaded in different order //return c->cell.sRecordId == cellData.sRecordId; if (c->cell.isExterior() && cellData.isExterior()) { if (c->cell.mData.mX == cellData.mData.mX && c->cell.mData.mY == cellData.mData.mY) return true; } else if (c->cell.mName == cellData.mName) return true; return false; }); Cell *cell; if (it == cells.end()) { LOG_APPEND(Log::LOG_INFO, "- Adding %s to CellController", cellData.getDescription().c_str()); cell = new Cell(cellData); cells.push_back(cell); } else { LOG_APPEND(Log::LOG_INFO, "- Found %s in CellController", cellData.getDescription().c_str()); cell = *it; } return cell; } void CellController::removeCell(Cell *cell) { if (cell == nullptr) return; for (auto it = cells.begin(); it != cells.end();) { if (*it != nullptr && *it == cell) { mwmp::Networking::get().getState().getEventCtrl().Call(cell->getDescription()); LOG_APPEND(Log::LOG_INFO, "- Removing %s from CellController", cell->getDescription().c_str()); delete *it; it = cells.erase(it); } else ++it; } } void CellController::removePlayer(Cell *cell, Player *player) { cell->removePlayer(player); if (cell->players.empty()) { LOG_APPEND(Log::LOG_INFO, "- Cell %s has no players left", cell->getDescription().c_str()); removeCell(cell); } } void CellController::deletePlayer(Player *player) { LOG_APPEND(Log::LOG_INFO, "- Iterating through Cells from Player %s", player->npc.mName.c_str()); for (auto it = player->getCells()->begin(); player->getCells()->size() != 0; ++it) removePlayer(*it, player); } void CellController::update(Player *player) { for (auto cell : player->cellStateChanges.cellStates) { if (cell.type == mwmp::CellState::LOAD) { Cell *c = addCell(cell.cell); c->addPlayer(player); } else { Cell *c; if (!cell.cell.isExterior()) c = getCellByName(cell.cell.mName); else c = getCellByXY(cell.cell.getGridX(), cell.cell.getGridY()); if (c != nullptr) removePlayer(c, player); } } }