#include "sdlinputwrapper.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #if OGRE_PLATFORM == OGRE_PLATFORM_LINUX # include # include # include #endif namespace SFO { /// \brief General purpose wrapper for OGRE applications around SDL's event /// queue, mostly used for handling input-related events. InputWrapper::InputWrapper(Ogre::RenderWindow *window) : mWindow(window), mSDLWindow(NULL), mWarpCompensate(false), mMouseRelative(false), mGrabPointer(false), mWrapPointer(false), mMouseZ(0), mMouseY(0), mMouseX(0) { _start(); _setupOISKeys(); } InputWrapper::~InputWrapper() { if(mSDLWindow != NULL) SDL_DestroyWindow(mSDLWindow); mSDLWindow = NULL; SDL_StopTextInput(); SDL_Quit(); } bool InputWrapper::_start() { Uint32 flags = SDL_INIT_VIDEO; if(SDL_WasInit(flags) == 0) { //get the HWND from ogre's renderwindow size_t windowHnd; mWindow->getCustomAttribute("WINDOW", &windowHnd); //kindly ask SDL not to trash our OGL context //might this be related to http://bugzilla.libsdl.org/show_bug.cgi?id=748 ? SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_RENDER_DRIVER, "software"); if(SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) != 0) return false; //wrap our own event handler around ogre's mSDLWindow = SDL_CreateWindowFrom((void*)windowHnd); if(mSDLWindow == NULL) return false; //without this SDL will take ownership of the window and iconify it when //we alt-tab away. SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(mSDLWindow, 0); //translate our keypresses into text SDL_StartTextInput(); #if OGRE_PLATFORM == OGRE_PLATFORM_LINUX //linux-specific event-handling fixups //see http://bugzilla.libsdl.org/show_bug.cgi?id=730 SDL_SysWMinfo wm_info; SDL_VERSION(&wm_info.version); if(SDL_GetWindowWMInfo(mSDLWindow,&wm_info)) { Display* display = wm_info.info.x11.display; Window w = wm_info.info.x11.window; // Set the input hints so we get keyboard input XWMHints *wmhints = XAllocWMHints(); if (wmhints) { wmhints->input = True; wmhints->flags = InputHint; XSetWMHints(display, w, wmhints); XFree(wmhints); } //make sure to subscribe to XLib's events XSelectInput(display, w, (FocusChangeMask | EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask | ExposureMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | PointerMotionMask | KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask | PropertyChangeMask | StructureNotifyMask | KeymapStateMask)); XFlush(display); } #endif SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_FALSE); } return true; } void InputWrapper::capture() { if(!_start()) throw std::runtime_error(SDL_GetError()); SDL_Event evt; while(SDL_PollEvent(&evt)) { switch(evt.type) { case SDL_MOUSEMOTION: //ignore this if it happened due to a warp if(!_handleWarpMotion(evt.motion)) { mMouseListener->mouseMoved(_packageMouseMotion(evt)); //try to keep the mouse inside the window _wrapMousePointer(evt.motion); } break; case SDL_MOUSEWHEEL: mMouseListener->mouseMoved(_packageMouseMotion(evt)); break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mMouseListener->mousePressed(evt.button, evt.button.button); break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: mMouseListener->mouseReleased(evt.button, evt.button.button); break; case SDL_KEYDOWN: _handleKeyPress(evt.key); break; case SDL_KEYUP: mKeyboardListener->keyReleased(evt.key); break; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_GAINED: mWindowListener->windowFocusChange(true); break; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_LOST: mWindowListener->windowFocusChange(false); break; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_EXPOSED: mWindowListener->windowVisibilityChange(true); break; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_HIDDEN: mWindowListener->windowVisibilityChange(false); break; //SDL traps ^C signals, pass it to OGRE. case SDL_QUIT: Ogre::Root::getSingleton().queueEndRendering(); break; } } } bool InputWrapper::isModifierHeld(int mod) { return SDL_GetModState() & mod; } /// \brief Moves the mouse to the specified point within the viewport void InputWrapper::warpMouse(int x, int y) { SDL_WarpMouseInWindow(mSDLWindow, x, y); mWarpCompensate = true; mWarpX = x; mWarpY = y; } /// \brief Locks the pointer to the window void InputWrapper::setGrabPointer(bool grab) { mGrabPointer = grab; SDL_SetWindowGrab(mSDLWindow, grab ? SDL_TRUE : SDL_FALSE); } /// \brief Set the mouse to relative positioning. Doesn't move the cursor /// and disables mouse acceleration. void InputWrapper::setMouseRelative(bool relative) { if(mMouseRelative == relative) return; mMouseRelative = relative; mWrapPointer = false; //eep, wrap the pointer manually if the input driver doesn't support //relative positioning natively if(SDL_SetRelativeMouseMode(relative ? SDL_TRUE : SDL_FALSE) == -1) { if(relative) mWrapPointer = true; } //now remove all mouse events using the old setting from the queue SDL_PumpEvents(); SDL_Event dummy[20]; SDL_PeepEvents(dummy, 20, SDL_GETEVENT, SDL_MOUSEMOTION, SDL_MOUSEMOTION); } bool InputWrapper::cursorChanged(const std::string &name) { CursorMap::const_iterator curs_iter = mCursorMap.find(name); //we have this cursor if(curs_iter != mCursorMap.end()) { SDL_SetCursor(curs_iter->second); return false; } else { //they should get back to use with more info return true; } } void InputWrapper::cursorVisible(bool visible) { SDL_ShowCursor(visible ? SDL_TRUE : SDL_FALSE); } void InputWrapper::receiveCursorInfo(const std::string& name, Ogre::TexturePtr tex, Uint8 size_x, Uint8 size_y, Uint8 hotspot_x, Uint8 hotspot_y) { _createCursorFromResource(name, tex, size_x, size_y, hotspot_x, hotspot_y); } /// \brief creates an SDL cursor from an Ogre texture void InputWrapper::_createCursorFromResource(const std::string& name, Ogre::TexturePtr tex, Uint8 size_x, Uint8 size_y, Uint8 hotspot_x, Uint8 hotspot_y) { Ogre::Image::Box box; box.right = size_x; box.bottom = size_y; //get the surfaces set up Ogre::HardwarePixelBufferSharedPtr buffer = tex.get()->getBuffer(); buffer.get()->lock(box, Ogre::HardwarePixelBuffer::HBL_READ_ONLY); std::string tempName = "_" + name + "_processing"; //we need to copy this to a temporary texture since Ogre doesn't like us using getColourAt Ogre::TexturePtr tempTexture = Ogre::TextureManager::getSingleton().createManual( tempName, Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME, Ogre::TEX_TYPE_2D, size_x, size_y, 0, Ogre::PF_FLOAT16_RGBA, Ogre::TU_STATIC); tempTexture->getBuffer()->blit(buffer); buffer->unlock(); Ogre::HardwarePixelBufferSharedPtr new_buffer = tempTexture.get()->getBuffer(); //FIXME: Casting away constness is almost certainly the wrong thing to do here Ogre::PixelBox& pixels = const_cast(new_buffer->lock(box, Ogre::HardwarePixelBuffer::HBL_READ_ONLY)); SDL_Surface* surf = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0,size_x,size_y,32,0xFF000000,0x00FF0000,0x0000FF00,0x000000FF); //copy the Ogre texture to an SDL surface for(size_t x = 0; x < size_x; ++x) { for(size_t y = 0; y < size_y; ++y) { Ogre::ColourValue clr = pixels.getColourAt(x, y, 0); //set the pixel on the SDL surface to the same value as the Ogre texture's _putPixel(surf, x, y, SDL_MapRGBA(surf->format, clr.r*255, clr.g*255, clr.b*255, clr.a*255)); } } //set the cursor and store it for later SDL_Cursor* curs = SDL_CreateColorCursor(surf, hotspot_x, hotspot_y); SDL_SetCursor(curs); mCursorMap.insert(CursorMap::value_type(std::string(name), curs)); new_buffer->unlock(); //clean up SDL_FreeSurface(surf); Ogre::TextureManager::getSingleton().remove(tempName); } void InputWrapper::_putPixel(SDL_Surface *surface, int x, int y, Uint32 pixel) { int bpp = surface->format->BytesPerPixel; /* Here p is the address to the pixel we want to set */ Uint8 *p = (Uint8 *)surface->pixels + y * surface->pitch + x * bpp; switch(bpp) { case 1: *p = pixel; break; case 2: *(Uint16 *)p = pixel; break; case 3: if(SDL_BYTEORDER == SDL_BIG_ENDIAN) { p[0] = (pixel >> 16) & 0xff; p[1] = (pixel >> 8) & 0xff; p[2] = pixel & 0xff; } else { p[0] = pixel & 0xff; p[1] = (pixel >> 8) & 0xff; p[2] = (pixel >> 16) & 0xff; } break; case 4: *(Uint32 *)p = pixel; break; } } /// \brief Internal method for ignoring relative motions as a side effect /// of warpMouse() bool InputWrapper::_handleWarpMotion(const SDL_MouseMotionEvent& evt) { if(!mWarpCompensate) return false; //this was a warp event, signal the caller to eat it. if(evt.x == mWarpX && evt.y == mWarpY) { mWarpCompensate = false; return true; } return false; } /// \brief Wrap the mouse to the viewport void InputWrapper::_wrapMousePointer(const SDL_MouseMotionEvent& evt) { //don't wrap if we don't want relative movements, support relative //movements natively, or aren't grabbing anyways if(!mMouseRelative || !mWrapPointer || !mGrabPointer) return; int width = 0; int height = 0; SDL_GetWindowSize(mSDLWindow, &width, &height); const int FUDGE_FACTOR_X = width / 4; const int FUDGE_FACTOR_Y = height / 4; //warp the mouse if it's about to go outside the window if(evt.x - FUDGE_FACTOR_X < 0 || evt.x + FUDGE_FACTOR_X > width || evt.y - FUDGE_FACTOR_Y < 0 || evt.y + FUDGE_FACTOR_Y > height) { warpMouse(width / 2, height / 2); } } /// \brief Package mouse and mousewheel motions into a single event MouseMotionEvent InputWrapper::_packageMouseMotion(const SDL_Event &evt) { MouseMotionEvent pack_evt; pack_evt.x = mMouseX; pack_evt.xrel = 0; pack_evt.y = mMouseY; pack_evt.yrel = 0; pack_evt.z = mMouseZ; pack_evt.zrel = 0; if(evt.type == SDL_MOUSEMOTION) { pack_evt.x = mMouseX = evt.motion.x; pack_evt.y = mMouseY = evt.motion.y; pack_evt.xrel = evt.motion.xrel; pack_evt.yrel = evt.motion.yrel; } else if(evt.type == SDL_MOUSEWHEEL) { mMouseZ += pack_evt.zrel = (evt.wheel.y * 120); pack_evt.z = mMouseZ; } else { throw new std::runtime_error("Tried to package non-motion event!"); } return pack_evt; } void InputWrapper::_handleKeyPress(SDL_KeyboardEvent &evt) { //SDL keyboard events are followed by the actual text those keys would generate //to account for languages that require multiple keystrokes to produce a key. //Look for an event immediately following ours, assuming each key produces exactly //one character or none at all. //TODO: Check if this works properly for multibyte symbols //do we have to worry about endian-ness? //for that matter, check if we even need to do any of this. SDL_Event text_evts[1]; if(SDL_PeepEvents(text_evts, 1, SDL_GETEVENT, SDL_TEXTINPUT, SDL_TEXTINPUT) != 0) { if(strlen(text_evts[0].text.text) != 0) { const unsigned char* symbol = reinterpret_cast(&(text_evts[0].text.text[0])); evt.keysym.unicode = _UTF8ToUTF32(symbol); } } mKeyboardListener->keyPressed(evt); } //Lifted from OIS' LinuxKeyboard.cpp Uint32 InputWrapper::_UTF8ToUTF32(const unsigned char *buf) { unsigned char FirstChar = buf[0]; //it's an ascii char, bail out early. if(FirstChar < 128) return FirstChar; Uint32 val = 0; Sint32 len = 0; if((FirstChar & 0xE0) == 0xC0) //2 Chars { len = 2; val = FirstChar & 0x1F; } else if((FirstChar & 0xF0) == 0xE0) //3 Chars { len = 3; val = FirstChar & 0x0F; } else if((FirstChar & 0xF8) == 0xF0) //4 Chars { len = 4; val = FirstChar & 0x07; } else if((FirstChar & 0xFC) == 0xF8) //5 Chars { len = 5; val = FirstChar & 0x03; } else // if((FirstChar & 0xFE) == 0xFC) //6 Chars { len = 6; val = FirstChar & 0x01; } for(int i = 1; i < len; i++) val = (val << 6) | (buf[i] & 0x3F); return val; } OIS::KeyCode InputWrapper::sdl2OISKeyCode(SDL_Keycode code) { OIS::KeyCode kc = OIS::KC_UNASSIGNED; KeyMap::const_iterator ois_equiv = mKeyMap.find(code); if(ois_equiv != mKeyMap.end()) kc = ois_equiv->second; else std::cerr << "Couldn't find OIS key for " << code << std::endl; return kc; } void InputWrapper::_setupOISKeys() { //lifted from OIS's SDLKeyboard.cpp //TODO: Consider switching to scancodes so we //can properly support international keyboards //look at SDL_GetKeyFromScancode and SDL_GetKeyName mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_UNKNOWN, OIS::KC_UNASSIGNED)); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_ESCAPE, OIS::KC_ESCAPE) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_1, OIS::KC_1) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_2, OIS::KC_2) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_3, OIS::KC_3) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_4, OIS::KC_4) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_5, OIS::KC_5) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_6, OIS::KC_6) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_7, OIS::KC_7) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_8, OIS::KC_8) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_9, OIS::KC_9) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_0, OIS::KC_0) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_MINUS, OIS::KC_MINUS) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_EQUALS, OIS::KC_EQUALS) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_BACKSPACE, OIS::KC_BACK) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_TAB, OIS::KC_TAB) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_q, OIS::KC_Q) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_w, OIS::KC_W) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_e, OIS::KC_E) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_r, OIS::KC_R) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_t, OIS::KC_T) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_y, OIS::KC_Y) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_u, OIS::KC_U) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_i, OIS::KC_I) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_o, OIS::KC_O) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_p, OIS::KC_P) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_RETURN, OIS::KC_RETURN) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_LCTRL, OIS::KC_LCONTROL)); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_a, OIS::KC_A) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_s, OIS::KC_S) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_d, OIS::KC_D) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_f, OIS::KC_F) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_g, OIS::KC_G) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_h, OIS::KC_H) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_j, OIS::KC_J) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_k, OIS::KC_K) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_l, OIS::KC_L) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_SEMICOLON, OIS::KC_SEMICOLON) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_COLON, OIS::KC_COLON) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_QUOTE, OIS::KC_APOSTROPHE) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_BACKQUOTE, OIS::KC_GRAVE) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_LSHIFT, OIS::KC_LSHIFT) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_BACKSLASH, OIS::KC_BACKSLASH) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_SLASH, OIS::KC_SLASH) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_z, OIS::KC_Z) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_x, OIS::KC_X) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_c, OIS::KC_C) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_v, OIS::KC_V) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_b, OIS::KC_B) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_n, OIS::KC_N) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_m, OIS::KC_M) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_COMMA, OIS::KC_COMMA) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_PERIOD, OIS::KC_PERIOD)); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_RSHIFT, OIS::KC_RSHIFT)); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_KP_MULTIPLY, OIS::KC_MULTIPLY) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_LALT, OIS::KC_LMENU) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_SPACE, OIS::KC_SPACE)); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_CAPSLOCK, OIS::KC_CAPITAL) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_F1, OIS::KC_F1) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_F2, OIS::KC_F2) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_F3, OIS::KC_F3) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_F4, OIS::KC_F4) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_F5, OIS::KC_F5) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_F6, OIS::KC_F6) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_F7, OIS::KC_F7) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_F8, OIS::KC_F8) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_F9, OIS::KC_F9) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_F10, OIS::KC_F10) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_NUMLOCKCLEAR, OIS::KC_NUMLOCK) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_SCROLLLOCK, OIS::KC_SCROLL)); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_KP_7, OIS::KC_NUMPAD7) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_KP_8, OIS::KC_NUMPAD8) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_KP_9, OIS::KC_NUMPAD9) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_KP_MINUS, OIS::KC_SUBTRACT) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_KP_4, OIS::KC_NUMPAD4) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_KP_5, OIS::KC_NUMPAD5) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_KP_6, OIS::KC_NUMPAD6) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_KP_PLUS, OIS::KC_ADD) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_KP_1, OIS::KC_NUMPAD1) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_KP_2, OIS::KC_NUMPAD2) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_KP_3, OIS::KC_NUMPAD3) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_KP_0, OIS::KC_NUMPAD0) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_KP_PERIOD, OIS::KC_DECIMAL) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_F11, OIS::KC_F11) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_F12, OIS::KC_F12) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_F13, OIS::KC_F13) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_F14, OIS::KC_F14) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_F15, OIS::KC_F15) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_KP_EQUALS, OIS::KC_NUMPADEQUALS) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_KP_DIVIDE, OIS::KC_DIVIDE) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_SYSREQ, OIS::KC_SYSRQ) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_RALT, OIS::KC_RMENU) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_HOME, OIS::KC_HOME) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_UP, OIS::KC_UP) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_PAGEUP, OIS::KC_PGUP) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_LEFT, OIS::KC_LEFT) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_RIGHT, OIS::KC_RIGHT) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_END, OIS::KC_END) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_DOWN, OIS::KC_DOWN) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_PAGEDOWN, OIS::KC_PGDOWN) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_INSERT, OIS::KC_INSERT) ); mKeyMap.insert( KeyMap::value_type(SDLK_DELETE, OIS::KC_DELETE) ); } }