forked from teamnwah/openmw-tes3coop
Seems to be closer to how MW is storing it (it has the complete FACT record in the savegame, actually). This (somewhat) breaks OMW savegame compatibility in that old changes are discarded, but I don't think the faction reactions are quest relevant anywhere.
512 lines
22 KiB
512 lines
22 KiB
namespace Compiler
namespace Ai
const int opcodeAiTravel = 0x20000;
const int opcodeAiTravelExplicit = 0x20001;
const int opcodeAiEscort = 0x20002;
const int opcodeAiEscortExplicit = 0x20003;
const int opcodeGetAiPackageDone = 0x200007c;
const int opcodeGetAiPackageDoneExplicit = 0x200007d;
const int opcodeGetCurrentAiPackage = 0x20001ef;
const int opcodeGetCurrentAiPackageExplicit = 0x20001f0;
const int opcodeGetDetected = 0x20001f1;
const int opcodeGetDetectedExplicit = 0x20001f2;
const int opcodeAiWander = 0x20010;
const int opcodeAiWanderExplicit = 0x20011;
const int opcodeAIActivate = 0x2001e;
const int opcodeAIActivateExplicit = 0x2001f;
const int opcodeAiEscortCell = 0x20020;
const int opcodeAiEscortCellExplicit = 0x20021;
const int opcodeAiFollow = 0x20022;
const int opcodeAiFollowExplicit = 0x20023;
const int opcodeAiFollowCell = 0x20024;
const int opcodeAiFollowCellExplicit = 0x20025;
const int opcodeSetHello = 0x200015c;
const int opcodeSetHelloExplicit = 0x200015d;
const int opcodeSetFight = 0x200015e;
const int opcodeSetFightExplicit = 0x200015f;
const int opcodeSetFlee = 0x2000160;
const int opcodeSetFleeExplicit = 0x2000161;
const int opcodeSetAlarm = 0x2000162;
const int opcodeSetAlarmExplicit = 0x2000163;
const int opcodeModHello = 0x20001b7;
const int opcodeModHelloExplicit = 0x20001b8;
const int opcodeModFight = 0x20001b9;
const int opcodeModFightExplicit = 0x20001ba;
const int opcodeModFlee = 0x20001bb;
const int opcodeModFleeExplicit = 0x20001bc;
const int opcodeModAlarm = 0x20001bd;
const int opcodeModAlarmExplicit = 0x20001be;
const int opcodeGetHello = 0x20001bf;
const int opcodeGetHelloExplicit = 0x20001c0;
const int opcodeGetFight = 0x20001c1;
const int opcodeGetFightExplicit = 0x20001c2;
const int opcodeGetFlee = 0x20001c3;
const int opcodeGetFleeExplicit = 0x20001c4;
const int opcodeGetAlarm = 0x20001c5;
const int opcodeGetAlarmExplicit = 0x20001c6;
const int opcodeGetLineOfSight = 0x2000222;
const int opcodeGetLineOfSightExplicit = 0x2000223;
const int opcodeToggleAI = 0x2000224;
const int opcodeToggleAIExplicit = 0x2000225;
const int opcodeGetTarget = 0x2000238;
const int opcodeGetTargetExplicit = 0x2000239;
const int opcodeStartCombat = 0x200023a;
const int opcodeStartCombatExplicit = 0x200023b;
const int opcodeStopCombat = 0x200023c;
const int opcodeStopCombatExplicit = 0x200023d;
const int opcodeFace = 0x200024c;
const int opcodeFaceExplicit = 0x200024d;
namespace Animation
const int opcodeSkipAnim = 0x2000138;
const int opcodeSkipAnimExplicit = 0x2000139;
const int opcodePlayAnim = 0x20006;
const int opcodePlayAnimExplicit = 0x20007;
const int opcodeLoopAnim = 0x20008;
const int opcodeLoopAnimExplicit = 0x20009;
namespace Cell
const int opcodeCellChanged = 0x2000000;
const int opcodeCOC = 0x2000026;
const int opcodeCOE = 0x2000226;
const int opcodeGetInterior = 0x2000131;
const int opcodeGetPCCell = 0x2000136;
const int opcodeGetWaterLevel = 0x2000141;
const int opcodeSetWaterLevel = 0x2000142;
const int opcodeModWaterLevel = 0x2000143;
namespace Console
namespace Container
const int opcodeAddItem = 0x2000076;
const int opcodeAddItemExplicit = 0x2000077;
const int opcodeGetItemCount = 0x2000078;
const int opcodeGetItemCountExplicit = 0x2000079;
const int opcodeRemoveItem = 0x200007a;
const int opcodeRemoveItemExplicit = 0x200007b;
const int opcodeEquip = 0x20001b3;
const int opcodeEquipExplicit = 0x20001b4;
const int opcodeGetArmorType = 0x20001d1;
const int opcodeGetArmorTypeExplicit = 0x20001d2;
const int opcodeHasItemEquipped = 0x20001d5;
const int opcodeHasItemEquippedExplicit = 0x20001d6;
const int opcodeHasSoulGem = 0x20001de;
const int opcodeHasSoulGemExplicit = 0x20001df;
const int opcodeGetWeaponType = 0x20001e0;
const int opcodeGetWeaponTypeExplicit = 0x20001e1;
namespace Control
const int numberOfControls = 7;
extern const char *controls[numberOfControls];
const int opcodeEnable = 0x200007e;
const int opcodeDisable = 0x2000085;
const int opcodeToggleCollision = 0x2000130;
const int opcodeClearForceRun = 0x2000154;
const int opcodeClearForceRunExplicit = 0x2000155;
const int opcodeForceRun = 0x2000156;
const int opcodeForceRunExplicit = 0x2000157;
const int opcodeClearForceJump = 0x2000258;
const int opcodeClearForceJumpExplicit = 0x2000259;
const int opcodeForceJump = 0x200025a;
const int opcodeForceJumpExplicit = 0x200025b;
const int opcodeClearForceMoveJump = 0x200025c;
const int opcodeClearForceMoveJumpExplicit = 0x200025d;
const int opcodeForceMoveJump = 0x200025e;
const int opcodeForceMoveJumpExplicit = 0x200025f;
const int opcodeClearForceSneak = 0x2000158;
const int opcodeClearForceSneakExplicit = 0x2000159;
const int opcodeForceSneak = 0x200015a;
const int opcodeForceSneakExplicit = 0x200015b;
const int opcodeGetDisabled = 0x2000175;
const int opcodeGetPcRunning = 0x20001c9;
const int opcodeGetPcSneaking = 0x20001ca;
const int opcodeGetForceRun = 0x20001cb;
const int opcodeGetForceSneak = 0x20001cc;
const int opcodeGetForceRunExplicit = 0x20001cd;
const int opcodeGetForceSneakExplicit = 0x20001ce;
const int opcodeGetForceJump = 0x2000260;
const int opcodeGetForceMoveJump = 0x2000262;
const int opcodeGetForceJumpExplicit = 0x2000261;
const int opcodeGetForceMoveJumpExplicit = 0x2000263;
namespace Dialogue
const int opcodeJournal = 0x2000133;
const int opcodeSetJournalIndex = 0x2000134;
const int opcodeGetJournalIndex = 0x2000135;
const int opcodeAddTopic = 0x200013a;
const int opcodeChoice = 0x2000a;
const int opcodeForceGreeting = 0x200014f;
const int opcodeForceGreetingExplicit = 0x2000150;
const int opcodeGoodbye = 0x2000152;
const int opcodeSetReputation = 0x20001ad;
const int opcodeModReputation = 0x20001ae;
const int opcodeSetReputationExplicit = 0x20001af;
const int opcodeModReputationExplicit = 0x20001b0;
const int opcodeGetReputation = 0x20001b1;
const int opcodeGetReputationExplicit = 0x20001b2;
const int opcodeSameFaction = 0x20001b5;
const int opcodeSameFactionExplicit = 0x20001b6;
const int opcodeModFactionReaction = 0x2000242;
const int opcodeSetFactionReaction = 0x20002ff;
const int opcodeGetFactionReaction = 0x2000243;
const int opcodeClearInfoActor = 0x2000245;
const int opcodeClearInfoActorExplicit = 0x2000246;
namespace Gui
const int opcodeEnableBirthMenu = 0x200000e;
const int opcodeEnableClassMenu = 0x200000f;
const int opcodeEnableNameMenu = 0x2000010;
const int opcodeEnableRaceMenu = 0x2000011;
const int opcodeEnableStatsReviewMenu = 0x2000012;
const int opcodeEnableInventoryMenu = 0x2000013;
const int opcodeEnableMagicMenu = 0x2000014;
const int opcodeEnableMapMenu = 0x2000015;
const int opcodeEnableStatsMenu = 0x2000016;
const int opcodeEnableRest = 0x2000017;
const int opcodeShowRestMenu = 0x2000018;
const int opcodeShowRestMenuExplicit = 0x2000234;
const int opcodeGetButtonPressed = 0x2000137;
const int opcodeToggleFogOfWar = 0x2000145;
const int opcodeToggleFullHelp = 0x2000151;
const int opcodeShowMap = 0x20001a0;
const int opcodeFillMap = 0x20001a1;
const int opcodeMenuTest = 0x2002c;
const int opcodeToggleMenus = 0x200024b;
namespace Misc
const int opcodeXBox = 0x200000c;
const int opcodeOnActivate = 0x200000d;
const int opcodeActivate = 0x2000075;
const int opcodeActivateExplicit = 0x2000244;
const int opcodeLock = 0x20004;
const int opcodeLockExplicit = 0x20005;
const int opcodeUnlock = 0x200008c;
const int opcodeUnlockExplicit = 0x200008d;
const int opcodeToggleCollisionDebug = 0x2000132;
const int opcodeToggleCollisionBoxes = 0x20001ac;
const int opcodeToggleWireframe = 0x200013b;
const int opcodeFadeIn = 0x200013c;
const int opcodeFadeOut = 0x200013d;
const int opcodeFadeTo = 0x200013e;
const int opcodeToggleWater = 0x2000144;
const int opcodeToggleWorld = 0x20002f5;
const int opcodeTogglePathgrid = 0x2000146;
const int opcodeDontSaveObject = 0x2000153;
const int opcodePcForce1stPerson = 0x20002f6;
const int opcodePcForce3rdPerson = 0x20002f7;
const int opcodePcGet3rdPerson = 0x20002f8;
const int opcodeToggleVanityMode = 0x2000174;
const int opcodeGetPcSleep = 0x200019f;
const int opcodeGetPcJumping = 0x2000233;
const int opcodeWakeUpPc = 0x20001a2;
const int opcodeGetLocked = 0x20001c7;
const int opcodeGetLockedExplicit = 0x20001c8;
const int opcodeGetEffect = 0x20001cf;
const int opcodeGetEffectExplicit = 0x20001d0;
const int opcodeBetaComment = 0x2000247;
const int opcodeBetaCommentExplicit = 0x2000248;
const int opcodeAddSoulGem = 0x20001f3;
const int opcodeAddSoulGemExplicit = 0x20001f4;
const int opcodeRemoveSoulGem = 0x20027;
const int opcodeRemoveSoulGemExplicit = 0x20028;
const int opcodeDrop = 0x20001f8;
const int opcodeDropExplicit = 0x20001f9;
const int opcodeDropSoulGem = 0x20001fa;
const int opcodeDropSoulGemExplicit = 0x20001fb;
const int opcodeGetAttacked = 0x20001d3;
const int opcodeGetAttackedExplicit = 0x20001d4;
const int opcodeGetWeaponDrawn = 0x20001d7;
const int opcodeGetWeaponDrawnExplicit = 0x20001d8;
const int opcodeGetSpellReadied = 0x2000231;
const int opcodeGetSpellReadiedExplicit = 0x2000232;
const int opcodeGetSpellEffects = 0x20001db;
const int opcodeGetSpellEffectsExplicit = 0x20001dc;
const int opcodeGetCurrentTime = 0x20001dd;
const int opcodeSetDelete = 0x20001e5;
const int opcodeSetDeleteExplicit = 0x20001e6;
const int opcodeGetSquareRoot = 0x20001e7;
const int opcodeFall = 0x200020a;
const int opcodeFallExplicit = 0x200020b;
const int opcodeGetStandingPc = 0x200020c;
const int opcodeGetStandingPcExplicit = 0x200020d;
const int opcodeGetStandingActor = 0x200020e;
const int opcodeGetStandingActorExplicit = 0x200020f;
const int opcodeGetCollidingPc = 0x2000250;
const int opcodeGetCollidingPcExplicit = 0x2000251;
const int opcodeGetCollidingActor = 0x2000252;
const int opcodeGetCollidingActorExplicit = 0x2000253;
const int opcodeHurtStandingActor = 0x2000254;
const int opcodeHurtStandingActorExplicit = 0x2000255;
const int opcodeHurtCollidingActor = 0x2000256;
const int opcodeHurtCollidingActorExplicit = 0x2000257;
const int opcodeGetWindSpeed = 0x2000212;
const int opcodePlayBink = 0x20001f7;
const int opcodeGoToJail = 0x2000235;
const int opcodePayFine = 0x2000236;
const int opcodePayFineThief = 0x2000237;
const int opcodeHitOnMe = 0x2000213;
const int opcodeHitOnMeExplicit = 0x2000214;
const int opcodeHitAttemptOnMe = 0x20002f9;
const int opcodeHitAttemptOnMeExplicit = 0x20002fa;
const int opcodeDisableTeleporting = 0x2000215;
const int opcodeEnableTeleporting = 0x2000216;
const int opcodeShowVars = 0x200021d;
const int opcodeShowVarsExplicit = 0x200021e;
const int opcodeToggleGodMode = 0x200021f;
const int opcodeDisableLevitation = 0x2000220;
const int opcodeEnableLevitation = 0x2000221;
const int opcodeCast = 0x2000227;
const int opcodeCastExplicit = 0x2000228;
const int opcodeExplodeSpell = 0x2000229;
const int opcodeExplodeSpellExplicit = 0x200022a;
const int opcodeGetPcInJail = 0x200023e;
const int opcodeGetPcTraveling = 0x200023f;
const int opcodeAddToLevCreature = 0x20002fb;
const int opcodeRemoveFromLevCreature = 0x20002fc;
const int opcodeAddToLevItem = 0x20002fd;
const int opcodeRemoveFromLevItem = 0x20002fe;
namespace Sky
const int opcodeToggleSky = 0x2000021;
const int opcodeTurnMoonWhite = 0x2000022;
const int opcodeTurnMoonRed = 0x2000023;
const int opcodeGetMasserPhase = 0x2000024;
const int opcodeGetSecundaPhase = 0x2000025;
const int opcodeGetCurrentWeather = 0x200013f;
const int opcodeChangeWeather = 0x2000140;
const int opcodeModRegion = 0x20026;
namespace Sound
const int opcodeSay = 0x2000001;
const int opcodeSayDone = 0x2000002;
const int opcodeStreamMusic = 0x2000003;
const int opcodePlaySound = 0x2000004;
const int opcodePlaySoundVP = 0x2000005;
const int opcodePlaySound3D = 0x2000006;
const int opcodePlaySound3DVP = 0x2000007;
const int opcodePlayLoopSound3D = 0x2000008;
const int opcodePlayLoopSound3DVP = 0x2000009;
const int opcodeStopSound = 0x200000a;
const int opcodeGetSoundPlaying = 0x200000b;
const int opcodeSayExplicit = 0x2000019;
const int opcodeSayDoneExplicit = 0x200001a;
const int opcodePlaySound3DExplicit = 0x200001b;
const int opcodePlaySound3DVPExplicit = 0x200001c;
const int opcodePlayLoopSound3DExplicit = 0x200001d;
const int opcodePlayLoopSound3DVPExplicit = 0x200001e;
const int opcodeStopSoundExplicit = 0x200001f;
const int opcodeGetSoundPlayingExplicit = 0x2000020;
namespace Stats
const int numberOfAttributes = 8;
const int numberOfDynamics = 3;
const int numberOfSkills = 27;
const int numberOfMagicEffects = 24;
const int opcodeGetAttribute = 0x2000027;
const int opcodeGetAttributeExplicit = 0x200002f;
const int opcodeSetAttribute = 0x2000037;
const int opcodeSetAttributeExplicit = 0x200003f;
const int opcodeModAttribute = 0x2000047;
const int opcodeModAttributeExplicit = 0x200004f;
const int opcodeGetDynamic = 0x2000057;
const int opcodeGetDynamicExplicit = 0x200005a;
const int opcodeSetDynamic = 0x200005d;
const int opcodeSetDynamicExplicit = 0x2000060;
const int opcodeModDynamic = 0x2000063;
const int opcodeModDynamicExplicit = 0x2000066;
const int opcodeModCurrentDynamic = 0x2000069;
const int opcodeModCurrentDynamicExplicit = 0x200006c;
const int opcodeGetDynamicGetRatio = 0x200006f;
const int opcodeGetDynamicGetRatioExplicit = 0x2000072;
const int opcodeGetSkill = 0x200008e;
const int opcodeGetSkillExplicit = 0x20000a9;
const int opcodeSetSkill = 0x20000c4;
const int opcodeSetSkillExplicit = 0x20000df;
const int opcodeModSkill = 0x20000fa;
const int opcodeModSkillExplicit = 0x2000115;
const int opcodeGetMagicEffect = 0x2000264;
const int opcodeGetMagicEffectExplicit = 0x200027c;
const int opcodeSetMagicEffect = 0x2000294;
const int opcodeSetMagicEffectExplicit = 0x20002ac;
const int opcodeModMagicEffect = 0x20002c4;
const int opcodeModMagicEffectExplicit = 0x20002dc;
const int opcodeGetPCCrimeLevel = 0x20001ec;
const int opcodeSetPCCrimeLevel = 0x20001ed;
const int opcodeModPCCrimeLevel = 0x20001ee;
const int opcodeAddSpell = 0x2000147;
const int opcodeAddSpellExplicit = 0x2000148;
const int opcodeRemoveSpell = 0x2000149;
const int opcodeRemoveSpellExplicit = 0x200014a;
const int opcodeGetSpell = 0x200014b;
const int opcodeGetSpellExplicit = 0x200014c;
const int opcodePCRaiseRank = 0x2000b;
const int opcodePCLowerRank = 0x2000c;
const int opcodePCJoinFaction = 0x2000d;
const int opcodePCRaiseRankExplicit = 0x20029;
const int opcodePCLowerRankExplicit = 0x2002a;
const int opcodePCJoinFactionExplicit = 0x2002b;
const int opcodeGetPCRank = 0x2000e;
const int opcodeGetPCRankExplicit = 0x2000f;
const int opcodeModDisposition = 0x200014d;
const int opcodeModDispositionExplicit = 0x200014e;
const int opcodeSetDisposition = 0x20001a4;
const int opcodeSetDispositionExplicit = 0x20001a5;
const int opcodeGetDisposition = 0x20001a6;
const int opcodeGetDispositionExplicit = 0x20001a7;
const int opcodeGetLevel = 0x200018c;
const int opcodeGetLevelExplicit = 0x200018d;
const int opcodeSetLevel = 0x200018e;
const int opcodeSetLevelExplicit = 0x200018f;
const int opcodeGetDeadCount = 0x20001a3;
const int opcodeGetPCFacRep = 0x20012;
const int opcodeGetPCFacRepExplicit = 0x20013;
const int opcodeSetPCFacRep = 0x20014;
const int opcodeSetPCFacRepExplicit = 0x20015;
const int opcodeModPCFacRep = 0x20016;
const int opcodeModPCFacRepExplicit = 0x20017;
const int opcodeGetCommonDisease = 0x20001a8;
const int opcodeGetCommonDiseaseExplicit = 0x20001a9;
const int opcodeGetBlightDisease = 0x20001aa;
const int opcodeGetBlightDiseaseExplicit = 0x20001ab;
const int opcodeGetRace = 0x20001d9;
const int opcodeGetRaceExplicit = 0x20001da;
const int opcodePcExpelled = 0x20018;
const int opcodePcExpelledExplicit = 0x20019;
const int opcodePcExpell = 0x2001a;
const int opcodePcExpellExplicit = 0x2001b;
const int opcodePcClearExpelled = 0x2001c;
const int opcodePcClearExpelledExplicit = 0x2001d;
const int opcodeRaiseRank = 0x20001e8;
const int opcodeRaiseRankExplicit = 0x20001e9;
const int opcodeLowerRank = 0x20001ea;
const int opcodeLowerRankExplicit = 0x20001eb;
const int opcodeOnDeath = 0x20001fc;
const int opcodeOnDeathExplicit = 0x2000205;
const int opcodeOnMurder = 0x2000249;
const int opcodeOnMurderExplicit = 0x200024a;
const int opcodeOnKnockout = 0x2000240;
const int opcodeOnKnockoutExplicit = 0x2000241;
const int opcodeBecomeWerewolf = 0x2000217;
const int opcodeBecomeWerewolfExplicit = 0x2000218;
const int opcodeUndoWerewolf = 0x2000219;
const int opcodeUndoWerewolfExplicit = 0x200021a;
const int opcodeSetWerewolfAcrobatics = 0x200021b;
const int opcodeSetWerewolfAcrobaticsExplicit = 0x200021c;
const int opcodeIsWerewolf = 0x20001fd;
const int opcodeIsWerewolfExplicit = 0x20001fe;
const int opcodeGetWerewolfKills = 0x20001e2;
const int opcodeRemoveSpellEffects = 0x200022b;
const int opcodeRemoveSpellEffectsExplicit = 0x200022c;
const int opcodeRemoveEffects = 0x200022d;
const int opcodeRemoveEffectsExplicit = 0x200022e;
const int opcodeResurrect = 0x200022f;
const int opcodeResurrectExplicit = 0x2000230;
const int opcodeGetStat = 0x200024e;
const int opcodeGetStatExplicit = 0x200024f;
namespace Transformation
const int opcodeSetScale = 0x2000164;
const int opcodeSetScaleExplicit = 0x2000165;
const int opcodeSetAngle = 0x2000166;
const int opcodeSetAngleExplicit = 0x2000167;
const int opcodeGetScale = 0x2000168;
const int opcodeGetScaleExplicit = 0x2000169;
const int opcodeGetAngle = 0x200016a;
const int opcodeGetAngleExplicit = 0x200016b;
const int opcodeGetPos = 0x2000190;
const int opcodeGetPosExplicit = 0x2000191;
const int opcodeSetPos = 0x2000192;
const int opcodeSetPosExplicit = 0x2000193;
const int opcodeGetStartingPos = 0x2000194;
const int opcodeGetStartingPosExplicit = 0x2000195;
const int opcodeGetStartingAngle = 0x2000210;
const int opcodeGetStartingAngleExplicit = 0x2000211;
const int opcodePosition = 0x2000196;
const int opcodePositionExplicit = 0x2000197;
const int opcodePositionCell = 0x2000198;
const int opcodePositionCellExplicit = 0x2000199;
const int opcodePlaceItemCell = 0x200019a;
const int opcodePlaceItem = 0x200019b;
const int opcodePlaceAtPc = 0x200019c;
const int opcodePlaceAtMe = 0x200019d;
const int opcodePlaceAtMeExplicit = 0x200019e;
const int opcodeModScale = 0x20001e3;
const int opcodeModScaleExplicit = 0x20001e4;
const int opcodeRotate = 0x20001ff;
const int opcodeRotateExplicit = 0x2000200;
const int opcodeRotateWorld = 0x2000201;
const int opcodeRotateWorldExplicit = 0x2000202;
const int opcodeSetAtStart = 0x2000203;
const int opcodeSetAtStartExplicit = 0x2000204;
const int opcodeMove = 0x2000206;
const int opcodeMoveExplicit = 0x2000207;
const int opcodeMoveWorld = 0x2000208;
const int opcodeMoveWorldExplicit = 0x2000209;
const int opcodeResetActors = 0x20002f4;
namespace User
const int opcodeUser1 = 0x200016c;
const int opcodeUser2 = 0x200016d;
const int opcodeUser3 = 0x200016e;
const int opcodeUser3Explicit = 0x200016f;
const int opcodeUser4 = 0x2000170;
const int opcodeUser4Explicit = 0x2000171;