#include "journalwindow.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../mwbase/environment.hpp" #include "../mwbase/soundmanager.hpp" #include "../mwbase/windowmanager.hpp" #include "../mwbase/journal.hpp" #include "bookpage.hpp" #include "windowbase.hpp" #include "journalviewmodel.hpp" #include "journalbooks.hpp" namespace { static char const OptionsOverlay [] = "OptionsOverlay"; static char const OptionsBTN [] = "OptionsBTN"; static char const PrevPageBTN [] = "PrevPageBTN"; static char const NextPageBTN [] = "NextPageBTN"; static char const CloseBTN [] = "CloseBTN"; static char const JournalBTN [] = "JournalBTN"; static char const TopicsBTN [] = "TopicsBTN"; static char const QuestsBTN [] = "QuestsBTN"; static char const CancelBTN [] = "CancelBTN"; static char const ShowAllBTN [] = "ShowAllBTN"; static char const ShowActiveBTN [] = "ShowActiveBTN"; static char const PageOneNum [] = "PageOneNum"; static char const PageTwoNum [] = "PageTwoNum"; static char const TopicsList [] = "TopicsList"; static char const QuestsList [] = "QuestsList"; static char const LeftBookPage [] = "LeftBookPage"; static char const RightBookPage [] = "RightBookPage"; static char const LeftTopicIndex [] = "LeftTopicIndex"; static char const RightTopicIndex [] = "RightTopicIndex"; struct JournalWindowImpl : MWGui::WindowBase, MWGui::JournalBooks, MWGui::JournalWindow { struct DisplayState { unsigned int mPage; Book mBook; }; typedef std::stack DisplayStateStack; DisplayStateStack mStates; Book mTopicIndexBook; bool mQuestMode; bool mAllQuests; template T * getWidget (char const * name) { T * widget; WindowBase::getWidget (widget, name); return widget; } template void setText (char const * name, value_type const & value) { getWidget (name) -> setCaption (boost::lexical_cast (value)); } void setVisible (char const * name, bool visible) { getWidget (name) -> setVisible (visible); } void adviseButtonClick (char const * name, void (JournalWindowImpl::*Handler) (MyGUI::Widget* _sender)) { getWidget (name) -> eventMouseButtonClick += newDelegate(this, Handler); } MWGui::BookPage* getPage (char const * name) { return getWidget (name); } JournalWindowImpl (MWGui::JournalViewModel::Ptr Model) : WindowBase("openmw_journal.layout"), JournalBooks (Model) { mMainWidget->setVisible(false); center(); adviseButtonClick (OptionsBTN, &JournalWindowImpl::notifyOptions ); adviseButtonClick (PrevPageBTN, &JournalWindowImpl::notifyPrevPage ); adviseButtonClick (NextPageBTN, &JournalWindowImpl::notifyNextPage ); adviseButtonClick (CloseBTN, &JournalWindowImpl::notifyClose ); adviseButtonClick (JournalBTN, &JournalWindowImpl::notifyJournal ); adviseButtonClick (TopicsBTN, &JournalWindowImpl::notifyTopics ); adviseButtonClick (QuestsBTN, &JournalWindowImpl::notifyQuests ); adviseButtonClick (CancelBTN, &JournalWindowImpl::notifyCancel ); adviseButtonClick (ShowAllBTN, &JournalWindowImpl::notifyShowAll ); adviseButtonClick (ShowActiveBTN, &JournalWindowImpl::notifyShowActive); Gui::MWList* list = getWidget(QuestsList); list->eventItemSelected += MyGUI::newDelegate(this, &JournalWindowImpl::notifyQuestClicked); Gui::MWList* topicsList = getWidget(TopicsList); topicsList->eventItemSelected += MyGUI::newDelegate(this, &JournalWindowImpl::notifyTopicSelected); { MWGui::BookPage::ClickCallback callback; callback = boost::bind (&JournalWindowImpl::notifyTopicClicked, this, _1); getPage (LeftBookPage)->adviseLinkClicked (callback); getPage (RightBookPage)->adviseLinkClicked (callback); getPage (LeftBookPage)->eventMouseWheel += MyGUI::newDelegate(this, &JournalWindowImpl::notifyMouseWheel); getPage (RightBookPage)->eventMouseWheel += MyGUI::newDelegate(this, &JournalWindowImpl::notifyMouseWheel); } { MWGui::BookPage::ClickCallback callback; callback = boost::bind (&JournalWindowImpl::notifyIndexLinkClicked, this, _1); getPage (LeftTopicIndex)->adviseLinkClicked (callback); getPage (RightTopicIndex)->adviseLinkClicked (callback); } adjustButton(OptionsBTN, true); adjustButton(PrevPageBTN); adjustButton(NextPageBTN); adjustButton(CloseBTN); adjustButton(CancelBTN); adjustButton(ShowAllBTN, true); adjustButton(ShowActiveBTN, true); adjustButton(JournalBTN); Gui::ImageButton* optionsButton = getWidget(OptionsBTN); if (optionsButton->getWidth() == 0) { // If tribunal is not installed (-> no options button), we still want the Topics button available, // so place it where the options button would have been Gui::ImageButton* topicsButton = getWidget(TopicsBTN); topicsButton->detachFromWidget(); topicsButton->attachToWidget(optionsButton->getParent()); topicsButton->setPosition(optionsButton->getPosition()); topicsButton->eventMouseButtonClick.clear(); topicsButton->eventMouseButtonClick += MyGUI::newDelegate(this, &JournalWindowImpl::notifyOptions); } Gui::ImageButton* nextButton = getWidget(NextPageBTN); if (nextButton->getSize().width == 64) { // english button has a 7 pixel wide strip of garbage on its right edge nextButton->setSize(64-7, nextButton->getSize().height); nextButton->setImageCoord(MyGUI::IntCoord(0,0,64-7,nextButton->getSize().height)); } adjustButton(TopicsBTN); adjustButton(QuestsBTN, true); int width = getWidget(TopicsBTN)->getSize().width + getWidget(QuestsBTN)->getSize().width; int topicsWidth = getWidget(TopicsBTN)->getSize().width; int pageWidth = getWidget(RightBookPage)->getSize().width; getWidget(TopicsBTN)->setPosition((pageWidth - width)/2, getWidget(TopicsBTN)->getPosition().top); getWidget(QuestsBTN)->setPosition((pageWidth - width)/2 + topicsWidth, getWidget(QuestsBTN)->getPosition().top); mQuestMode = false; mAllQuests = false; } void adjustButton (char const * name, bool optional = false) { Gui::ImageButton* button = getWidget(name); MyGUI::IntSize diff = button->getSize() - button->getRequestedSize(!optional); button->setSize(button->getRequestedSize(!optional)); if (button->getAlign().isRight()) button->setPosition(button->getPosition() + MyGUI::IntPoint(diff.width,0)); } void open() { if (!MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager ()->getJournalAllowed ()) { MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->popGuiMode (); } mModel->load (); setBookMode (); Book journalBook; if (mModel->isEmpty ()) journalBook = createEmptyJournalBook (); else journalBook = createJournalBook (); pushBook (journalBook, 0); // fast forward to the last page if (!mStates.empty ()) { unsigned int & page = mStates.top ().mPage; page = mStates.top().mBook->pageCount()-1; if (page%2) --page; } updateShowingPages(); } void close() { mModel->unload (); getPage (LeftBookPage)->showPage (Book (), 0); getPage (RightBookPage)->showPage (Book (), 0); while (!mStates.empty ()) mStates.pop (); mTopicIndexBook.reset (); } void setVisible (bool newValue) { WindowBase::setVisible (newValue); } void setBookMode () { setVisible (OptionsBTN, true); setVisible (OptionsOverlay, false); updateShowingPages (); updateCloseJournalButton (); } void setOptionsMode () { setVisible (OptionsBTN, false); setVisible (OptionsOverlay, true); setVisible (PrevPageBTN, false); setVisible (NextPageBTN, false); setVisible (CloseBTN, false); setVisible (JournalBTN, false); setVisible (TopicsList, false); setVisible (QuestsList, mQuestMode); setVisible (LeftTopicIndex, !mQuestMode); setVisible (RightTopicIndex, !mQuestMode); setVisible (ShowAllBTN, mQuestMode && !mAllQuests); setVisible (ShowActiveBTN, mQuestMode && mAllQuests); //TODO: figure out how to make "options" page overlay book page // correctly, so that text may show underneath getPage (RightBookPage)->showPage (Book (), 0); // If in quest mode, ensure the quest list is updated if (mQuestMode) notifyQuests(getWidget(QuestsList)); } void pushBook (Book book, unsigned int page) { DisplayState bs; bs.mPage = page; bs.mBook = book; mStates.push (bs); updateShowingPages (); updateCloseJournalButton (); } void replaceBook (Book book, unsigned int page) { assert (!mStates.empty ()); mStates.top ().mBook = book; mStates.top ().mPage = page; updateShowingPages (); } void popBook () { mStates.pop (); updateShowingPages (); updateCloseJournalButton (); } void updateCloseJournalButton () { setVisible (CloseBTN, mStates.size () < 2); setVisible (JournalBTN, mStates.size () >= 2); } void updateShowingPages () { Book book; unsigned int page; unsigned int relPages; if (!mStates.empty ()) { book = mStates.top ().mBook; page = mStates.top ().mPage; relPages = book->pageCount () - page; } else { page = 0; relPages = 0; } setVisible (PrevPageBTN, page > 0); setVisible (NextPageBTN, relPages > 2); setVisible (PageOneNum, relPages > 0); setVisible (PageTwoNum, relPages > 1); getPage (LeftBookPage)->showPage ((relPages > 0) ? book : Book (), page+0); getPage (RightBookPage)->showPage ((relPages > 0) ? book : Book (), page+1); setText (PageOneNum, page + 1); setText (PageTwoNum, page + 2); } void notifyTopicClicked (intptr_t linkId) { Book topicBook = createTopicBook (linkId); if (mStates.size () > 1) replaceBook (topicBook, 0); else pushBook (topicBook, 0); setVisible (OptionsOverlay, false); setVisible (OptionsBTN, true); setVisible (JournalBTN, true); } void notifyTopicSelected (const std::string& topic, int id) { const MWBase::Journal* journal = MWBase::Environment::get().getJournal(); intptr_t topicId = 0; /// \todo get rid of intptr ids for(MWBase::Journal::TTopicIter i = journal->topicBegin(); i != journal->topicEnd (); ++i) { if (Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(i->first, topic)) topicId = intptr_t (&i->second); } notifyTopicClicked(topicId); } void notifyQuestClicked (const std::string& name, int id) { Book book = createQuestBook (name); if (mStates.size () > 1) replaceBook (book, 0); else pushBook (book, 0); setVisible (OptionsOverlay, false); setVisible (OptionsBTN, true); setVisible (JournalBTN, true); } void notifyOptions(MyGUI::Widget* _sender) { setOptionsMode (); if (!mTopicIndexBook) mTopicIndexBook = createTopicIndexBook (); getPage (LeftTopicIndex)->showPage (mTopicIndexBook, 0); getPage (RightTopicIndex)->showPage (mTopicIndexBook, 1); } void notifyJournal(MyGUI::Widget* _sender) { assert (mStates.size () > 1); popBook (); } void notifyIndexLinkClicked (MWGui::TypesetBook::InteractiveId character) { setVisible (LeftTopicIndex, false); setVisible (RightTopicIndex, false); setVisible (TopicsList, true); Gui::MWList* list = getWidget(TopicsList); list->clear(); AddNamesToList add(list); mModel->visitTopicNamesStartingWith((char) character, add); list->adjustSize(); } void notifyTopics(MyGUI::Widget* _sender) { mQuestMode = false; setVisible (LeftTopicIndex, true); setVisible (RightTopicIndex, true); setVisible (TopicsList, false); setVisible (QuestsList, false); setVisible (ShowAllBTN, false); setVisible (ShowActiveBTN, false); } struct AddNamesToList { AddNamesToList(Gui::MWList* list) : mList(list) {} Gui::MWList* mList; void operator () (const std::string& name) { mList->addItem(name); } }; void notifyQuests(MyGUI::Widget* _sender) { mQuestMode = true; setVisible (LeftTopicIndex, false); setVisible (RightTopicIndex, false); setVisible (TopicsList, false); setVisible (QuestsList, true); setVisible (ShowAllBTN, !mAllQuests); setVisible (ShowActiveBTN, mAllQuests); Gui::MWList* list = getWidget(QuestsList); list->clear(); AddNamesToList add(list); mModel->visitQuestNames(!mAllQuests, add); list->adjustSize(); } void notifyShowAll(MyGUI::Widget* _sender) { mAllQuests = true; notifyQuests(_sender); } void notifyShowActive(MyGUI::Widget* _sender) { mAllQuests = false; notifyQuests(_sender); } void notifyCancel(MyGUI::Widget* _sender) { setBookMode (); } void notifyClose(MyGUI::Widget* _sender) { MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager()->playSound ("book close", 1.0, 1.0); MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager ()->popGuiMode (); } void notifyMouseWheel(MyGUI::Widget* sender, int rel) { if (rel < 0) notifyNextPage(sender); else notifyPrevPage(sender); } void notifyNextPage(MyGUI::Widget* _sender) { if (!mStates.empty ()) { unsigned int & page = mStates.top ().mPage; Book book = mStates.top ().mBook; if (page+2 < book->pageCount()) { page += 2; updateShowingPages (); } } } void notifyPrevPage(MyGUI::Widget* _sender) { if (!mStates.empty ()) { unsigned int & page = mStates.top ().mPage; if(page >= 2) { page -= 2; updateShowingPages (); } } } }; } // glue the implementation to the interface MWGui::JournalWindow * MWGui::JournalWindow::create (JournalViewModel::Ptr Model) { return new JournalWindowImpl (Model); }