// // Created by koncord on 08.05.16. // #include "LangPAWN.hpp" #include <amxmodules.h> #include <amxaux.h> #include "Script.hpp" using namespace std; typedef long NetworkID; static vector<vector<char>> strings; static vector<pair<cell*, double>> floats; static pair<cell*, NetworkID*> data = {nullptr, nullptr}; void free_strings() noexcept { strings.clear(); } void free_floats() noexcept { for (const auto& value : floats) *value.first = amx_ftoc(value.second); floats.clear(); } void free_data(unsigned int size) noexcept { if (data.first && data.second) for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i) data.first[i] = data.second[i]; data.first = nullptr; data.second = nullptr; } void after_call() noexcept { free_strings(); free_floats(); } template<typename R> void after_call(const R&) noexcept { free_strings(); free_floats(); } template<> void after_call(const unsigned int& result) noexcept { free_strings(); free_floats(); free_data(result); } template<typename R, unsigned int I, unsigned int F> struct PAWN_extract_ { inline static R PAWN_extract(AMX*&&, const cell*&& params) noexcept { return static_cast<R>(forward<const cell*>(params)[I]); } }; template<unsigned int I, unsigned int F> struct PAWN_extract_<void*, I, F> { inline static void* PAWN_extract(AMX *&&amx, const cell *&¶ms) noexcept { return amx_Address(amx, forward<const cell *>(params)[I]); // fixme: I'm not sure in this fix } }; template<unsigned int I, unsigned int F> struct PAWN_extract_<double, I, F> { inline static double PAWN_extract(AMX*&&, const cell*&& params) noexcept { return amx_ctof(forward<const cell*>(params)[I]); } }; template<unsigned int I, unsigned int F> struct PAWN_extract_<const char*, I, F> { inline static const char* PAWN_extract(AMX*&& amx, const cell*&& params) noexcept { int len; cell* source; source = amx_Address(amx, params[I]); amx_StrLen(source, &len); strings.emplace_back(len + 1); char* value = &strings.back()[0]; amx_GetString(value, source, 0, UNLIMITED); return value; } }; template<unsigned int I, unsigned int F> struct PAWN_extract_<double*, I, F> { inline static double* PAWN_extract(AMX*&& amx, const cell*&& params) noexcept { floats.emplace_back(amx_Address(amx, params[I]), 0.00); return &floats.back().second; } }; template<unsigned int I, unsigned int F> struct PAWN_extract_<NetworkID**, I, F> { inline static NetworkID** PAWN_extract(AMX*&& amx, const cell*&& params) noexcept { constexpr ScriptFunctionData const& F_ = ScriptFunctions::functions[F]; static_assert(F_.func.numargs == I, "NetworkID** must be the last parameter"); data.first = amx_Address(amx, params[I]); return &data.second; } }; template<unsigned int I, unsigned int F> struct PAWN_dispatch_ { template<typename R, typename... Args> inline static R PAWN_dispatch(AMX*&& amx, const cell*&& params, Args&&... args) noexcept { constexpr ScriptFunctionData const& F_ = ScriptFunctions::functions[F]; auto arg = PAWN_extract_<typename CharType<F_.func.types[I - 1]>::type, I, F>::PAWN_extract(forward<AMX*>(amx), forward<const cell*>(params)); return PAWN_dispatch_<I - 1, F>::template PAWN_dispatch<R>( forward<AMX*>(amx), forward<const cell*>(params), arg, forward<Args>(args)...); } }; template<unsigned int F> struct PAWN_dispatch_<0, F> { template<typename R, typename... Args> inline static R PAWN_dispatch(AMX*&&, const cell*&&, Args&&... args) noexcept { constexpr ScriptFunctionData const& F_ = ScriptFunctions::functions[F]; return reinterpret_cast<FunctionEllipsis<R>>(F_.func.addr)(forward<Args>(args)...); } }; template<unsigned int I> static typename enable_if<ScriptFunctions::functions[I].func.ret == 'v', cell>::type wrapper(AMX* amx, const cell* params) noexcept { PAWN_dispatch_<ScriptFunctions::functions[I].func.numargs, I>::template PAWN_dispatch<void>(forward<AMX*>(amx), forward<const cell*>(params)); after_call(); return 1; } template<unsigned int I> static typename enable_if<ScriptFunctions::functions[I].func.ret == 'f', cell>::type wrapper(AMX* amx, const cell* params) noexcept { double value = PAWN_dispatch_<ScriptFunctions::functions[I].func.numargs, I>::template PAWN_dispatch<double>(forward<AMX*>(amx), forward<const cell*>(params)); after_call(); return amx_ftoc(value); } template<unsigned int I> static typename enable_if<ScriptFunctions::functions[I].func.ret == 's', cell>::type wrapper(AMX* amx, const cell* params) noexcept { const char* value = PAWN_dispatch_<ScriptFunctions::functions[I].func.numargs, I>::template PAWN_dispatch<const char*>(forward<AMX*>(amx), forward<const cell*>(params)); after_call(); if (value) { cell* dest = amx_Address(amx, params[ScriptFunctions::functions[I].func.numargs + 1]); amx_SetString(dest, value, 1, 0, strlen(value) + 1); return 1; } return 0; } template<unsigned int I> static typename enable_if<ScriptFunctions::functions[I].func.ret != 'v' && ScriptFunctions::functions[I].func.ret != 'f' && ScriptFunctions::functions[I].func.ret != 's', cell>::type wrapper(AMX* amx, const cell* params) noexcept { auto result = PAWN_dispatch_<ScriptFunctions::functions[I].func.numargs, I>::template PAWN_dispatch<typename CharType<ScriptFunctions::functions[I].func.ret>::type>(forward<AMX*>(amx), forward<const cell*>(params)); after_call(result); return result; } template<unsigned int I> struct F_ { static constexpr AMX_NATIVE_INFO F{ScriptFunctions::functions[I].name, wrapper<I>}; }; template<> struct F_<0> { static constexpr AMX_NATIVE_INFO F{"CreateTimer", LangPAWN::CreateTimer}; }; template<> struct F_<1> { static constexpr AMX_NATIVE_INFO F{"CreateTimerEx", LangPAWN::CreateTimerEx}; }; template<> struct F_<2> { static constexpr AMX_NATIVE_INFO F{"MakePublic", LangPAWN::MakePublic}; }; template<> struct F_<3> { static constexpr AMX_NATIVE_INFO F{"CallPublic", LangPAWN::CallPublic}; }; void LangPAWN::LoadProgram(const char *filename) { int err = aux_LoadProgram(amx, filename, 0); if (err != AMX_ERR_NONE) throw runtime_error("PAWN script " + string(filename) + " error (" + to_string(err) + "): \"" + string(aux_StrError(err)) + "\""); amx_CoreInit(amx); amx_ConsoleInit(amx); amx_FloatInit(amx); amx_TimeInit(amx); amx_StringInit(amx); amx_FileInit(amx); constexpr auto functions_n = sizeof(ScriptFunctions::functions) / sizeof(ScriptFunctions::functions[0]); amx_Register(amx, functions(IndicesFor<functions_n>{}), functions_n); // TODO: throw if error } int LangPAWN::FreeProgram() { int err = aux_FreeProgram(amx); delete amx; return err; } bool LangPAWN::IsCallbackPresent(const char *name) { int idx; return (amx_FindPublic(amx, name, &idx) == AMX_ERR_NONE); } boost::any LangPAWN::Call(const char *name, const char *argl, int buf, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, buf); cell ret = 0; vector<pair<cell *, char *>> strings; try { int idx = 0; int err = 0; err = amx_FindPublic(amx, name, &idx); if (err != AMX_ERR_NONE) throw runtime_error("PAWN runtime error (" + to_string(err) + "): \"" + string(aux_StrError(err)) + "\"."); unsigned int len = strlen(argl); vector<cell> args_amx; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { switch (argl[i]) { case 'i': args_amx.emplace_back(va_arg(args, unsigned int)); break; case 'q': args_amx.emplace_back(va_arg(args, signed int)); break; case 'l': args_amx.emplace_back(va_arg(args, unsigned long long)); break; case 'w': args_amx.emplace_back(va_arg(args, signed long long)); break; case 'f': { double value = va_arg(args, double); args_amx.emplace_back(amx_ftoc(value)); break; } case 'p': args_amx.emplace_back(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(va_arg(args, void*))); break; case 's': args_amx.emplace_back(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(va_arg(args, char*))); break; default: throw runtime_error("PAWN call: Unknown argument identifier " + argl[i]); } } for (unsigned int i = len; i; --i) { switch (argl[i - 1]) { case 's': { char *string = reinterpret_cast<char *>(static_cast<unsigned int>(args_amx[i - 1])); cell *store; amx_PushString(amx, &store, string, 1, 0); strings.emplace_back(store, string); break; } default: amx_Push(amx, args_amx[i - 1]); break; } } err = amx_Exec(amx, &ret, idx); if (err != AMX_ERR_NONE) throw runtime_error("PAWN runtime error (" + to_string(err) + "): \"" + string(aux_StrError(err)) + "\"."); if (buf != 0) for (const auto &str : strings) amx_GetString(str.second, str.first, 0, strlen(str.second) + 1); if (!strings.empty()) amx_Release(amx, strings[0].first); } catch (...) { va_end(args); if (!strings.empty()) amx_Release(amx, strings[0].first); throw; } return boost::any(ret); } boost::any LangPAWN::Call(const char *name, const char *argl, const std::vector<boost::any> &args) { cell ret = 0; cell *str = nullptr; try { int idx = 0; int err = 0; err = amx_FindPublic(amx, name, &idx); if (err != AMX_ERR_NONE) throw runtime_error("PAWN runtime error (" + to_string(err) + "): \"" + string(aux_StrError(err)) + "\"."); for (intptr_t i = strlen(argl) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { switch (argl[i]) { case 'i': { cell value = (cell) boost::any_cast<unsigned int>(args.at(i)); amx_Push(amx, value); break; } case 'q': { cell value = (cell) boost::any_cast<signed int>(args.at(i)); amx_Push(amx, value); break; } case 'l': { cell value = (cell) boost::any_cast<unsigned long long>(args.at(i)); amx_Push(amx, value); break; } case 'w': { cell value = (cell) boost::any_cast<signed long long>(args.at(i)); amx_Push(amx, value); break; } case 'f': { double value = boost::any_cast<double>(args.at(i)); amx_Push(amx, amx_ftoc(value)); break; } case 'p': { cell value = (cell) boost::any_cast<void *>(args.at(i)); amx_Push(amx, value); break; } case 's': { string string_ = boost::any_cast<string>(args.at(i)); cell *store; amx_PushString(amx, &store, string_.c_str(), 1, 0); if (!str) str = store; break; } default: throw runtime_error("PAWN call: Unknown argument identifier " + argl[i]); } } err = amx_Exec(amx, &ret, idx); if (err != AMX_ERR_NONE) throw runtime_error("PAWN runtime error (" + to_string(err) + "): \"" + string(aux_StrError(err)) + "\"."); if (str) amx_Release(amx, str); } catch (...) { if (str) amx_Release(amx, str); throw; } return ret; } template<size_t... Indices> inline AMX_NATIVE_INFO *LangPAWN::functions(indices<Indices...>) { static AMX_NATIVE_INFO functions_[sizeof...(Indices)]{ F_<Indices>::F... }; static_assert( sizeof(functions_) / sizeof(functions_[0]) == sizeof(ScriptFunctions::functions) / sizeof(ScriptFunctions::functions[0]), "Not all functions have been mapped to PAWN"); return functions_; } lib_t LangPAWN::GetInterface() { return reinterpret_cast<lib_t>(amx); } LangPAWN::LangPAWN() { //throw std::runtime_error("Pawn is no longer supported, use Terra/Lua!"); amx = new AMX(); } LangPAWN::LangPAWN(AMX *amx) { this->amx = amx; } LangPAWN::~LangPAWN() { }